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Transition to Adulthood/Special Needs
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Achieving Successful Transitions for Young People with
Disabilities: a Practical Guide. Jill Hughes & Natalie Lackenby,
This best practice guide provides a blueprint for
managing seamless transitions between services for young people aged 16-25 with
additional needs, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities,
complex health needs and sensory impairments. An essential resource for all
those involved in supporting young people with additional needs through
transitions, including social workers and social work students, occupational
therapists, speech and language therapists, health professionals and special
education teachers. |
ADD and Your Money: a Guide to Personal Finance for Adults with Attention-Deficit Disorder. Stephanie Sarkis & Karl Klein, $22.95
When you have attention-deficit disorder (ADD), you don't spend money like most other people. Past-due bills and impulsive spending can throw your finances into turmoil, and because these financial pitfalls are directly related to your ADD symptoms, they can seem impossible to overcome.
The good news is that it is possible to get ADD-related
financial disorganization under control and begin to enjoy a more
stable relationship to your money. ADD AND YOUR MONEY will show
you how. This friendly guide, written with your ADD in mind, includes
information on everything you need to know about managing your finances
and staying in control. |
An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis: a Guide for the
Newly Diagnosed. Gillan Drew, $17.95
Being diagnosed with autism as an adult can be
disorienting and isolating; however, if you can understand the condition and
how it affects perceptions, relationships, and your relationship with the world
in general, a happy and successful life is attainable. Through an introduction
to the autism spectrum, and how the Level 1 diagnosis is characterised, the
author draws on personal experiences to provide positive advice on dealing with
life, health, and relationships following an adult diagnosis.
The effect of autism on social skills is described with
tips for dealing with family and personal relationships, parenting, living
arrangements, and employment. Important topics include disclosure, available
resources, and options for different therapeutic routes. On reading this book,
you will learn a lot more about the autism spectrum at Level 1, be able to
separate the facts from the myths, and gain an appreciation of the strengths of
autism, and how autism can affect many aspects of everyday life. Drawing from the
author's lived experience, this book is an essential guide for all newly
diagnosed adults on the autism spectrum, their families and friends, and all
professionals new to working with adults with ASDs. |
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Adults on the
Autism Spectrum Leave the Nest: Achieving Supported Independence.
Nancy Perry, $31.95
Children on the Autism Spectrum often grow up to find they are unable to cope effectively with the challenges of adult life. This book shows that, with the appropriate lifelong care from parents and caregivers, it is possible for those with neuro-developmental disabilities to achieve supported independence and live fulfilling adult lives. |
An Asperger Leader’s Guide to Living
and Leading Change. Rosalind Bergemann, $25.95
People with Asperger Syndrome (AS) often
struggle with change and this is magnified when it is part of their
professional role to manage and lead change. Written by a business leader with
Asperger Syndrome, this practical guide provides advice and strategies for
coping with and implementing change in the workplace. Combining theory and
practice with case studies and hands-on tools, the book aims to help those who
find change particularly difficult to overcome these challenges and use their
unique talents and skills to become change champions in the workplace. The book
explores the change management life cycle and how it affects leaders with AS
and teaches key skills for successfully leading change, preparing staff for
change, and dealing with the effects of change on the organization as a whole.
This is a vital leadership development
handbook for executive-level business professionals with Asperger Syndrome as
well as those who aspire to careers in these roles. |
Asperger Syndrome
and Employment: a Personal Guide for Succeeding at Work.
Nick Dubin, $39.95 DVD format, 43 minutes
People with Asperger Syndrome can find it difficult
to work in an environment that involves socialization with colleagues
or a lack of routine. ASPERGER SYNDROME AND EMPLOYMENT shows how
success in the workplace is possible with perseverance and with
the right supports and strategies in place. Nick Dubin discusses
his own experiences at work and highlights challenges common among
employees with AS. Dubin advises how to succeed in the workplace
and offers practical advice on finding employment in line with your
interests, making use of job coaches, developing self-esteem, using
your strengths and being honest to yourself and others about your
weaknesses. |
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Asperger Syndrome:
Transition to College and Work. Coulter Video, $13.95 DVD
format, 57 minutes
offers practical steps that students can take during high school
to help them prepare for college and the work place. The DVD includes
techniques to help students understand their role in the transition
process; obtain special education services at their college and
to learn how to be self-advocates. Tips on finding a career field
that uses their interests, strengths and talents round out this
valuable and practical learning tool. |
An Asperger's Guide to Entrepreneurship: Setting Up
Your Own Business for Professionals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Rosalind
Bergemann, $34.95
Entrepreneurship can be an ideal career option for
enterprising individuals with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and
this detailed guide explains how to tell if being self-employed is right for
you and how to go about starting and growing your own business. Written by a
successful entrepreneur and business consultant with Asperger Syndrome, this
book provides all the guidance you need on the practicalities of starting up a
company. The unique strengths that Asperger leaders can bring to a new business
venture are highlighted and solutions are offered for elements of
entrepreneurship that can create stumbling blocks such as developing working
relationships within your company, marketing yourself and your business,
managing finances, networking and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Full of pragmatic advice, case studies from established business owners with
Asperger Syndrome and practical tools for professional development, this is an
essential start-up handbook for anyone on the spectrum considering making the
leap to becoming an entrepreneur. |
On the Job. Rudy Simone, $27.95
Must-have advice for people with Asperger’s or high-functioning autism and their employers, educators and advocates. |
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Asperger’s Syndrome Workplace
Survival Guide: a Neurotypical’s Secrets for Success. Barbara Bissonnette, $29.95
The workplace can be a difficult
environment for people with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) and this often impedes
their ability to make use of particular skills and sustain meaningful and
fulfilling employment.
This is the definitive guide to
surviving and thriving in the workplace for people with AS. It includes
everything from realistic strategies for meeting employer expectations, to how
to get along with your colleagues and work as part of a team, multitask and
manage projects, and handle anxiety and effectively resolve problems. Common
employment challenges are illustrated through examples from the author's
extensive experience coaching individuals with AS at all job levels, from
entry-level to manager and professional positions.
The pragmatic recommendations in the
book will benefit anyone with AS who is entering the workforce, as well as
those who struggle to maintain employment, or who want to improve their
performance and advance their careers. |
The Aspie College, Work & Travel Survival Guide.
J.D. Kraus, $26.95
The time right after high school can be very a
frightening experience. What a person decides from this point on ultimately
affects the rest of his or her life. This book is not intended to tell the
reader what to do with his/her life. Rather, its focus is on helping them
transition, prepare, and hopefully succeed in whatever their future endeavors
may prove to be, primarily higher education and work.
The book analyzes three
important points. The first one covers higher education and university
colleges. The book goes into detail on the steps in enrolling for a school,
campus life, teachers, school surroundings, study tips, disability services,
and more. The next point explores the workforce and how an individual with
Autism can prepare for employment. This section includes: resume building, job
interview tips, commuting, managing money, and networking. The final point
reviews basic tips on traveling abroad, including how to pack, choosing an
airline, what to bring, and how to behave and dress in a foreign country. |
AutiPower! Successful Living and Working with an
Autism Spectrum Disorder. Herman Jansen & Betty Rombout,
AUTIPOWER presents a series of candid interviews with
adults on the autism spectrum that offers a unique insight into their work and
life experiences. Through these inspiring accounts we hear of the many ways
that people with autism have overcome challenges and used their autism traits
for employment success. From software engineers, to company directors, to those
who work in autism advocacy, the interviewees openly discuss the pitfalls and
the positives of working life with autism. Also interviewed are autism
professionals, career coaches and employers who discuss the value and great
talents that people with autism bring to the workplace. |
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Autism and Enablement: Occupational Therapy Approaches
to Promote Independence for Adults with Autism. Matt Bushell, Sandra Gasson
& Ute Vann, $37.95
Adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) or a
suspected diagnosis often have hidden needs that go unmet by public services.
This book describes and analyses the Kent ASC enablement approach, a short-term
intervention led by occupational therapy to promote people with ASC becoming
more self-aware and self-sufficient outside of public services.
Designed to teach adults with ASC strategies for
controlling their sensory, motor-processing and social-communication needs and
preferences, this person-centred approach gives them greater self-management
over their lives. The book also provides an overview of a range of both
professional and self-help tools and technologies which can be used by adults
with ASC to increase independence and wellbeing. Case-studies demonstrate the
transformative effects of enablement on daily life for adults with ASC. The
book also provides recommendation for building on the enablement approach. |
Autism Equality in the Workplace: Removing Barriers and
Challenging Discrimination. Janine Booth, $25.95
Neurodiversity in the workplace can be a gift. Yet only
15% of adults with an autism spectrum condition (ASC) are in full-time
employment. This book examines how the working environment can embrace autistic
people in a positive way. The author highlights common challenges in the
workplace for people with ASC, such as discrimination and lack of communication
or the right kind of support from managers and colleagues, and provides
strategies for changing them. Setting out practical, reasonable adjustments
such as a quiet room or avoiding disruption to work schedules, this book
demonstrates how day to day changes in the workplace can make it more inclusive
and productive for all employees.
