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Books & Videos
Apps for Autism: a Must-Have Resource for the Special
Needs Community, Revised 2nd Edition. Lois Jean Brady, $56.50
Speech Language Pathologist Lois Jean Brady wrote this
book in order to educate parents, teachers, and other professionals about the
breakthrough method she calls “iTherapy” — which is the use of Apple products
(iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and various apps (computer applications) in meeting
students’ individual educational goals.
Lois believes that all persons on the spectrum can learn
how to use technology in a way that is relevant to them. She shares important
tips on how to use apps responsibly and effectively by maintaining a child-centered,
team approach to teaching and learning, taking into account the individual’s
interests, strengths/ challenges, vision, motor planning, attention, sensory
processing, memory, cognitive ability, environment, and access to tools. Lois
also coaches adults on how they can use prompting and reinforcement techniques
to help establish and generalize skills learned, until students are able to
consistently demonstrate the skills in various environments (home, school,
For those who are new to the wonderful world of apps,
worry not! Lois provides helpful sections on how to get started, including:
Choosing an iDevice, Basic iDevice Operations, Opening an Account, How to
Download an App from iTunes, and more. What about apps that released after this
book was published? Again — Lois has you covered! Just visit this book’s
companion website for reviews of new apps that made the grade. |
Assessing and Developing Communication and Thinking
Skills in People with Autism and Communication Difficulties: a Toolkit for
Parents and Professionals. Kate Silver & Autism Initiatives, $40.95
This fully photocopiable resource offers a flexible
framework for the assessment and measurement of the communication skills of
children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). Packed with practical
assessment and planning sheets, it enables teachers, educators and other
professionals to observe and record how children use and understand language,
and to follow their progress over time.
The completed assessment record is an accessible summary
of a child's individual communication style, identifying strengths and
weaknesses and the ways in which he or she is best assisted and motivated to
communicate. It focuses on how children express themselves in everyday
situations - for example, how they make requests or gain attention, the words
they use most frequently, and how their communication is affected by different
people and places. Most importantly, it provides a diagnosis of where
communication skills can be developed and improved.
Using the communication curriculum, educators can set
appropriate targets, linked to work in other areas, such as literacy and
science. A separate thinking skills curriculum aims to develop the skills and
confidence necessary for social interaction, from making simple choices to
understanding humour and abstract ideas.
Originally devised for use with children with ASDs, this
toolkit is equally effective in identifying communication problems in other
children, and is an invaluable resource for teachers and speech and language
therapists. |
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The Assessment
of Basic Language and Learning Skills, Revised (ABLLS-R).
James Partington, $89.95
The Assessment of Basic Language
and Learning Skills (The ABLLS) is an assessment, curriculum
guide, and skills tracking system for children with language delays.
The ABLLS contains a task analysis of the many skills necessary
to communicate successfully and to learn from everyday experiences.
The ABLLS is comprised of two separate documents: The ABLLS Scoring
Instructions and IEP Development Guide (The ABLLS Guide), and The
ABLLS Protocol that is used to record scores for each child. The
new revised version of the ABLLS includes many new task items that
were not included in the previous edition. There are numerous changes
in the descriptions and criterion for individual task items, as
well as in the sequencing of many task items. A review of the changes
can be found in the ABLLS Changes Chart. Individuals who have used
the earlier version are advised to review the information regarding
the changes. |
WebABLLS 2.0
WebABLLS is a web-based platform for the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R) — an assessment, curriculum guide, and skills tracking system that mirrors the ABLLSR in an electronic format.
WebABLLS incorporates the latest updates and revisions from ABLLS-R and provides an innovative level of program data management.
For more information on the WebABLLS and how to order, please see our WebABLLS 2.0 page here. |
Assistive Technology in Special
Education: Resources for Education, Intervention, and Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition. Joan Green, $56.95
Families, teachers, and therapists who
are searching for an update about how to use the latest technologies to help
individuals who struggle with communication, literacy, and learning will
benefit from the wealth of practical, well-organized information in this second
presents an overview of the uses of technologies to help readers zero in on
specific, powerful, cutting-edge resources they can use to enhance success. The
book features new tools to improve and compensate for challenges relating to
speaking, understanding, reading, writing, and thinking and remembering, as
well as strategies to help students become more organized and efficient. The
use of tablets (such as iPads and Smartphones), as well as cloud-based
products, is highlighted. Online resources and social networking tools are
presented to empower readers to learn about new products as they become
available. |
Attention and
Listening in the Early Years. Sharon Garforth, $39.95
The ability to attend, to listen and to look are prerequisites
to all forms of learning. By facilitating children's attention
and listening skills, we are able to give them a better chance
of achieving their potential in communication, speech and language,
and therefore learning skills.
is an innovative course designed for groups of children aged 2-4.
Each group session is planned around a theme such as 'The Farm'
or 'The Zoo'. The themes provide an anchor for the children to gain
meaning from the listening activities, games and songs that will
help them learn to sit still, not talk, look at the speaker and
think about the words — all vital skills in good listening.