Autism Equality in the Workplace is intended for any person
with an interest in changing working culture to ensure equality for autistic
people. It is an essential resource for employers, managers, trade unionists,
people with ASCs and their workmates and supporters. |
Autism and Learning Differences: an Active Learning
Teaching Toolkit. Michael McManmon, $89.95 (ages 16-26)
Teaching essential skills for life, school, work, and
independent living, this comprehensive and practical toolkit supports educators
and clinicians in their work with adolescents and young adults with an Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Learning Difference (LD) diagnosis. It presents
tried-and-true strategies that address difficulties with social skills and
Executive Function, cognitive rigidity, self-esteem issues, and more. It
- Focused chapters on skills for life, school, work, and
independent living
- Photocopiable teaching materials and tips for classroom
- Sections on peer-mentoring, mediation, and inclusion
- Assessment strategies, including student self-assessment
materials and feedback forms
Drawing on over 30 years' teaching experience at the
College Internship Program (CIP), Dr. Michael McManmon's toolkit is a complete
curriculum for educators, clinicians, and professionals who teach or advise
young adults on the ASD or LD Spectrum. It can also be used effectively by
parents and individuals for self-study. |
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Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mid and Later Life. Edited
by Scott Wright, $59.95
Bringing together international academics and
professionals who are actively researching and working in the field, this
pioneering scholarly volume covers the issues faced by individuals with Autism
Spectrum Disorder(ASD) in mid and later life.
Including a range of personal, academic and clinical
perspectives, the book considers historical and contemporary perspectives on
autism, including diagnosis, developmental outcomes and life course issues.
Attention is given to medical, care and psychological issues that arise as
people with ASD age, such as declining cognitive function and speech and
communication issues. Family, community support, housing, advocacy, and
socio-cultural considerations for older adults with ASD are also given careful
consideration, and there are chapters on relationship and sexuality issues and
on environmental design. |
The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law: What Every
Parent and Professional Needs to Know. Tony Attwood, Isabelle Hénault and Nick
Dubin, $39.95
The complex world of sex and appropriate sexual behaviour
can be extremely challenging for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
and, without guidance, many find themselves in vulnerable situations. This book
examines how the ASD profile typically affects sexuality and how sexual
development differs between the general population and those with ASD. It
explains the legalities of sexual behaviour, how laws differ from country to
country, and the possibility for adjustment of existing laws as they are
applied to the ASD population. With advice on how to help people with autism
spectrum disorder gain a better understanding of sexuality and a comprehensive
list of resources, the book highlights the need for a more informed societal
approach to the psychosexual development of people with ASD. |
Autism and the Transition to Adulthood: Success Beyond
the Classroom. Paul Wehman, Marcia Datlow Smith & Carol Schall, $53.50
Professionals who work with young adults will get
hard-to-find information on how specific social, behavioral, and cognitive
characteristics of people with autism affect the transition to adulthood,
exploring potential challenges and traits that can be powerful assets. Then
they'll get a complete guide that walks them through every aspect of transition
planning, including planning for employment and postsecondary education. Compelling
stories throughout the book illustrate how successful transition planning
improved the lives of three diverse teenagers, and the practical forms,
checklists, and suggested resources and links help readers put the proven
strategies into action. A must for every member of the transition
team—including general and special educators, transition specialists,
employment specialists, and counselors—this is the ultimate resource for
supporting the goals, dreams, and future success of young adults with autism. |
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Business for Aspies:
42 Best Practices for Using Asperger Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully.
Ashley Stanford, $29.95
Following the DSM system and an easy to use format, Ashley Stanford addresses all of the issues that can arise once a person with AS secures employment, through the eyes of both employee and employer.
Describing what might be expected of any employee, she offers helpful tips and workarounds not only to enable AS individuals achieve their fullest potential, but to take advantage of their strengths. In a positive and upbeat tone, she shows that with the right supports and strategies, it is possible to overcome the day-to-day challenges that trip up even the most savvy Aspie. Drawing on her experience as CEO of a computer software company, she also suggests steps that employers and managers can take to improve the working environment for people with AS, and take advantage of their strengths to enable them to become outstanding employees. |
Coach In the Kitchen: Recipes with Step-by-Step
Instructions. Penny Gill, $35.95 
Coach in the Kitchen includes a 36-page manual and
complete toolkit on teaching groups of students with Aspergers and other forms
of Autism Spectrum Disorder how to cook. The instructions for all recipes have
been written for a wide range of learners. Triple-tested for clarity and
flavour by students and their coaches in the author's cooking school for teens
and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, these recipes are clear and easy to
follow. The manual has guidelines on:
- Effective teaching strategies for students with Autism Spectrum
Disorders and other special needs
- Specific visual teaching tools to develop cooking and social
- How to quell students’ anxieties
- Suitable introductory activities
- Teaching healthy eating habits using documented learning styles
of those with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Facilitating social development at mealtime
- Teaching conversation skills using The Conversation Menu
- 290 pages of task-analysed recipes — recipes broken into small
steps, in simple, clear terms — make explicit everything that needs doing
With an emphasize on healthy eating habits, recipes
include standard Nutrition Facts boxes showing nutrients in each
serving — calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, protein, and
vitamins and minerals. Every recipe lists all utensils and appliances needed.
Major appliances — oven, stovetop, microwave — are listed, too. You can see at a
glance if the utensils and appliances required are ones you want to use.
Specially developed for those with Asperger's and other
forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, this cookbook is perfect for anyone learning
to cook—whether or not they have special needs. |
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Coaching College Students with Executive Function
Problems. Mary Kennedy, $46.95
Although executive function difficulties are often
addressed in school-age children, there are few resources showing how to help
these individuals when they are older. This book presents a dynamic coaching
model that helps college students become self-regulated learners by improving
their goal-setting, planning, time management, and organizational skills. Ideal
for use with students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
learning disabilities, acquired brain injury, and other challenges, Mary
Kennedy's approach incorporates motivational interviewing and emphasizes
practical problem solving. User-friendly features include numerous concrete examples,
sample dialogues, and print and online resource listings. In a large-size
format for easy photocopying, the book contains 21 reproducible forms.
Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the
reproducible materials for repeated use. |
College for Students with Disabilities: We Do Belong. Pavan
John Antony & Stephen Shore, Editors, $33.95
"You are not college material" or "you
don't belong in college" are comments frequently heard by students with
disabilities. Despite this, college education is now an expected part of the
transition to adulthood for many individuals with disabilities. The book
includes practical advice to encourage self-advocacy in students with
disabilities, and to support the professionals who are facing the challenges
alongside them. This book presents a realistic picture of the positive and
negative aspects of the transition to higher education as experienced by
students with disabilities. It combines findings from special education
studies, personal stories from individuals with disabilities, and practical
tips to help those facing the challenges.
Covering cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities,
and much more, this is vital reading for parents, individuals with
disabilities, school teachers, college professors, and professionals working
with adults with disabilities. |
College Success
for Students with Learning Disabilities. Cynthia Simpson
& Vicky Spencer, $22.95
Strategies and tips for making the most out of your college experience. |
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College Success for Students with
Physical Disabilities. Chris Wise
Tiedemann, $22.95
COLLEGE SUCCESS FOR STUDENTS WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES is a college planning guide for students with
physical disabilities and chronic medical conditions. Students will learn about
their rights under the laws governing education and disability, self-advocacy,
choosing a college, how having a physical disability affects admissions
testing, the increased responsibilities in college, and how to make sure they
get everything they need. The book contains forms, checklists, interviews with
other students, advice from college disability services personnel, and profiles
of disability-friendly colleges across the United States. |
The Complete Guide to Creating a
Special Needs Life Plan. Hal Wright, $35.95
The purpose of special needs planning is
to create the best possible life for an adult with a disability. This book
provides comprehensive guidance on creating a life plan to transition a special
needs child to independence or to ensure they are well cared for in the future.
Beginning with a vision of a meaningful life for the child, Hal Wright explains
how to form a practical plan to reach these goals, how to mentor personal
empowerment and task skills, and how to create circles of support to sustain a
life plan. Finally he talks the reader through important financial and legal
considerations, including how to fund and manage a special needs trust. This
book will be essential reading for all parents or guardians of a child with a
cognitive, mental or physical impairment. It will also be of interest to
attorneys, financial planners, insurance agents, trust officers and other
professionals looking to better serve the special needs community. |
The Complete Guide to Getting a Job
for People with Asperger’s Syndrome: Find the Right Career and Get Hired. Barbara Bissonnette, $29.95
Finding a job is a confusing and
anxiety-provoking process for many individuals with Asperger's Syndrome (AS)
who may not know what they are qualified to do and may struggle to communicate
their value to employers. In this book, Asperger's employment expert Barbara
Bissonnette describes exactly what it takes to get hired in the neurotypical
Every aspect of finding employment is
covered, from defining strengths and researching occupations, to marketing
oneself and projecting confidence and enthusiasm in interviews. Job-hunters are
taught how to develop a personal profile of their talents and skills, their
ideal work environment, and important work criteria. They are then shown how to
set realistic goals and develop an effective job search plan. There is detailed
instruction on networking, including how to find contacts and what to say. A
wealth of checklists, templates, sample scripts and written communications
accompany the text.
Upfront, engaging and highly practical,
this will be an essential guide for individuals with AS entering the workforce
for the first time, as well as experienced workers who have lost jobs or wish
to change careers but are uncertain about how to find the best match for their
abilities. |
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Skills On the Job and In the Community: a Curriculum for Adolescents
and Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Marilyn Banks,
Conversation Skills II: Extending
Conversations — a Curriculum for Adolescents and Adults with
Developmental Disabilities. Marilyn Banks, $71.95
Workers with developmental disabilities often lose jobs and experience other social problems because of poor conversation skills and subsequent isolation. Conversation Skills and Conversations Skils II, by speech and language therapist Dr. Marilyn Banks, cover the basic and essential communication skills that will help young people enjoy successful job experiences and more fulfilling and independent social lives.
Each book has more than 50 self-paced, self-managed lessons, and take only 12 weeks of bi-weekly, 10 minute training sessions during which students acquire a ready social repertoire. All materials in the books are reproducible. The books include a Win/Mac CD with a printable PDF containing all the reproducibles in the book. |
Dear Diana... Diana's Guide to Independent Living: For
Adolescents and Young Adults With Different Learning Styles and Special Needs.
Diana Bilezikian, $24.95
After graduating from high school, the author attended
Chapel Haven, a program for young adults with special needs and learning
differences. This practical resource is an outgrowth of a series of emails she
sent to relatives and friends about her life and the skills she was learning.
Backed by the president of Chapel Haven, Diana’s original ideas have been
expanded into a helpful collection of advice and support for how to live an
independent and meaningful life. Hints and suggestions are grouped under the
major headings of Life, Consumer, and Financial Skills; Communication and
Interpersonal Skills; Self-Care and Domestic Living; Getting Around; Stress
Management; Taking Charge, Managing Priorities, and Solving Problems; and
Safety and Emergencies. |
Demystifying Transition Assessment. Colleen Thoma & Ronald Tamura, $38.50
Assessment is the cornerstone of every
good transition plan. This practical guide demystifies the what, when, why, and
how of collecting transition assessment data-and using the results to help
students with disabilities prepare for adulthood.
To help you find the assessment tools
that best meet your needs, the book includes an invaluable quick-reference
guide to more than 90 transition assessments and which areas they assess.
You'll also get sample forms for assessing student skills and goals,
enhancing transition IEPs, helping students plan for college and employment,
and much more. Strengthen transition assessment in 7 key areas:
- Academics
- Self-determination
- Employment
- Community living
- Postsecondary education
- Recreation and leisure
- Health care
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Developing College
Skills in Students with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. Sarita
Freedman, $33.95
Going to college can be a daunting prospect for any young person, but for teenagers on the autism spectrum this is especially true. This book describes the unique needs that ASD students entering further or higher education are likely to have. The author identifies the key skill-sets they will need to develop in order to be successful in college and in life, and shows how they can be helped to develop these.
This book is essential reading for psychologists, special educators, educational therapists, high school teachers/career counselors, and other professionals supporting high school and college students on the autism spectrum. Parents of such students will also benefit from the ideas presented in this book. |
Developing Identity,
Strengths, and Self-Perception for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder:
the BASICS College Curriculum. Michelle
Rigler, Amy Rutherford & Emily Quinn, $49.95
The BASICS College
Curriculum presents a hands-on approach to learning essential independence and
life skills for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This book helps
young adults to explore their identity and self-perception and encourages them
to consider their personal characteristics and strengths.
Ideal as a textbook for ASD college programs run
by disability support services and suitable for students to use for self-study,
it focuses on reframing the student's perception of ASD by looking at personal
experiences, the language of diagnosis, and ASD in the media and it encourages
students to identify their strengths in social, group or work settings. Each
lesson provides valuable information and advice for the student, useful
diagrams, practical exercises and workbook components that can be filled in at
home or in class, and self-assessment tools. |
Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with
Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism, Revised Edition. Temple
Grandin & Kate Duffy, $28.95
This career planning guide is written specifically for
high-functioning adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum, their
families, teachers, and counselors. The two authors weave together a unique
blend of information and advice based on personal experiences. Temple Grandin
draws from her own experience with autism spectrum disorders and her professional
career, and Kate Duffy uses her expertise on employment issues and the mother
of two teenagers with autistic-like behaviors. The result is an extremely
useful and practical book that introduces step-by-step processes for the job
search with a major section on the impact ASD has in the workplace, including
managing sensory problems, how to nurture and turn talents and special
interests into paid work, jobs that are particularly suited to individuals on
the spectrum, and much more. First-hand accounts of job experiences and advice
from individuals representing a broad range of careers particularly suited for
high-functioning individuals on the autism spectrum round off this exciting new
resource. |
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Developing Workplace Skills for Young Adults with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: the BASICS College Curriculum. Michelle Rigler,
Amy Rutherford & Emily Quinn, $49.95
The BASICS College Curriculum presents a hands-on
approach to learning essential independence and life skills for students and
new graduates with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The new book in the series
helps young adults to develop strategies for successfully managing workplace
challenges, both before they enter the workplace and during employment.
Students or recent graduates are shown how to identify
and develop strategies to overcome common challenges associated with ASD in the
workplace. These include communication and social interactions with colleagues,
working in a team, proactively and successfully managing workload, dealing with
stress, and managing their emotions. Ideal for graduates to use independently
or for students in their last year of college, each chapter has a lesson-based
progressive structure, providing valuable information and advice for the
student, useful diagrams, practical exercises and workbook components that can
be filled in at home or in class. Self-assessment tools ensure the skills from
each chapter can be reviewed and adjusted as necessary. The book can be used on
its own or in conjunction with the other books in the BASICS curriculum for a
complete program of self-development. |
DIFFERENT ...Not Less: Inspiring
Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism,
Asperger's, and ADHD. Temple Grandin, $27.50
In these pages, Temple Grandin presents
the personal success stories of fourteen unique individuals that illustrate the
extraordinary potential of those on the autism spectrum. One of Temple's
primary missions is to help people with autism, Asperger's syndrome, and ADHD
tap into their hidden abilities. Temple chose these contributors, from a wide
variety of different skill sets, to show how it can be done. Each individual
tells their own story, in their own words, about their lives, relationships,
and eventual careers.
The contributors also share how they dealt with issues they confronted while
growing up, such as bullying, making eye contact, and honing social skills. DIFFERENT ...NOT LESS shows how, with work, each of the contributors:
- Found invaluable mentors
- Learned skills necessary for employment when
- Became successfully employed
- Developed self-confidence
- Faced the challenges of forming and maintaining
relationships, and sometimes raising families
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The Down Syndrome
Transition Handbook: Charting Your Child’s Course to Adulthood. JoAnn Simons, $32.95
The Down Syndrome Transition Handbook helps parents with the enormous and often overwhelming task of preparing a child with Down syndrome or other intellectual disability for adulthood. It is full of practical tips and step-by-step instructions for envisioning their child’s future, developing a transition plan and seeing it through. |
Drinking, Drug Use and Addiction In the Autism
Community. Elizabeth Kunreuther & Ann Palmer, $33.95
What is the connection between autism and addiction? Why
are individuals with autism more likely to develop a substance use disorder
than the general population?
Until recently, substance use disorder (SUD) was
considered rare among those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This book
brings together current research and personal accounts from individuals with
autism and their supports. It explores why addiction is more common among
individuals with ASD and investigates how addiction and autism affect one
another. The authors also provide strategies for supporting people with both
ASD and SUD. |
An Employer's Guide to Managing Professionals on the
Autism Spectrum. Marcia Scheiner, with Joan Bogden, $33.95
This is a comprehensive reference guide for managers and
colleagues of people with Asperger's Syndrome. The book outlines the day-to-day
workplace challenges faced by those with AS and then provides practical
strategies to solve them in a respectful way. This book will help anyone engage
with and support co-workers with AS to ensure mutual success. |
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Empowering Students with Hidden Disabilities: a Path
to Pride and Success. Margo Vreeburg Izzo & LeDerick Horne, $37.50
How can you empower students with invisible disabilities
to manage their challenges, accept and advocate for themselves, and reach their
goals and dreams? This guidebook has inspiring and informative answers. Told
with the authentic voices of adults with hidden disabilities, this encouraging,
eye-opening book will help you guide students on the Path to Disability Pride
and support their success in the classroom and community. Personal stories
blend with powerful strategies as the authors share reflections on their
experience with disability — and offer up practical teaching tips and
interventions based on the latest research. An essential resource for
educators, families, and self-advocates, this book will help students with
non-visible disabilities dare to dream big and unlock their full potential.
- promote disability pride within students, schools, and
- teach critical life skills, including social-emotional, executive
function, reading, and coping skills
- reduce the stigma of hidden disabilities
- develop mentoring programs that connect students with advice and
- assist college students as they navigate the challenges of campus
life and classes
- prepare young adults to launch fulfilling careers and
responsible, self-determined adult lives
- help students develop authentic and meaningful relationships with
- support students with a range of hidden disabilities, including
ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, and emotional and behavioral disturbance
The Essential Guide to Safe Travel-Training for
Children with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities. Desirée Gallimore,
For those growing up with an intellectual disability or
autism, comfortable, safe and independent travel will prove an invaluable life
skill. The key to pursuing fulfilling work and leisure activities and
developing as an individual, it also brings a liberating level of
self-sufficiency and reassurance of equality within society.
Arriving at this goal can be daunting. Dr Gallimore's
straightforward five-step system will guide parents and professionals through
successful training for children of any age and ability. Focusing on
understanding each child's individual goals and challenges, it gives you the
'ingredients' needed to fully prepare for each journey in advance, and shows
how to judge when to step back and let the child progress alone. Addressing
specific fears and obstacles that make travel difficult for children with
learning difficulties, it sets out all the precautions necessary to safeguard
children and others as they learn to reach their chosen destinations.