Each session will be a fun and fruitful alternative to traditional
circle-time for early childhood practitioners and speech and language
therapists. |
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Augmentative &
Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex
Communication Needs, 4th Edition. David Beukelman & Pat Mirenda. $117.50
As AAC use continues to flourish and new
technology revolutionizes the field, tomorrow's service providers need current,
authoritative information on AAC for children and adults with communication
disorders. That's why David Beukelman and Pat Mirenda have revised and updated
widely adopted graduate-level text on communication disorders and AAC. The
foundational textbook for SLPs, OTs, PTs, teachers, and other professionals in
clinical and educational settings, this fourth edition is a definitive
introduction to AAC processes, interventions, and technologies that help people
best meet their daily communication needs.
Readers will get a thorough overview of
communication and AAC issues for people with specific developmental
disabilities (including cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, and
autism) and acquired disabilities (such as aphasia, traumatic brain
injury, and degenerative cognitive and linguistic disorders). And with helpful
photos, figures, and photocopiable forms, readers will be ready to collect and
use important information on assessment, individual communication needs,
classroom supports, and more. |
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a
Therapy Manual Targeting Social Skills in Children 4-9. Jamie
Torres-Feliciano, Pamela Wiley, Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a
Therapy Manual Targeting Social Skills in Children 10-12. Jamie
Torres-Feliciano, Pamela Wiley, Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a
Therapy Manual Targeting Social Skills in Teens. Jamie Torres-Feliciano, Pamela
Wiley, Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a
Pre-Vocational Training Manual for Ages 17+. Jamie Torres-Feliciano, Pamela
Wiley, Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
These practical guides include activities and
materials to reinforce the information presented in the text, as well as
suggestions for extension activities. The AASIP program provides a
comprehensive yet practical approach to teaching social communication skills
across the life span to individuals with moderate to high functioning autism
spectrum disorder and other diagnoses that result in social communication
deficits. Children, teens, and youth will enjoy engaging with their peers as
they learn how to become social communicators and build their confidence.
This program, while developed for speech-language
pathologists, can also be easily used by school and college counselors, special
educators, coaches, and parents who express an interest in this type of
program. |
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Autism Spectrum
Disorders and AAC. Pat Mirenda & Teresa Iacono, $74.50
For children, adolescents, and adults with autism, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) can have a tremendous positive impact on communication, social skills, and behavior. This comprehensive, up-to-date research volume looks at the most effective AAC methods; clarifies the common characteristics of effective AAC interventions and offers insights into the research required to make AAC technologies more meaningful and motivating. Essential reading for educators, SLPs, OTs, PTs, and other direct service providers working with ASDs. |
Becoming Verbal with Childhood
Apraxia: New Insights on Piaget for Today's Therapy. Pam Marshalla, $24.95
This book helps therapists and parents
learn how to help children become more vocal, verbal, communicative, imitative
and interactive. Based on the original writings of Jean Piaget and Pam
Marshalla's three decades of clinical work with children, it contains profound
yet practical tools for helping children learn to talk.
Teach your child to speak up, speak out,
play with sounds and words, engage in dialogue, imitate, and become much more
expressive. If you are looking for a place to begin reading about how to help a
young child with a severe expressive speech delay or disorder, this is it. |
The BIG Book of ABA Programs: an ABA Program and IEP Goal for Every Teachable Step in the ABLLS-R. Michael Mueller & Ajamu Nkosi, $99.95
With more than 500 precisely written, photocopy-ready ABA teaching protocols and empirical, defendable IEP goals, each program in this book can be customized for any student and unique setting. |
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Big Book of Exclamations. Teri
Peterson, illustrated by Chris McAllister, $19.95
A fun, educational book designed to promote speech sound development and imitation of gestures, sounds and words. |
Beyond Baby Talk: from Sounds to Sentences — a Parent’s
Complete Guide to Language Development. Ken Apel & Julie Masterson,
Language is about so much more than just words, and
healthy communication is the foundation of your child’s ability to succeed
emotionally, socially, and academically. The first eight years of life are a
critical period of language and literacy development, and as a parent, you are
your child’s primary role model as he or she begins to acquire speaking,
reading, and writing skills. And yet, you may be uncertain of what constitutes
typical language progress and of what activities and practices will enhance
your child’s learning experiences the most. Fully revised and updated for our
modern times, Beyond Baby Talk is here to guide you through the easiest and
most engaging ways to instill strong communication skills in your child, and to
provide fun for you both along the way. |
Can I Tell You about Selective Mutism? A Guide for
Friends, Family and Professionals. Maggie Johnson
& Alison Wintgens, $15.95
Meet Hannah — a young girl with
selective mutism (SM). Hannah invites readers to learn about selective mutism
from her perspective, helping them to understand what it is, what it feels like
to have SM, and how they can help.
This illustrated book is packed with
accessible information and will be an ideal introduction to selective mutism.
It shows family, friends and teachers how they can support a child with the
condition and is also a good place to start when encouraging children with SM
to talk about how it affects them. |
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Can I Tell You about Stammering? A
Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals. Sue
Cottrell, $15.95
Meet Harry — a young boy who stammers.
Harry invites readers to learn about what it is like to stammer from his
perspective and how it affects his daily life and makes him feel. He talks
about techniques that can help reduce stammering and describes how friends,
family and others can help him to feel at ease and reduce his stammer further.
This illustrated book is full of useful
information and will be an ideal introduction for young people, aged 7 upwards,
as well as parents, friends, teachers and speech therapists working with
children who stammer. It is also an excellent starting point for group
discussions at home or school. |
Can I Tell You about Stuttering? A Guide for Friends, Family
and Professionals. Sue Cottrell, illustrated by Sophie Khan, $15.95
Meet Harry — a young boy who stutters. Harry invites
readers to learn about what it is like to stutter from his perspective and how
it affects his daily life and makes him feel. He talks about techniques that
can help reduce stuttering and describes how friends, family and others can
help him to feel at ease and reduce his stutter further.
This illustrated book is full of useful information and
will be an ideal introduction for young people, aged 7 upwards, as well as
parents, friends, teachers and speech therapists working with children who
stutter. It is also an excellent starting point for group discussions at home
or school. |
Challenge Me! Speech
and Communication Cards. Amanda Elliott, Illustrated by David
Kemp, $37.95 (ages 3-12)
Theses cards provide fun and dynamic challenges for
children aged 3-12 with any form of speech problem. The cards provide
a variety of fun activities designed to improve breathing techniques
and use of speech apparatus such as the mouth, tongue and nose;
control extra salivation; moderate volume, tempo, rhythm and intonation
of speech; and improve sound production and clarity of words and
sentences. These user-friendly activities will make speech training
enjoyable for both children and their facilitators and are great
for use in the classroom, at home, on a one-to-one basis or with
a group of children. |
Speech, Language & Listening Problems, 3rd Edition: What Every
Parent Should Know. Patricia McAleer Hamaguchi, $22.95
Does your child have trouble getting the right words out, following directions, or being understood? Speech-language pathologist Patricia Hamaguchi answers your questions to help you determine what's best for your child. This newest edition:
- Expands on speech and articulation issues affecting toddlers
- Includes a new chapter on socially "quirky" children
- Explains how to get the right help for your child, including when to wait before seeking help, how to find the right specialist, and how the problem may affect your child academically, socially, and at home
- Updates information on autism spectrum disorders, neurobiological disorders, and auditory processing disorders
- Offers crucial and up-to-date guidance you need to help your child in school and at home.
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Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: a Parents' Guide
to Early Speech-Language Development and Treatment. Mary Hardin-Jones,
Kathy Chapman & Nancy Scherer, $30.50
Turn to this book for family-friendly guidance and
support for young children with clefts—cleft lip, cleft palate, and cleft lip
and palate—one of the most commonly occurring birth defects. Learn about:
- what clefts are
- how they are repaired and when
- feeding problems before and after surgery
- dental issues
- hearing & middle ear problems
- your child's treatment team
- your child's perspective
- velopharyngeal inadequacy
- speech-language skill building activities
A team of speech-language pathologists focuses especially
on mitigating the speech and language problems experienced by infants and
toddlers (ages birth to three) with cleft palate. Parents can use the book's
dozens of practical, hands-on activities to improve their child's speech.
Helpful strategies, illustrations of cleft repair procedures, photos of
equipment, and recommended resources empower parents to get started on
addressing speech problems of very young children and other issues for
school-aged children. Speech-language pathologists, early intervention
specialists, and medical professionals will also want this book to recommend to
the families they serve. |
Children's Speech
Sound Disorders, 2nd Edition. Caroline Bowen, $94.00
Speaking directly to experienced and novice clinicians, educators and students in
speech-language pathology/speech and language therapy via an informative
essay-based approach, Children’s Speech
Sound Disorders provides concise, easy-to-understand explanations of key
aspects of the classification, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of
articulation disorders, phonological disorders and childhood apraxia of speech.
It also includes a range of searching questions to international experts on
their work in the child speech field.
This new edition is meticulously updated and expanded.
It includes new material on Apps
assessing and treating two-year-olds, children acquiring languages other than
English and working with multilingual children, communities of practice in
communication sciences and disorders, distinguishing delay from disorder,
linguistic sciences, counselling and managing difficult behaviour, and the neural
underpinnings of and new approaches to treating CAS. This bestselling guide
- Case vignettes and real-world examples to place
topics in context
- Expert essays by sixty distinguished
- A companion website for instructors and a range
of supporting materials on the author’s own site at speech-language-therapy.com
Drawing on a range of theoretical, research and clinical
perspectives and emphasising quality client care and evidence-based practice, Children’s Speech Sound Disorders is a
comprehensive collection of clinical nuggets, hands-on strategies, and
inspiration. |
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The Cow Says Moo: Ten Tips to Teach Toddlers to Talk,
an Early Intervention Guide. Vicky McErlean, with Madelyn Bythell, $25.95
Is my child a late talker or should I be
concerned? My child pulls me to what he wants instead of talks,
should I be worried? Will sign language stop my child from talking?
Do these questions sound familiar? You are not alone.
Millions of parents ask the same questions about their child’s speech every
day! Empower yourself to help your child now with The Cow Says Moo, an
early intervention guide that will teach you the best, easy-to-use, proven
strategies for helping children learn to communicate. In 10 easy-to-follow
tips, The Cow Says Moo provides the same proven, common sense
strategies that are used by practitioners who provide direct home-based speech
therapy to toddlers and their families. The Cow Says Moo delivers speech
therapy at a level that the average parent can understand and implement. |
Developmental Speech-Language
Training through Music for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Theory and
Clinical Application. Hayoung Lim, $47.95
This is a comprehensive guide to Dr. Hayoung Lim's highly
effective approach of using music in speech-language training for children ASD.