Clear-cut and far-reaching, this book is enriched by Dr
Gallimore's extensive experience as a psychologist, mobility specialist and
travel-trainer. It is a heartening resource and will be necessary reading for
anyone working with a child to get them on their path to independent travel. |
Essentials of
Transition Planning. Paul Wehman, $43.95
For young people with disabilities, crossing the bridge to adulthood will be empowering instead of intimidating — when their support teams know the essentials of effective transition planning. Now all the fundamentals of well-crafted transition plans are collected in one concise quick-guide. An invaluable one-stop guide to the basics of transition planning, this book is a must-own for anyone supporting young people with disabilities as they navigate life beyond the classroom. |
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Exploring Friendships, Puberty and Relationships: a
Programme to Help Children and Young People on the Autism Spectrum to Cope with
the Challenges of Adolescence. Kate Ripley, $49.95
This evidence-based programme is designed to help young
people on the autism spectrum to cope with the many challenges of adolescence.
It encourages them to explore their identity, develop their friendships and to
begin to think more about adult relationships, tackling the important related
issues of puberty, sexuality, gender identity, body image, dress codes,
self-care, safety and conventions for touching along the way. Designed to be
used either as a 30-consecutive-session programme or to be dipped into as
particular issues arise, it contains engaging lesson plans, supplementary
activities, take-home tasks, group discussion points and over 200
cut-out-and-use flash cards.
This is a vital teaching resource for educators,
educational psychologists and other professionals working with children aged
11+ with ASDs. |
First Class Support for College Students on the Autism
Spectrum: Practical Advice for College Counselors and Educators. Michael
Duggan, $35.95
College students with autism can face many difficulties
during the transition from high school to further education and beyond.
Highlighting the various everyday issues that may arise, this book shares
practical advice for supporting students on the autism spectrum and helping
them to succeed not only academically, but also socially and emotionally.
From supporting students with their relationships, to
dealing with anxiety and managing independent living, this book covers a
breadth of topics. It considers the impact of teaching expectations in higher
learning on general adult life, and how to counsel students with autism on
academic issues. The author also examines his many years of experience as a
community college counselor, sharing the mistakes he has made and the lessons
learned, to outline what makes a good counselor and how to take specific steps
to ensure success for students with autism in all aspects of college life. |
A Freshman Survival Guide for College Students with
Autism Spectrum Disorders: the Stuff Nobody Tells You About! Haley Moss,
As a university student with High-Functioning Autism,
Haley Moss offers essential tips and advice in this insider's guide to
surviving the Freshman year of college. Chatty, honest and full of really
useful information, Haley's first-hand account of the college experience covers
everything students with Autism Spectrum Disorders need to know. She talks
through getting ready for college, dorm life and living away from parents, what
to expect from classes, professors and exams, and how to cope in new social
situations and make friends. This book is a must-read for all students on the
autism spectrum who are about to begin their first year of college, parents and
teachers who are helping them prepare, and college faculty and staff. |
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A Full Life with Autism. Chantal Sicile-Kira & Jeremy Sicile-Kira, $26.99
A FULL LIFE WITH AUTISM is a practical
guide to helping adolescents on the autism spectrum develop meaningful and
independent lives as they reach adulthood. |
Getting a Life with Asperger's: Lessons Learned on the
Bumpy Road to Adulthood. Jesse Saperstein, $22.00
Author, speaker, and autism advocate Jesse Saperstein
knows a lot about living with Asperger’s. Diagnosed at the age of 14, Jesse has
struggled, triumphed, flubbed, soared, educated, and inspired. Along the road
to adulthood, he has learned many lessons the hard way. In this honest and
engaging book, he offers a guided tour of what he’s learned about getting along
with others, managing emotions, succeeding in school and work, building
relationships, and more. Heartfelt, insightful, and generous, this book will
enlighten and inform readers, whether they are on the autism spectrum or not. |
Helping Adults with Asperger's Syndrome Get & Stay
Hired: Career Coaching Strategies for Professionals and Parents of Adults on
the Autism Spectrum. Barbara Bissonnette, $27.95
Career counselors and coaches, vocational rehabilitation
specialists, other professionals, and parents are often unsure of how to assist
people with Asperger's Syndrome. Traditional career assessments and protocols
do not match their unique needs. In this practical book, readers will gain
insight into how people with Asperger's Syndrome think and the common
employment challenges they face. It explains how to build rapport and trust,
facilitate better job matches, improve interpersonal communication and
executive function skills, and encourage flexible-thinking and problem-solving.
With tried-and-tested advice, assessment tools, and in-depth profiles of actual
coaching clients and innovative companies that are utilizing the specialized
skills of people with Asperger's, this book shows the way to a brighter
employment future for those on the autism spectrum. |
The Hidden Curriculum
of Getting and Keeping a Job: Navigating the Social Landscape of
Employment, a Guide for Individuals with Autism Spectrum and Other
Social-Cognitive Challenges. Brenda Smith Myles, Judy Endow
& Malcom Mayfield, $27.95
Adults on the spectrum often have
difficulty getting and keeping a job that is unrelated to their job skills.
This practical and easy-to-use book provides necessary yet often untaught
information on a variety of topics related to getting a job, finding a mentor,
networking, using agencies, interviewing, talking with supervisors, dealing
with on-the-job-frustrations, understanding the social rules at work and many
other topics. |
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High School Transition
that Works! Maryellen Daston, J. Erin Riehle & Susie Rutkowski,
For more than 15 years, thousands of
young adults have benefited from Project SEARCH: the business-led internship
program that prepares students with disabilities for competitive, integrated
employment. This book distills the program's secrets to success, giving
counselors, educators, and transition coordinators practical guidance straight
from the founders of Project SEARCH.
- Teaching competitive, marketable, transferable
skills in real work settings
- Promoting effective collaboration among
businesses, transition teams, and young people and families
- Breaking down obstacles to meaningful employment
for people with disabilities
- Help students master the subtleties of
appropriate workplace conduct, a major key to job retention
- Support parents in preparing their child for
success in transition programs and employment
- Develop customized follow-along services so the
student can retain employment and advance further
- Avoid gaps in service as young people transition
out of school
Filled with invaluable tips and
strategies, case studies, and practical materials to help you apply principles
of the Project SEARCH model, this book will inspire higher expectations for
young people with disabilities and vibrant new ideas about systems change. |
How to Find Work
that Works for People with Asperger Syndrome. Gail Hawkins,
A great guide for helping people with Asperger syndrome get into the workplace and keeping them there. |
Independence, Social, and Study Strategies for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the BASICS College Curriculum. Michelle Rigler, Amy Rutherford & Emily Quinn, $49.95
The BASICS College Curriculum presents a hands-on approach to learning essential life and study skills for college students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This book focuses on the transition to college, developing key academic skills, navigating campus social life, and living away from home for the first time.
Ideal as a textbook for ASD college programs run by disability support services and suitable for students to use for self-study, it teaches independence skills, self-advocacy, organization, stress management, and social skills. Each lesson provides valuable information and advice for the student, useful diagrams, practical exercises and workbook components that can be filled in at home or in class, and self-assessment tools. |
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Independent Living
and Community Participation. Katherine Synatschk, Gary Clark
& James Patton, $68.95
The skills needed for successful transition are multifaceted.
Assess your students' abilities to manage independent living and
monitor progress for planning after instruction. School and community-based
personnel can use the instruments in INDEPENDENT LIVING AND COMMUNITY
PARTICIPATION to obtain data in critical planning areas such as
Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination,
Daily Living Skills, Health, Community Participation, Leisure, and
Transportation. |
The Independent Woman’s Handbook for
Super Safe Living on the Autistic Spectrum. Robyn
Steward, $27.95
Certain characteristics of autism, such
as difficulty understanding social cues, may make women vulnerable to
potentially dangerous situations. Robyn Steward has written this supportive
guide to help all women on the autistic spectrum live independently, make their
own choices in life, and be safe whilst doing so. This book will provide you
with the knowledge to recognize potential risks to your personal safety and the
skills and strategies required avoiding and overcoming them.
Informed by a survey of and interviews
with women on and off the autistic spectrum, it explores common safety issues
encountered by women and offers practical advice to help you stay safe and
supported in your independence. Topics covered include friendships,
relationships and sex, alcohol and drugs, money and employment and staying safe
outside the home and online.
This handbook is your guide to super
safe living as an independent woman and will help you to stay safe whilst
living life to the full. It may also be of interest to your family, friends and
carers, giving them insight into life on the spectrum and confidence that you
will enjoy your independence in an informed and safe manner. |
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Job Success for Persons with Developmental
Disabilities. David Wiegan, $34.95
The majority of persons with developmental disabilities
are unemployed, underemployed, or still work in sheltered programs
where it is almost impossible to reach their full potential. Job
success is possible, but it requires a system based on a business
model, rather than the traditional social services model. JOB SUCCESS
employing a step-by-step procedure for gaining insight into the
client, analyzing market opportunities, matching the client to a
job, and supporting the client after placement, service providers
can help individuals make a successful transition into good community-based
employment. |
Life After High School: a Guide for Students with Disabilities and Their Families. Susan Yellin & Christina Cacioppo Bertsch, $22.95
Graduating high school and moving on to further education or the workplace brings with it a whole new set of challenges, and this is especially true for students with disabilities. This useful book provides a complete overview of the issues such students and their families will need to consider, and outlines the key skills they will need in order to succeed once they get there.