Part I provides a sound theoretical foundation and employs the most up-to-date
research, including the author's own extensive study, to validate the use of
music in speech and language training for children with ASD. Part II analyzes
the clinical implications protocols, and explains in
detail specific interventions that can be used with the approach. The practical application of DSLM to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Verbal
Behavior (VB) approaches is also explored.
This is essential reading for music therapists, speech and
language pathologists and other professionals working with children with
autism, as well as researchers and academics in the field. |
Everyday Communication for Children with Disabilities.
Jeff Sigafoos, Michael Arthur-Kelly & Nancy Butterfield, $34.50
Practical and concise, this introductory
guide is filled with real-world tips and strategies for anyone working
to improve the communication of children with moderate, severe,
and multiple disabilities. Emphasizing the link between behavior
and communication, three respected researchers transform up-to-date
research and proven best practices into instructional procedures
and interventions ready for use at home or in school. |
50 Great Activities
for Children Who Stutter: Lessons, Insights and Ideas for Therapy
Success. Peter Reitzes, $68.95
refreshing, practical manual for professionals working with school-age
children who stutter. These fun activities make therapy both clear
and successful. The presentation of the activities is down-to-earth,
and includes step-by step directions, as well as delightful dialogue
to use with the kids. You also get a number of activities specifically
designed for therapy groups composed of children who stutter and
children with language disorders. |
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Functional Communication Training for Problem Behavior. John Reichle & David Wacker, $56.50
Children and adolescents with moderate and severe
disabilities often have communication challenges that lead them to use problem
behavior to convey their desires. This is the most comprehensive contemporary
volume on functional communication training (FCT) — the individualized
instructional approach that teaches a child socially acceptable communicative
alternatives to aggression, tantrums, self-injury, and other unconventional
behaviors. The expert authors provide accessible, empirically based guidelines
for implementing FCT, and tips for overcoming obstacles. Grounded in the
principles of applied behavior analysis, the book includes detailed strategies
for developing a support plan, together with illustrative case examples. |
Getting the Picture: Inference and Narrative Skills for Young People with Communication Difficulties. David Nash, Illustrated by Oliver Allchin, $35.95
Young people with communication difficulties often struggle in social situations. Without adequate inference, narrative and sequencing skills, correctly interpreting and responding to other people can be a real challenge. This fully photocopiable resource has been designed to improve these skills in the way this population can often learn best — visually. This book is brimming with thought-provoking illustrations of different people in different places, all of which are accompanied by a series of questions designed to encourage prediction and inference skills.
This book will be a valuable tool for speech and language therapists/pathologists, occupational therapists, special educators, parents and anybody else looking to help young people with communication difficulties to understand and connect with the world around them. |
Helping Children
to Improve their Communication Skills: Therapeutic Activities for
Teachers, Parents and Therapists. Deborah Plummer, $39.95
For many children, the act of communication which most of us take for granted can be a struggle, and communicating with others can become something to fear rather than enjoy. This creative book is full of fun and imaginative ideas to help children aged 4-11 with a speech or language delay or disorder to develop their communication skills. It is packed with activities and games specifically tailored to help develop skills such as articulation, vocabulary development, breath control, conversation skills and non-verbal communication. Tips for personalizing and shaping the activities are also provided. A comprehensive theory section supports the ideas presented, and practical advice on working with groups and individuals and in different settings is also given.
This activity book will be an invaluable resource not only for speech and language therapists and students, but also for parents, teachers, carers and other support staff who are looking for creative ways to promote language development. |
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Helping Your Child
with Selective Mutism: Practical Steps to Overcoming a Fear of Speaking.
Angela McHolm, Charles Cunningham & Melanie Vanier, $26.95
Three experts in treating selective mutism
team up to provide parents with the first book to offer practical
strategies for treating children with this potentially isolating
anxiety disorder often referred to as "social phobia's cousin."
Introduction to Teaching
Language to Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities.
James Partington, $83.95 DVD
This DVD provides an overview of B. F. Skinner’s functional analysis of language to parents, educators, and other practitioners. A review of the primary types of expressive language skills (verbal operants) is included along with video clip demonstrations of effective teaching methods. Viewers will learn how to assess a child’s language abilities, and how to design and implement an appropriate language intervention program. A major emphasis is placed on identifying methods to enhance and utilize motivational variables to teach language in both structured teaching sessions and in daily activities. Techniques for coordinating the ongoing decision making necessary for effective language intervention and methods of data collection and tracking are also presented.
It Takes Two to Talk: a Practical Guide for Parents of
Children with Language Delays, 5th Edition. Elaine Weitzman, $54.00
If you're a parent concerned about your child's language
development, the new fifth edition of Hanen's It Takes Two to Talk can
support you in giving your child the extra help he needs. Designed specifically
for parents of children with language delays, It Takes Two to Talk is
based on the following important principles:
- Learning happens naturally — Children learn language best during
everyday routines and conversations with the important people in their lives
- Parents are their child's most important language teachers
- The earlier a child receives the extra help he needs, the more
his language skills will improve
With the right skills and strategies, you can transform
any moment of your child's life into fun and natural opportunities to build
strong language skills. |
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Late Talkers: Language Development,
Interventions, and Outcomes. Leslie Rescorla &
Philip Dale, $79.95
What does the research tell us about
late talkers, and what are the key implications for clinical practice? Discover
the latest findings in this important volume, a comprehensive survey
of 30+ years of research about young children with delayed expressive
language. More than 25 top researchers explore the causes and characteristics
of late language emergence, long-term outcomes for late talkers, effective intervention
approaches, and future directions for new research studies. Discover
the latest findings on:
- Effects of late language emergence on outcomes
later in life
- Accurate identification of late talkers among
bilingual children
- How to recognize when late talking indicates
significant risk for developmental disability
- Real-time spoken language understanding as an
early predictor of later language outcomes
- Evidence-based language intervention approaches
for late-talking toddlers
- The relationship between phonology and lexical
development in late talkers
- Prevalence, predictors, and causes of late
language emergence
- Parent-implemented language intervention
- How to match interventions to a child's
individual characteristics
The Late Talker: What to Do If Your Child Isn’t
Talking Yet. Marilyn Agin et al, $18.99
Every parent eagerly awaits the day his or her child will
speak for the first time. For millions of mothers and fathers, however,
anticipation turns to anxiety when those initial, all-important words are a
long time coming. Many worried parents are reassured that their child is
"just a late talker," but unfortunately, all too often that is not
the case. Nineteen million children in the United States have serious speech
disorders, such as apraxia of speech. For these toddlers, early and intensive
speech therapy is crucial if they are to stand a chance of ever speaking
normally. This book was written to help the worried parent cut through the
confusion and stress to determine if their child needs help.
The Late Talker provides effective, practical
answers to the questions every concerned parent asks. Written by Marilyn C.
Agin, a highly respected developmental pediatrician, and Lisa F. Geng, a mother
of two late talkers, it is a tremendously useful handbook that includes:
- Ways to identify the warning signs of a speech disorder
- Information on how to get the right kind of evaluations and
- Ways to obtain appropriate services through the school system and
health insurance
- Fun at-home activities that parents can do with their child to
stimulate speech
- Groundbreaking evidence of the promising and dramatic benefits of
nutritional supplementation
- Advice from experienced parents who've been there on what to
expect and what you can do to be
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Late-Talking Children: a Symptom or a Stage? Stephen
Camarata, $22.95
When children are late in hitting developmental
milestones, parents worry. And no delay causes more parental anxiety than late
talking. Children’s speech expert Stephen Camarata points out in this
enlightening book, children are late in beginning to talk for a wide variety of
reasons. For some children, late talking may be a symptom of other, more
serious, problems; for many others, however, it may simply be a stage with no
long-term complications.
Camarata describes in accessible language what science
knows about the characteristics and causes of late talking. He explains that
today’s greater awareness of autism, as well as the expanded definition of
autism as a “spectrum” of symptoms, has increased the chances that a
late-talking child will be diagnosed — or misdiagnosed — with autism. But, he
reminds us, late talking is only one of a constellation of autism symptoms.
Although all autistic children are late talkers, not all late-talking children
are autistic.
Camarata draws on more than twenty-five years of professional
experience diagnosing and treating late talkers — and on his personal experience
of being a late talker himself and having a late-talking son. Camarata offers
parents valuable guidance on seeking treatment, advising them to get second and
third opinions if necessary, and warning them against false diagnoses,
unqualified practitioners, and ineffective therapies. He provides information
that will help parents navigate the maze of doctors, speech therapists, early
childhood services, and special education; and he describes the effect that
late talking may have on children’s post-talking learning styles. |
Learning Language
and Loving It™ DVD: Promoting Children's Social, Language, and Literacy
Development in Early Childhood Settings. The Hanen Centre,
$65.00 DVD format 
This easy to use DVD demonstrates the vital role
of preschool teachers in facilitating children’s social, language
and literacy development. As a companion to the LEARNING LANGUAGE
AND LOVING IT guidebook and program, this DVD provides real life
examples of teachers using strategies in play and daily activities
to create enriched, interactive language-learning environments that
include children who have special needs and language delays, who
are second language learners, as well as those who are typically
developing. User friendly menus provide quick access to everyday
examples. |
Leo's Words Disappeared. Elaheh Bos, $22.95
Lola's Words Disappeared. Elaheh Bos, $22.95
These colourful books introduce children to techniques
for managing anxiety, and selective mutism. |
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with Music: Building Children’s Communication through Songs &
Rhymes. Hanen Centre, $40.00 (DVD format, 46 minutes)
This delightful new DVD is a fun and practical resource
for parents, caregivers and family support professionals. MAGIC
WITH MUSIC clearly demonstrates how to enrich a child’s
social, language and early literacy development using songs and
rhymes. Suitable for use with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. |
Maya's Voice. Wen-Wen Cheng, $14.50
Maya's Voice is a picture book about a
little girl's journey to confront Selective Mutism. Maya is a bright-eyed,
inquisitive little girl who loves to share her sweet voice. But when she starts
school, she loses the confidence to use her voice and goes about her school day
in silence. With time, patience, understanding, and love from all those around
her, Maya discovers her sweet voice again. |
More Than Words:
Promoting the Communication Development of Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder and Other Social Communication Challenges, DVD.