This accessible and thoroughly readable book offers help and support to students with disabilities of all kinds, and their families, both before and during the transition to life after high school. |
Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition
Strategies for Young People with Disabilities, 5th Edition. Paul Wehman, $110.50
For more than two decades, the
trusted LIFE BEYOND THE CLASSROOM text has shaped the practices of
thousands of professionals helping students make a smooth transition from
school to adulthood. Now this landmark textbook is in its fifth edition—updated
with the cutting-edge information professionals need in today's changing world,
as young people with disabilities face unprecedented financial, family,
employment, and educational challenges. New chapters on critical topics:
- Working with families
- Multicultural transition planning
- Teaching social skills
- Secondary curriculum options
- Online companion materials
- All chapters completely revised and updated
- More practical strategies, case studies
- Updated annotated lists of helpful online
- Improved, user-friendly design
- New online companion materials
- Comprehensive multimedia supplementary materials
for college and university courses
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Life on the Autism Spectrum: a Guide for Girls and
Women. Karen McKibbin, $22.95
This practical guide explains the unique issues that
affect females with autism and provides tools and strategies that girls, women
and their families can use in day-to-day life. |
Living Independently on the Autism
Spectrum. Lynne Soraya, $21.95
What you need to know to move into a
place of your own, succeed at work, start a relationship, stay safe, and enjoy
life as an adult on the autism spectrum. |
The Loving Push: How Parents and Professionals Can
Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults. Temple Grandin & Debra
Moore, $28.50
Parents, teachers,
therapists, and anyone who cares about a child or teen on the autism spectrum
need this essential roadmap to prepare our youth for being successful
adults in today’s world. Best-selling author, autism advocate, and animal
science professor Dr. Temple Grandin joins psychologist and autism specialist
Dr. Debra Moore in spelling out what steps you can take to restore your
child’s hope and motivation, and what you must avoid. Eight life stories
told by people on the autism spectrum, including chapters on subjects like how
to get kids off their computers, how to build on their strengths and get
back to caring about their lives, and how to find a path to a successful,
meaningful life make this a "must-read" book. |
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Made for Good Purpose: What Every Parent Needs to
Know to Help Their Adolescent with Asperger's, High Functioning Autism or a
Learning Difference Become an Independent Adult. Michael
McManmon, $27.95
Many teenagers with Asperger's Syndrome
leave school feeling unsure of how to take the next steps in their lives.
Filled with useful advice, easy-to-apply techniques, and insights from both the
author's own experiences of Asperger's Syndrome and those of his students, this
book is a practical guide for helping young adults on the spectrum achieve
independence and learn life-long skills of self-knowledge, self-sufficiency,
and self-advocacy. |
Making Friends at Work: Learning to Make Positive Choices
in Social Situations for People with Autism. Saffron Gallup, $17.95
Making new friends at work can be tricky — it's tough to
predict how people will react to certain situations. This 'choose your own
response' book can show you how these situations could potentially play out.
Some endings are positive and some less so, and the book includes explanations
about why particular outcomes may have occurred, so you can learn to avoid
those situations. The best part is you can go back and see how a different
choice can change the outcome of the story! |
Making the Grade with ADD: a Student’s Guide to Succeeding in College with Attention Deficit Disorder. Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, $30.95
In college, independence, fun activities, and new friendships abound. But if you have attention deficit disorder (ADD), these new opportunities also present new challenges. To adjust to college life, you'll need to learn to harness your disorder in new ways in order to plan your time effectively, become a successful student, make friends, and take advantage of everything campus life has to offer. |
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Mploy — a Job Readiness Workbook: Career Skills
Development for Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum and with Learning
Differences. Michael McManmon, with Jennifer Kolarik & Michele Ramsay,
This self-guided workbook is suitable for young adults
aged 16-26, and includes activities designed to develop key skills for
meaningful careers, so young people can enter employment with confidence. It
provides everything you need as a parent, educator or professional to assist
young adults with autism or learning differences to prepare for work.
Providing insight into a range of industries and
workplace settings, this workbook will help you to support young people in
choosing rewarding and successful careers. Including activities and
ready-to-use worksheets, this is a focused look at preparing for work. Key
topics include:
- Career assessments
- Creating effective resumes/CVs
- Interview skills
- Employer expectations
- Professional communication
- Performance appraisals
- Handling stress in the workplace
- Social thinking
- Executive functions in the workplace
Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions: an
Introduction and Guide. Wenn Lawson, $29.95
Packed with practical advice, this is the first book to
address the challenges facing older people with autism. With first-hand stories
and drawing on the latest research, it will help to support older adults with
autism through lifestyle changes as well as physical and sensory challenges
post-retirement. The author covers a multitude of issues including dealing with
transitions and changes to routine, communicating an individual's particular
needs and wishes to care home staff, the social and financial impact of retirement,
mental health, and sensory and physical changes and challenges. |
On Your Own: a College Readiness
Guide for Teens with ADHD/LD. Patricia Quinn &
Theresa Laurie Maitland, $21.50
Using a readiness survey and handy worksheets, ON YOUR
OWN will help you get ready for your first years away from home.
Inside, you'll find easy-to-use advice and strategies that will
allow you to map out a plan and cultivate the skills you'll need
to succeed in college. ON YOUR OWN is loaded with tips and resources
to further assist you in creating a personalized plan and center
on developing three crucial skill areas:
- Self-determination skills (advocacy, management,
- Daily living skills (self-care, organization, life
- Academic skills (self-knowledge, study habits,
time management)
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The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with Sensory
Processing Disorder in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years. Carol Stock
Kranowitz, $23.00
The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up will be the new
bible for the vast audience of parents whose children, already diagnosed with
Sensory Processing Disorder, are entering the adolescent, tween, and teen
years, as well as those who do not yet have a diagnosis and are struggling to
meet the challenges of daily life. This book picks up where The Out-of-Sync
Child left off, offering practical advice on living with SPD, covering
everyday challenges as well as the social and emotional issues that many young
people with SPD face.
Topics include strategies for coping with the sensory
aspects of grooming, social lives and dating, playing sports and music, and
other issues, as well as how to find support and help from loved ones,
occupational therapy, and other resources. Carol Kranowitz’s insights are
supplemented by first-person accounts of adolescents and teens with SPD,
sharing their experiences and hard-won lessons with readers and adding a powerful
personal dimension to the book. |
Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with
Asperger Syndrome: 325 Ideas, Insights, Tips and Strategies. Brenda Boyd, $27.95
325 astute and practical ideas,
insights, tips and strategies address the complex issues parents face during
this crucial period of transition for their child with Asperger Syndrome
(Autism Spectrum Disorder). The practical, bite-size suggestions focus on the
vital importance of developing and nurturing an open and healthy relationship
with your son or daughter. The easy-to-navigate format will suit busy
parents wanting to locate advice to suit their particular needs. All the
suggestions are designed to foster understanding and acceptance between family
members and help the AS young person with common problem areas such as social
vulnerability and peer relationships, self-esteem, anxiety and coping with
change. This will be an invaluable companion for parents, carers and family
members of an adolescent or young adult with AS. |
The Parent's Guide to College for Students on the
Autism Spectrum. Jane Thierfeld Brown, Lorraine
Wolf, Lisa King & G. Ruth Kukiela Bork, $39.95
Sending a son
or daughter off to college is daunting and fear-provoking experience for most
parents, but if your child has an autism spectrum disorder, the challenge is
magnified many times over. Even high-functioning students with excellent
academic preparation face difficulties in higher education, primarily related
to communication, social skills, and sensory-based issues. For many, the
accommodations and special interventions that supported them in high school
will no longer be available on a college campus. This parent-friendly book,
made especially so because it is written by parents, who also are autism
professionals, takes the fear and mystery out of the college experience. Learn
how to select the right campus, how to work with Disability Services staff,
what legal protections apply, how to prepare your son or daughter to be an
effective self-advocate on campus, what assistance can be reasonably be
expected from residence hall managers, faculty, and much, much more. |
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Parties, Dorms and Social Norms: a Crash Course in
Safe Living for Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum. Lisa Meeks & Tracy
Loye Masterson, $18.95
The late teens and twenties are exciting times, but
filled with potential pitfalls as young people navigate the transition into
independent adult life. This handbook is filled with the information that young
people with ASD say they want (and need) to know about alcohol and drugs,
social media and online safety, relationship types and boundaries, safe sex,
stress and emotional health, and independent living. It includes real life
examples, coping strategies and practical tips to help young adults with ASD
stay safe while living life to the full. Informal and frank, this will be a
go-to guide for young people on the autism spectrum. |
Picture Directions: Building Independence Step by Step. Pat Crissey, $71.95
Many students can perform activities independently by following picture directions. This reproducible book features 46 lessons divided into five categories: Cooking, Crafts, Life Skills, Play and Discovery. Each lesson features an illustrated "You will need" checklist plus step-by-step instructions — four to a page. Teacher Tips help you plan your instructional strategies. The goal of this book is to teach students to follow picture directions in sequence, complete important activities independently and recognize sight words paired with the illustrations. Includes photocopy rights and CD-ROM with a printable PDFs. |
Preparing for
Life: the Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for those
with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome. Jed Baker, $45.50
The author of the best-selling Social Skills Picture Book now speaks to the growing challenge of social skills in young, and-not-so-young, adults with autism/Asperger's Syndrome. Often the barrier to success, the lack of social skills can be frustrating and a very real challenge. This easy-to-follow resource provides a complete toolbox of skills that can open doors to opportunities. Includes sections on perspective taking, non-verbal communication, conversational skills, goal setting, and stress management. |
Preparing Students with Disabilities
for College Success: a Practical Guide to Transition Planning. Stan Shaw, Joseph Madaus & Lyman Dukess, $50.50
For students with mild to moderate,
non-visible disabilities, navigating a college education without the support
team they had in high school can be challenging. Help students become effective
self-advocates and maximize their postsecondary possibilities with this
cutting-edge book, which balances current research with the most practical
guidance to date on this topic. Readers will learn how early, coordinated,
student-centered planning helps students develop the academic and personal
skills required to successfully transition to college. User-friendly
checklists, tip boxes, activities, and illustrative vignettes translate
extensive research into immediate practice with students and families.