The Hanen Centre, $55.00 DVD format (18 months to 5 years) 
This easy-to-use DVD is an invaluable tool for both
parents and professionals who support preschool children with social
and communication challenges, such as autism spectrum disorder.
A companion to Hanen’s popular MORE THAN WORDS guidebook, the DVD
brings to life the research-based strategies parents can use in
everyday activities to foster their children’s communication skills.
The book is also available: More Than Words:
a Parent's Guide to Building Interaction and Language Skills for
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties,
2nd Edition. Fern Sussman, $54.00 |
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Mouth & Tongue Let’s Have Some Fun! Karina Hopper, $9.95
Moving the mouth and tongue in different ways is very effective for strengthening facial muscles and aiding speech development. This simple picture book is designed to help children with speech delays and speech-motor difficulties. |
My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote
Your Child's Language Development. Kimberly Scanlon, $30.95
My Toddler Talks is a must-have for anyone
interested in developing language in young children. Learn how to model and
elicit language in a fun, straightforward and practical manner from an experienced
& licensed speech language pathologist. Textbook theory and evidenced-based
speech therapy techniques are applied in an enjoyable and user-friendly way.
Whether you’re a parent or a professional, My Toddler
Talks shows you how to engage toddlers with play routines that stimulate
speech while having fun. The guide includes detailed steps, numerous examples,
and play routine activities to facilitate learning and language development. |
Neurogenetic Syndromes:
Behavioral Issues and Their Treatment. Bruce Shapiro &
Pasquale Accardo, $82.95
This cutting-edge volume sheds new light on neurogenetic syndromes using a promising clinical perspective: examining behavioral and psychological phenotypes, with a strong focus on the influence of genetics. Linking science with practice like no other current text on this topic, this comprehensive book combines the latest research of two dozen leading experts and shows how these advances in knowledge apply to treatment and therapy. |
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Nurturing Narratives:
Coaching Comprehension, Creating Conversation. Lauren Franke
& Christine Durbin, $49.95
Story-based language intervention for children with language impairments that are complicated by other developmental disabilities such as autism spectrum disorders. |
Language Activities for Young Learners. Cindy
Middendorf, $12.95
This 4-page, laminated reference guide
provides background and strategies that will help early childhood professionals
working with 3 to 5 year olds in building the foundation of oral language
skills. |
Parent’s Guide to Speech and Language Problems. Debbie
Feit, $23.95
This authoritative guide for helping the speech-impaired
child is a one-stop resource, offering not only current medical
information but also advice and encouragement from a mom who’s
been there. Author Debbie Feit has two children with speech problems
and understands what it takes to survive and thrive day-to-day as
a family. THE PARENT'S GUIDE TO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROBLEMS offers a practical combination of clinical research and real-world,
hands-on parenting solutions. |
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Prosody Intervention for High-Functioning Adolescents and
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Enhancing Communication and Social
Engagement through Voice, Rhythm, and Pitch. Michelle Dunn & Larry
Harris, $39.95
When making the transition to adulthood, young people
with Autism Spectrum Disorder can find their opportunities limited by their
impaired prosody. Through a program of evidence-based lessons and resources,
this book helps to develop verbal and nonverbal skills essential to adult life,
particularly in the context of looking for a job or social situations. It is a
complete curriculum, covering everything from self-calming to fluency and
conversational skills, and includes lesson plans, handouts, and homework.
The program has been successfully used by the authors in
their work with people on the autism spectrum and will be a life-changing
resource for professionals as well as for parents and people on the autism
spectrum wanting to improve their ability to communicate well. |
Selective Mutism in Our
Own Words: Experiences in Childhood and Adulthood. Carl Sutton & Cheryl Forrester, $29.95
Exploring all aspects of SM, from symptoms and diagnostic
criteria, to triggers and the consequences of being psychologically unable to
speak, the stories in this book dispel the myths around this often
misunderstood condition. Far from refusing to talk, or choosing not to, the
contributors offer genuine insights into why they simply cannot speak in
certain situations or in front of certain people. Children, teens and adults
from the UK and US share experiences of feeling isolated, struggling at school,
and finding ways to communicate. Letting people with SM know that they are not
alone with the condition, the book will also help family, friends and
professionals to understand what it is like to live with SM. |
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The Silent Child: Exploring the World of Children Who Do
Not Speak. Laurent Danon-Boileau, $26.50
THE SILENT CHILD offers case-based analysis of how
children with pathology ranging from autism to aphasia find their
way towards speech. It includes narrated real-life treatment sessions
and draws general conclusions from both a linguistic and a psychoanalytic
perspective. |
Speaking of Apraxia: a Parent's Guide
to Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Leslie Lindsay,
Written in an empathic style by a parent
who "has been there", SPEAKING OF APRAXIA offers hope and
practical advice for parents of toddlers to teens with this
neurologically-based motor speech disorder. Characterized by difficulties with
planning and producing the complex set of movements necessary for intelligible
speech, childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) can be a child's only diagnosis or
can be accompanied by other special needs such as learning disabilities, Down
syndrome, or autism. Parents and professionals will appreciate the author's
clear explanations of everything from diagnosing CAS and working with
speech-language pathologists (SLPs), to understanding how to distinguish it
from other speech disorders, and getting appropriate early intervention and
special education support.
comprehensive and authoritative resource any family, SLP, occupational
therapist, or pediatric practice will be glad to own or recommend. |
Speech Development Guide for Children with
Hearing Loss. Frederick Berg, $96.95
This 160 page guide is a handy resource
for clinicians. Its contents include diagrams and descriptions,
which blend pictures, words and sentences together; worksheets;
lesson plans; sensory cues and aids for shaping speech; syllable
drills; progress and final report forms; guidelines for parents;
and a list of suggested reading to follow up on related subjects.
This is a time-proven curriculum, which has resulted in a high rate
of speech improvement in children with hearing loss. |
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Speech in Action: Interactive Activities Combining Speech Language Pathology and Adoptive Physical Education. America Gonzalez, Lois Jean Brady & Jim Elliott, $43.95
Children, particularly those on the autism spectrum, are able to acquire communication skills much more easily when their learning incorporates movement. Even very simple actions such as tapping and hand clapping can have a noticeable impact on their speech and language development.
SPEECH IN ACTION is an innovative approach to learning that combines
simple techniques from speech and language pathology with physical
exercises that have been carefully designed to meet the individual
child's particular needs and abilities. This practical workbook
describes the approach, and how it works, and contains 90 fully-photocopiable
lesson plans packed with fun and creative ideas for getting both
mouth and body moving.
This will be a useful resource for teachers, occupational therapists, and other professionals who work with children with delayed communication skills, as well as parents and carers who would like to support their child's speech and language development at home. |
Speech & Language Development in Down
Syndrome & Fragile X Syndrome. Joanne Roberts, Robin
Chapman $ Steven Warren, $59.50
Spotlighting two of the most prevalent
and most researched genetically based disabilities — Down
syndrome and Fragile X syndrome — this cutting-edge text
clarifies the distinct speech and language issues associated
with each disorder and helps readers conduct individualized
assessment and intervention. |
The Speech-Language Pathologist's Handbook for
Inclusive School Practices. Julie Causton & Chelsea Tracy-Bronson,
Every inclusive school team needs a great SLP who
supports communication skills where they’re needed most — in the classroom, as
students with disabilities learn and participate alongside their peers. This is
the practical, friendly guide SLPs need to go beyond pull-out services and
deliver successful communication and language supports as part of an inclusive
school team. Packed with immediately useful strategies, relatable examples, and
invaluable insights from experienced SLPs, this guidebook is key to helping
students with disabilities improve their communicative functioning so they can
access the curriculum and fully participate in classroom routines and
activities. New and seasoned SLPs will turn to this book again and again for
clear guidance on succeeding in an inclusive classroom and helping all students
reach their full potential. |
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Supporting Children with Speech and Language
Difficulties, 2nd Edition. Cathy Allenby, Judith Fearon-Wilson, Sally
Merrison & Elizabeth Morling, $48.50
Completely revised and updated, this new edition
describes the different types of difficulties experienced by pupils with
speech, language and communication needs. It will help teachers and other
professionals to feel more confident by providing expert guidance and practical
strategies, and as a professional development tool, will also encourage
outstanding practice by suggesting ideas and materials for in-house training
sessions. The wide-ranging and accessible chapters explore topics including:
- Listening skills
- Phonological awareness
- Comprehension of language
- Activities for circle time
- Working with parents
Featuring useful checklists, templates and photocopiable
resources, this practical resource contains a wealth of valuable advice and
tried-and-tested strategies for identifying children and young people with
speech, language and communication needs, ensuring they have the support they
need to make exceptional progress. |
Talk to Me, Baby! How You Can Support Young Children's
Language Development. Betty Bardige, $41.50
Playful, engaging talk with young children is much more than a
social activity: it's the foundation of language, intellectual,
and social-emotional development, and it's also the key to narrowing
the achievement gap between children from different socioeconomic
backgrounds. Now there's a practical, easy-to-read guidebook that
shows professionals and parents how to talk to and play with young
children in ways that directly support their emerging language
With passion, warmth, and wisdom, early
education expert Betty Bardige takes readers on a fascinating
tour through six stages in a young child's language development — starting with the "baby
babbles” of infancy and ending with the early literacy skills
of the preschool and kindergarten years. |
Talk to Me: Conversation Strategies for Parents of
Children on the Autism Spectrum or with Speech Language Impairments. Heather
Jones, $25.95
If your child finds talking to people a struggle, this is
the book to get the conversation started. In this hands-on guide, Heather Jones
offers practical advice, born of experience with her own son, which will help
you teach your child the principles of communication. Full of strategies and
examples, it shows how you can allay fears, build confidence and teach your
child to enjoy conversation. Once a child gets used to talking with other
people, many life skills can develop more easily as they grow up – from making
friends and shopping for themselves, to being interviewed and eventually
getting a job.