Secondary transition personnel,
counselors, and educators in high school settings will turn to this book first
for comprehensive, accessible information on helping students transition to
college—and lay the critical groundwork for future employment success. |
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Promoting Successful Transition to Adulthood for
Students with Disabilities. Robert Morgan & Tim Riesen, $46.95
Comprehensively addressing the challenges of transition,
this book provides practical knowledge and tools geared toward real-world
educators. It presents clear guidelines for all aspects of team-based
transition planning for individuals with various levels of disability,
illustrated with vignettes of three secondary students who are followed
throughout the book. The authors describe evidence-based practices for
conducting assessments and promoting optimal outcomes in the areas of
employment, postsecondary education, and independent living. Keys to family
involvement, self-determination, interagency collaboration, and problem solving
are highlighted. Several reproducible forms can be downloaded and printed in a
convenient 8½" x 11" size. |
The Psychiatry of Adult Autism and Asperger Syndrome:
a Practical Guide. Traolach Brugha, $49.50
Epidemiological research has shown that most adults in
the general population meeting the criteria for autism are unrecognized and
undiagnosed. There is a growing pressure on psychiatrists to be able to
recognize autism and to consider its effects on their adult patients,
particularly when they are also showing signs of another mental disorder, such
as psychosis, personality disorder, or chronic depression. The Psychiatry of
Adult Autism and Asperger Syndrome introduces adult psychiatrists,
including sub-specialist psychiatrists, to autism and Asperger syndrome. It
covers recognition and diagnosis and the psychiatrist's role in treating
patients with co-morbid mental disorder whilst taking account of the autism
component. It explores the process of sign-posting patients with autism to
appropriate care and support as family involvement diminishes or ceases.
While there are a number of books written on how to cope
with autism as an adult, The Psychiatry of Adult Autism and Asperger
Syndrome is aimed at the practising adult psychiatrist. The book describes
normal and pathological functioning and then guides the reader through
assessment and post diagnostic intervention issues. The use of fictionalized
clinical examples helps to illustrate autism and its presentation in adulthood,
and illustrate the issues psychiatrists often raise in training workshops. |
Self-Determination and Transition
Planning. Karrie Shogren, $39.95
Packed with practical,
research-validated guidance on explicitly teaching self-determination skills,
this book helps educators support students in communicating their interests and
needs, setting and reaching goals, and managing their own
lives. Ready-to-use worksheets and activities will help students take
an active role in their transition planning, and true case stories highlight
the benefits of self-determination instruction: smoother transitions, improved
behavior, and fulfilling lives beyond the classroom. |
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Sex, Drugs and Asperger's Syndrome: a User Guide to
Adulthood. Luke Jackson, $19.95
Luke Jackson's unabridged and sparkling sequel to his
best-selling user guide to adolescence Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome is the must-read handbook for teenagers and young adults on the autism
spectrum. With devastating clarity, Luke focuses on the pitfalls involved in
navigating the transition to adulthood, and the challenges of adult life. He
covers everything from bullying and drugs to socialising, sex, negotiating
relationships, and finding and keeping your first job. |
Shining a Light On the Autism Spectrum: Experiences
and Aspirations of Adults. Debra Costley, Susanna Baldwin, Susan Bruck,
Kaaren Haas &, Kerry Ritzrow, $69.90
This new text explores the experiences, needs and
aspirations of adults on the spectrum. The volume utilises the structure of a
recent survey (one of few conducted internationally) and presents data from the
study with contributions from adults on the spectrum to illustrate the findings
with first person accounts and case studies. By drawing on these unique
experiences, this valuable resource is presented in a way that will be both
engaging and accessible for a wide range of readers. |
The Sibling Survival Guide: Indispensable Information
for Brothers and Sisters of Adults with Disabilities. Edited by Don Meyer
& Emily Holl, $28.95
If you're a teenaged or adult brother or sister of
someone with a disability, then this book is expressly for you. It offers a
sense that you're not alone, tips on how to talk to your parents about plans
for your sibling, and a crash course in guardianship, medical & legal
issues, and government benefits if you're already caring for your sib. Edited
by experts in the field of disabilities and sibling relationships, The
Sibling Survival Guide focuses on the topmost concerns identified in a
survey of hundreds of siblings. The chapter authors — experienced siblings and
service providers — offer practical information and anecdotes about:
- statistics & research about siblings
- younger siblings' feelings
- impact on your life decisions
- caring for multiple generations
- aging and disability
- taking care of yourself
- getting services & advocacy
- future planning
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Sisterhood of the Spectrum: an Asperger Chick's Guide
to Life. Jennifer o'Toole, $22.95
Spectrum gals, ever wished you had a handbook to help
navigate the confusing world of teenage girlhood?
Look no further! Aspie-in-the-know, Jennifer Cook O'Toole provides just that
with her inspirational guide to life for teenage girls with Asperger syndrome.
Drawing on her own, real-life experiences rather than preaching from textbooks,
she covers everything you need (and want!) to know, from body shapes and love
interests to bullying, friendships and how to discover and celebrate your
unique, beautiful self. With illustrations by an Aspie teen and inspirational
quotes from well-known, female Aspie voices, including Temple Grandin, Rudy
Simone, Robyn Steward, and Haley Moss, Sisterhood of the Spectrum is
your perfect companion on the "yellow brick road" to womanhood. It
will leave you empowered, informed and excited to be different. |
Social Behavior and Self-Management:
5-Point Scales for Adolescents and Adults. Kari
Dunn Buron, Jane Thierfeld Brown, Mitzi Curtis & Lisa King, $27.95
Building on the success of
the INCREDIBLE 5-POINT SCALE, by Buron and Curtis, this book also uses
scales as a way of explaining social and emotional concepts to individuals who
have difficulty understanding such information but have a relative strength in
understanding systems. The 5-point scales can be used to increase communication
between the person on the spectrum and their support person. It can increase
self-management skills and, once learned, it can serve as an excelled
self-advocacy tool. As such, it is invaluable at school, on the job and in the
community. |
Students with Asperger
Syndrome: a Guide for College Personnel. Lorraine Wolf,
Jane Thierfeld Brown & G. Ruth Kukiela Bork, $24.95
For many
students with autism spectrum disorders, getting admitted to college is the
easy part. Surviving and succeeding can be quite another, as these students
transition into a system that is often unprepared to receive them.
Accommodating students whose disabilities very likely fall in social and
self-regulatory areas is a particular challenge for disability services
providers who are not used to reaching out into so many areas of student life.
This comprehensive book offers disability services professionals practical
strategies for accommodating and supporting students in all phases of college
life and beyond. |
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Succeeding as a Student in the STEM
Fields with an Invisible Disability: a College Handbook for Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math Students with Autism, ADD, Affective
Disorders, or Learning Difficulties and Their Families. Christy Oslund, $25.95
The STEM fields (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math) attract many students with autism, ADD, affective
disorders and related invisible disabilities who are highly intelligent and
analytical, but who, upon entering higher education, may find that they
struggle with independent living and a different way of learning.
This preparation guide for students and
their families explains everything they need to know about the university
experience including classroom behavior, study skills, self-reliance, accessing
support services, and when parents should and shouldn't get involved. Offering
practical advice and strategies, this is a useful handbook that students can
refer to again and again throughout their college years guiding them on their
paths to becoming the inventors, scientists, engineers, and computer
entrepreneurs of the future. |
Survival Guide for College Students with ADHD or LD, 2nd Edition. Kathleen Nadeau, $17.50
For college students with ADHD/LD and high school students getting ready to apply, this Survival Guide contains everything you need to know to:
- Find the best college for you
- Build great relationships with your professors
- Make the best use of support services and accommodations
- Select and schedule courses
- Choose a major and possible career
- Get everything done…and still have time for fun!
Armed with the support, advice, and strategies in this manual, you'll do more than just survive college. You can succeed! |
Teaching Pre-Employment Skills to 14-17-Year-Olds: the
Autism Works Now!® Method. Joanne Lara & Susan Osborne, $37.95
Based on the Autism Works Now!® Workplace Readiness
Workshop, this interactive resource shows how to help students aged 14-17
develop the necessary transition skills for getting and keeping a meaningful
job, with accompanying worksheets available to download.
Structured around 2-hour weekly sessions over an eight
month period, the program is ideal for teaching to groups of students with
autism. It covers essential topics such as organization and time management,
interview skills, appropriate workplace attire, and networking. It advises on
how to arrange a field trip to local businesses so students can gain experience
of being in the workplace. Worksheets and questionnaires help to track progress
and discover what types of job will be appropriate based on an individual's
skills and interests, and the book also includes a template for creating
effective resumes. |
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Teaching Time Management to Learners with Autism
Spectrum Disorder. Caroline DiPipi-Hoy & Daniel Steere, $31.50
An individual with ASD may quickly learn time-telling
skills; however, simply being able to tell time does not necessarily lead to
time-management skills. This practical book provides the tools necessary to
move beyond time identification, and teach learners how to use time in a way
that promotes independence.
Teaching Time Management to Learners with Autism
Spectrum Disorder presents ways to facilitate time-management skills for
learners across the lifespan, as a skill that can be developed from early childhood
through the adult years. |
Teaching Transition Skills in
Inclusive Schools. Teresa Grossi & Cassandra Cole,
This book introduces a unified framework
for transition services in an integrated, cohesive process that gets all
students ready for college, careers and citizenship. TEACHING TRANSITION SKILLS
IN INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS helps educators and transition specialists make key
improvements to transition services and instructional practices.
To help you strengthen your practices
right away, you'll get practical tips and activities, specific examples of
embedding transition skills into good classroom instruction, and recurring case
studies that follow two students with different support needs and interests.
And the included forms, assessment tools, student profile sheets,
self-evaluations, and more will help you gather and organize key information on
each student. |
Temple Talks about Autism and the Older Child. Temple
Grandin, $13.50
Dr. Temple Grandin’s pocket guide to older kids and young
adults with autism. Here, in this handy reference book, Temple gives an
overview of what it is like to grow up and get a career with autism, tells how
she overcame certain issues, gives useful tips, then answers your questions in
an easy to reference Q&A. This insightful book contains sections on:
- Building Social Skills
- Manners
- Eccentricity
- Video Games
- Thinking Types
- Education
- Bullying
- Employment Preparation
- Tips for Bosses
- And many others!
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Think College! Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Meg Grigal & Debra Hart, $53.50
More and more students with intellectual disabilities are "thinking college." That means high schools, colleges, and universities must be fully prepared to meet the needs of students with disabilities — and this comprehensive resource is just what they need. Developed by two of the most respected experts on this hot topic, this book uncovers the big picture of today's postsecondary options and reveals how to support students with disabilities before, during, and after a successful transition to college. |
Top Tips for Asperger Students: How to get the Most Out of University and College. Rosemary Martin, $19.95
Leaving home and moving to college or university can be a daunting experience. This easy-to-use book provides guidance and invaluable advice for students on the autism spectrum as they plan for and settle into college life.
Packed with straightforward methods for coping and succeeding away from home, this book focuses on the particular needs of people with Asperger Syndrome, and covers every aspect of student life - from how to get up on time for lectures, to the art of living with other people and attending to the basics of personal health care. Rosemary Martin's helpful hints encourage everyone to make the most of student life in a style that suits them and reassure the reader that going to college is a big deal for every student, regardless of whether or not they are on the autism spectrum. |
Transition Strategies for Adolescents
& Young Adults Who Use AAC. David McNaughton &
David Beukelman, $43.50
Combining the best research-based practices from diverse fields—including special education, vocational rehabilitation, and communication disorders—this essential resource covers every aspect of transition planning for young adults with a wide range of disabilities. Professionals will get the knowledge and strategies they need to help young people who use AAC to make a smooth transition to a fulfilling, self-determined adult life. |
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Transition or Transformation: Helping Young
People with Autism Spectrum Disorder Set Out on a Hopeful Road Toward
Their Adult Lives. John Clements, Julia Hardy & Stephanie
Lord, $53.50
developed over a number of years by teachers at a school for young
people with ASDs, which successfully enabled autistic pupils to
achieve their full potential. The book also provides an in-depth
exploration of a multitude of styles and techniques for building
supportive, positive relationships. Concluding with a reflection
on leadership and organizational culture, the authors demonstrate
why everyone benefits when the approach is adopted by an entire
school and not just a handful of teachers. |
Turning Skills and Strengths into Careers for Young
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the BASICS College Curriculum. Michelle
Rigler, Emily Quinn & Amy Rutherford, $49.95
The BASICS College Curriculum presents a hands-on
approach to learning essential independence and life skills for students with
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The third book helps young adults to translate
their strengths and interests into possible careers and develop job-hunting
skills that will set them on the road to success. Students are shown how to
identify their unique skill set, write an effective resume, build a network of
contacts, prepare for interviews, and secure that internship position. Other
possible life paths are also explored including continuing in education and
studying abroad.
Ideal as a textbook for ASD college programs and suitable for young adults to
use for their own self-study, each chapter has a lesson-based progressive
structure, providing valuable information and advice for the student, useful
diagrams, practical exercises and workbook components that can be filled in at
home or in class. Self-assessment tools ensure the skills from each chapter can
be reviewed and adjusted as necessary. |
Unemployed On the Autism Spectrum: How to Cope with the
Effects of Unemployment and Jobhunt with Confidence. Michael John Carley,
Unemployment can be an isolating experience. In this
much-needed book, Michael John Carley reassures readers who are unemployed and
have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that they are not alone.
Offering guidance on how you can cope with unemployment
in a constructive and emotionally healthy manner, Michael John Carley writes
with a crucial understanding of the isolation and negative emotions that
unemployment can bring about if you have ASD. He explains why so many people
find themselves out of work and how it's often not their fault. Providing
guidance on how to maintain your confidence and motivation, this book offers
advice on how you can pursue other opportunities, such as part-time work or
volunteering. The book also features advice on how to manage your finances
during periods of unemployment. |
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The Way to Work: How to Facilitate Work
Experiences for Youth in Transition. Richard Luecking,
This practical guide was designed to help educators, transition and employment specialists facilitate satisfying work experiences and jobs for high school students and young adults with disabilities. Complete with examples of model programs, photocopy-ready forms and tools and reflective questions and activities. |
What Time is the 9:20 Bus? A Journey to a Meaningful
Life, Disability and All. Lucinda Hage, $20.00 
This is the story of Paul, a boy with an intellectual
disability, his journey through life and how he achieved independence — in
spite of the odds. The book chronicles his successful, and often harrowing,
transition through adolescence to adulthood and a good life in his
The reader cheers for Paul as he struggles to take his
rightful place in society, and for his mother as she works ceaselessly to make
that possible. At the end of the book, it is nothing less than miraculous that
Paul, at 28, is living in his own apartment, with a job. Along the way, Lucinda
Hage, the author and Paul’s mother, shares her extensive reading and her
thoughtful insights into the medical and educational systems, and other forces
that keep those who are different, apart and down. With painful honesty, she
also allows us to follow the journey of a mother who has fought so hard for her
son that when the time comes to let him go, that release is a struggle as hard
as any other.
Parents whose children live with a disability are plagued
by the question, “What will happen to my son or daughter when they leave high
school, or when I am no longer able to look after them?” Paul’s story gives
the reader hope, ideas, and an example of what is possible when individuals
with different abilities are given a chance. |
with Adults with Asperger Syndrome: a Practical Toolkit. Carol
Hagland & Zillah Webb, $52.95
This practical workbook can be used in groups or
with individuals, concentrating on particular characteristics to
learn more about the people you are supporting, or it can be used
as a resource for everyday information seeking and problem solving.
Atypical social behaviour and the importance of routine are explained,
as well as considering relationships, emotions and mental health.
Packed with exercises and case vignettes to help you to get to know
the person you are supporting better, there is also a trouble-shooting
section at the end of each chapter with practical solutions for
will prove a valuable resource for families, friends and a wide
range of professionals involved in supporting an adult with AS. |
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Resources for Young Adults & Families
Achieving Successful Transitions for Young People with
Disabilities: a Practical Guide. Jill Hughes & Natalie Lackenby, $39.95
ADD and Your Money: a Guide to Personal Finance for
Adults with Attention-Deficit Disorder. Stephanie Sarkis & Karl Klein,
An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis: a Guide for the Newly
Diagnosed. Gillan Drew, $17.95
Adults on the Autism Spectrum Leave the Nest: Achieving
Supported Independence. Nancy Perry, $31.95
An Asperger Leader’s Guide to Living and Leading Change.
Rosalind Bergemann, $25.95
Asperger Syndrome and Employment: a Personal Guide for
Succeeding at Work. Nick Dubin, $39.95 DVD format, 43 minutes
Asperger Syndrome: Transition to College and Work.
Coulter Video, $13.95 DVD format, 57 minutes
An Asperger's Guide to Entrepreneurship: Setting Up Your
Own Business for Professionals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Rosalind
Bergemann, $34.95
Asperger’s On the Job. Rudy Simone, $27.95
Asperger’s Syndrome Workplace Survival Guide: a
Neurotypical’s Secrets for Success. Barbara Bissonnette, $29.95
The Aspie College, Work & Travel Survival Guide. J.D.
Kraus, $26.95
AutiPower! Successful Living and Working with an Autism
Spectrum Disorder. Herman Jansen & Betty Rombout, $25.95
Autism and Enablement: Occupational Therapy Approaches to
Promote Independence for Adults with Autism. Matt Bushell, Sandra Gasson &
Ute Vann, $37.95
Autism Equality in the Workplace: Removing Barriers and
Challenging Discrimination. Janine Booth, $25.95
Autism and Learning Differences: an Active Learning
Teaching Toolkit. Michael McManmon, $89.95 (ages 16-26)
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mid and Later Life. Edited by
Scott Wright, $59.95
The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law: What Every
Parent and Professional Needs to Know. Tony Attwood, Isabelle Hénault and Nick
Dubin, $39.95
Autism and the Transition to Adulthood: Success Beyond
the Classroom. Paul Wehman, Marcia Datlow Smith & Carol Schall, $53.50
Business for Aspies: 42 Best Practices for Using Asperger
Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully. Ashley Stanford, $29.95
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Coach In the Kitchen: Recipes with Step-by-Step
Instructions. Penny Gill, $35.95
Coaching College Students with Executive Function
Problems. Mary Kennedy, $46.95
College for Students with Disabilities: We Do Belong.
Pavan John Antony & Stephen Shore, Editors, $33.95
College Success for Students with Learning Disabilities.
Cynthia Simpson & Vicky Spencer, $22.95
College Success for Students with Physical Disabilities.
Chris Wise Tiedemann, $22.95
The Complete Guide to Creating a Special Needs Life Plan.
Hal Wright, $35.95
The Complete Guide to Getting a Job for People with
Asperger’s Syndrome: Find the Right Career and Get Hired. Barbara Bissonnette,
Conversation Skills On the Job and In the Community: a
Curriculum for Adolescents and Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Marilyn
Banks, $71.95
Conversation Skills II: Extending Conversations — a
Curriculum for Adolescents and Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Marilyn
Banks, $71.95
Dear Diana... Diana's Guide to Independent Living: For
Adolescents and Young Adults With Different Learning Styles and Special Needs.
Diana Bilezikian, $24.95
Demystifying Transition Assessment. Colleen Thoma &
Ronald Tamura, $38.50
Developing College Skills in Students with Autism and
Asperger’s Syndrome. Sarita Freedman, $33.95
Developing Identity, Strengths, and Self-Perception for
Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the BASICS College Curriculum.
Michelle Rigler, Amy Rutherford & Emily Quinn, $49.95
Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger
Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism, Revised Edition. Temple Grandin &
Kate Duffy, $28.95
Developing Workplace Skills for Young Adults with Autism
Spectrum Disorder: the BASICS College Curriculum. Michelle Rigler, Amy
Rutherford & Emily Quinn, $49.95
DIFFERENT ...Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement
and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism, Asperger's, and ADHD. Temple
Grandin, $27.50
The Down Syndrome Transition Handbook: Charting Your
Child’s Course to Adulthood. JoAnn Simons, $32.95
Drinking, Drug Use and Addiction In the Autism Community.
Elizabeth Kunreuther & Ann Palmer, $33.95
An Employer's Guide to Managing Professionals on the
Autism Spectrum. Marcia Scheiner, with Joan Bogden, $33.95
Empowering Students with Hidden Disabilities: a Path to
Pride and Success. Margo Vreeburg Izzo & LeDerick Horne, $37.50
The Essential Guide to Safe Travel-Training for Children
with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities. Desirée Gallimore, $25.95
Essentials of Transition Planning. Paul Wehman, $43.95
Exploring Friendships, Puberty and Relationships: a
Programme to Help Children and Young People on the Autism Spectrum to Cope with
the Challenges of Adolescence. Kate Ripley, $49.95
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First Class Support for College Students on the Autism
Spectrum: Practical Advice for College Counselors and Educators. Michael
Duggan, $35.95
A Freshman Survival Guide for College Students with
Autism Spectrum Disorders: the Stuff Nobody Tells You About! Haley Moss, $25.95
A Full Life with Autism. Chantal Sicile-Kira & Jeremy
Sicile-Kira, $26.99
Getting a Life with Asperger's: Lessons Learned on the
Bumpy Road to Adulthood. Jesse Saperstein, $22.00
Helping Adults with Asperger's Syndrome Get & Stay
Hired: Career Coaching Strategies for Professionals and Parents of Adults on
the Autism Spectrum. Barbara Bissonnette, $27.95
The Hidden Curriculum of Getting and Keeping a Job:
Navigating the Social Landscape of Employment, a Guide for Individuals with
Autism Spectrum and Other Social-Cognitive Challenges. Brenda Smith Myles, Judy
Endow & Malcom Mayfield, $27.95
High School Transition that Works! Maryellen Daston, J.
Erin Riehle & Susie Rutkowski, $53.50
How to Find Work that Works for People with Asperger
Syndrome. Gail Hawkins, $29.95
Independence, Social, and Study Strategies for Young
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the BASICS College Curriculum. Michelle
Rigler, Amy Rutherford & Emily Quinn, $49.95
Independent Living and Community Participation. Katherine
Synatschk, Gary Clark & James Patton, $68.95
The Independent Woman’s Handbook for Super Safe Living on
the Autistic Spectrum. Robyn Steward, $27.95
Job Success for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.
David Wiegan, $34.95
Life after High School: a Guide for Students with
Disabilities and Their Families. Susan Yellin & Christina Cacioppo Bertsch,
Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for
Young People with Disabilities, 5th Edition. Paul Wehman, $110.50
Life on the Autism Spectrum: a Guide for Girls and Women.
Karen McKibbin, $22.95
Living Independently on the Autism Spectrum. Lynne
Soraya, $219.95
The Loving Push: How Parents and Professionals Can Help
Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults. Temple Grandin & Debra Moore,
Made for Good Purpose: What Every Parent Needs to Know to
Help Their Adolescent with Asperger's, High Functioning Autism or a Learning
Difference Become an Independent Adult. Michael McManmon, $27.95
Making Friends at Work: Learning to Make Positive Choices
in Social Situations for People with Autism. Saffron Gallup, $17.95
Making the Grade with ADD: a Student’s Guide to Succeeding
in College with Attention Deficit Disorder. Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, $30.95
Mploy — a Job Readiness Workbook: Career Skills
Development for Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum and with Learning
Differences. Michael McManmon, with Jennifer Kolarik & Michele Ramsay,
Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions: an
Introduction and Guide. Wenn Lawson, $29.95
On Your Own: a College Readiness Guide for Teens with
ADHD/LD. Patricia Quinn & Theresa Laurie Maitland, $21.50
The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with Sensory
Processing Disorder in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years. Carol Stock
Kranowitz, $23.00
Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome:
325 Ideas, Insights, Tips and Strategies. Brenda Boyd, $27.95
The Parent's Guide to College for Students on the Autism
Spectrum. Jane Thierfeld Brown, Lorraine Wolf, Lisa King & G. Ruth Kukiela
Bork, $39.95
Parties, Dorms and Social Norms: a Crash Course in Safe
Living for Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum. Lisa Meeks & Tracy Loye
Masterson, $18.95
Picture Directions: Building Independence Step by Step.
Pat Crissey, $71.95
Back to top
Preparing for Life: the Complete Guide for Transitioning
to Adulthood for Those with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome. Jed Baker, $45.50
Preparing Students with Disabilities for College Success:
a Practical Guide to Transition Planning. Stan Shaw, Joseph Madaus & Lyman
Dukess, $50.50
Promoting Successful Transition to Adulthood for Students
with Disabilities. Robert Morgan & Tim Riesen, $46.95
The Psychiatry of Adult Autism and Asperger Syndrome:
a Practical Guide. Traolach Brugha, $49.50
Self-Determination and Transition Planning. Karrie
Shogren, $39.95
Sex, Drugs and Asperger's Syndrome: a User Guide to
Adulthood. Luke Jackson, $19.95
Shining a Light On the Autism Spectrum: Experiences and
Aspirations of Adults. Debra Costley, Susanna Baldwin, Susan Bruck, Kaaren Haas
&, Kerry Ritzrow, $69.90
The Sibling Survival Guide: Indispensable Information for
Brothers and Sisters of Adults with Disabilities. Edited by Don Meyer &
Emily Holl, $28.95
Sisterhood of the Spectrum: an Asperger Chick's Guide to
Life. Jennifer o'Toole, $22.95
Social Behavior and Self-Management: 5-Point Scales for
Adolescents and Adults. Kari Dunn Buron, Jane Thierfeld Brown, Mitzi Curtis
& Lisa King, $27.95
Students with Asperger Syndrome: a Guide for College
Personnel. Lorraine Wolf, Jane Thierfeld Brown & G. Ruth Kukiela Bork,
Succeeding as a Student in the STEM Fields with an
Invisible Disability: a College Handbook for Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math Students with Autism, ADD, Affective Disorders, or Learning
Difficulties and Their Families. Christy Oslund, $25.95
Survival Guide for College Students with ADHD or LD, 2nd
Edition. Kathleen Nadeau, $17.50
Teaching Pre-Employment Skills to 14-17-Year-Olds: the
Autism Works Now!® Method. Joanne Lara & Susan Osborne, $37.95
Teaching Time Management to Learners with Autism Spectrum
Disorder. Caroline DiPipi-Hoy & Daniel Steere, $31.50
Teaching Transition Skills in Inclusive Schools. Teresa
Grossi & Cassandra Cole, $39.95
Temple Talks about Autism and the Older Child. Temple
Grandin, $13.50
Think College! Postsecondary Education Options for
Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Meg Grigal & Debra Hart, $53.50
Top Tips for Asperger Students: How to get the Most Out
of University and College. Rosemary Martin, $19.95
Transition Strategies for Adolescents & Young Adults
Who Use AAC. David McNaughton & David Beukelman, $43.50
Transition or Transformation: Helping Young People with
Autism Spectrum Disorder Set Out on a Hopeful Road Toward Their Adult Lives.
John Clements, Julia Hardy & Stephanie Lord, $53.50
Turning Skills and Strengths into Careers for Young
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the BASICS College Curriculum. Michelle
Rigler, Emily Quinn & Amy Rutherford, $49.95
Unemployed On the Autism Spectrum: How to Cope with the
Effects of Unemployment and Jobhunt with Confidence. Michael John Carley,
The Way to Work: How to Facilitate Work Experiences for
Youth in Transition. Richard Luecking, $49.50
What Time is the 9:20 Bus? A Journey to a Meaningful
Life, Disability and All. Lucinda Hage, $20.00
Working with Adults with Asperger Syndrome: a Practical
Toolkit. Carol Hagland & Zillah Webb, $52.95
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