This handy book provides guidance and inspiration to
parents, teachers and anyone else who cares for a child who finds language and
comprehension difficult. |
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Talking Is Hard for Me! Encouraging
Communication in Children with Speech-Language Difficulties. Linda Reinert, illustrated by Emily Lynch. $26.50
Use this uniquely designed book to
improve the communication skills of young children — ages 3 through 7 — who have
delayed or ineffective speech due to autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy,
cleft lip/palate, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, hearing loss, or another
lively, full-color illustrated children’s story that follows a child and his
family as they challenge, prompt, and support his communication efforts. Adults
can read the story on their own or with their child to empathize with his
struggles to talk while learning practical ideas that help. The accompanying
informational sections are full of accessible speech-language therapy strategies
and instructions to improve communication and ease frustration. Readers will be
empowered when they see how easy it is to apply these practices throughout
everyday life! |
Teaching Communication
Skills to Children with Autism. Pat Crissey, $31.95 (Grades
offers a comprehensive overview of methods and strategies
for developing functional communication in children with autism.
It addresses the needs of non-verbal and beginning communicators,
as well as verbal children with high functioning autism and Asperger
Syndrome. Includes a license to reprint PDF forms and handouts. |
Teaching Communication Skills to Students with Severe
Disabilities, 3rd Edition. June Dowling, Amy Hanreddy & Kathryn
Peckham-Hardin, $68.95
How can educators and therapists support effective
communication for students with severe and multiple disabilities? Today’s best
research and strategies are in the newest edition of this trusted
textbook and teaching guide. Current and future education professionals will get up-to-date
information and practical guidance on the entire process of supporting
communication for students of all ages, from assessing their communication
skills to involving peers and adults in intervention. An important textbook and
professional reference, this comprehensive volume will help educators,
paraprofessionals, SLPs, and other school staff skillfully support every
student’s right to communicate.
TOPICS COVERED: communication assessment *
intervention strategies * identification of natural opportunities to teach
skills * augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) techniques *
collaborative teaming * challenging behavior * Functional Communication
Training * literacy instruction * peers as communication partners * teaching a
wide range of skills that go beyond simple requesting, from commenting to
gaining attention |
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Teaching Language to Children with Autism or Other
Developmental Disabilities. Mark Sundberg & James Partington, $61.95
Most children with autism or other developmental
disabilities experience severe language delays or disorders. Teaching language
to these children can be quite a challenge to parents and professionals. This
book presents a state-of-the-art language assessment and intervention program
based on B.F. Skinner's behavioral analysis of language, and the extensive body
of empirical research that supports Skinner's analysis.
The first section of the book provides information regarding preparation for
language intervention, including a brief language assessment and a system to
interpret the assessment in order to determine the best place to start
intervention for an individual child. Section One also contains a chapter on
augmentative communication and information on how to decide if it is necessary;
and if so, which type might be the best for an individual child. Section Two
focuses on the development of initial communication skills for nonverbal
children, and Section Three focuses on teaching more advanced language and
social skills. Section Four presents issues relevant to the implementation of a
language program in a child's natural and school environments. In addition,
there are a variety of data sheets and skills tracking forms located throughout
the book. |
Taking Speech Disorders to School. $16.95 (ages
This beautifully illustrated and fun-to-read storybook
tells the story of Michael, a kid living with a speech disorder. Michael's
story helps kids understand the cause and effects of his disorder and how
speech therapy helps him communicate more clearly. In addition, children with a
speech disorder or children who have conditions that set them apart as being
different begin to feel accepted and safe. Book includes a Kid Quiz to
reinforce new information and Ten Tips for Teachers to provide additional facts
and ideas for teacher use. |
Teach Me How to Say It Right: Helping Your Child with
Articulation Problems. Dorothy Dougherty, $27.95
Articulation disorder, the most common speech
communication problem, is identified in approximately 1 million preschool
children each year. Research suggests that problems with articulation, if left
unchecked, can lead to reading and spelling difficulties, social challenges,
and self-esteem problems. The strongest resource a child with an articulation
problem can have is a well-informed parent who knows which articulation
behaviors are normal, which are not, and how best to guide his or her child
through the process of speech therapy.
This book helps parents decide whether the sound errors
their child is experiencing are developmental and within normal limits for
their age. The book offers a range of strategies to employ when a child does
need some extra help to work through a particular speech difficulty. The book
also addresses the emotions parents deal with and devotes a chapter to signs and
symptoms of other common communication problems that may co-exist. |
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Time to Talk: What You Need to Know about Your Child's
Speech and Language Development. Michelle MacRoy-Higgins & Carlyn
Kolker, $27.50
Wondering when to expect baby’s first word? Want to get
your toddler talking? Worried your child is not speaking as clearly as his
peers? When it comes to language acquisition, all parents have questions…and
Time to Talk has the answers. Written by an experienced speech-language
pathologist and mom, this practical and proactive guide will help you:
Understand the building blocks of speech and language •
Monitor progress against expected milestones • Enhance your child’s
communication skills • Spot signs of potential problems with hearing, speech,
or language development • Address common concerns, such as articulation, late
talking, stuttering, dyslexia, and more • Get the best results from speech and
language therapy • Foster literacy • Raise bilingual children successfully •
And more
From baby’s first babbling to reading readiness, this
speech-language booster and trouble-shooter covers it all. |
Understanding Stammering or
Stuttering: a Guide for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals. Elaine Kelman & Alison Whyte, $22.95
Parents and teachers of children who
stammer (or stutter) may see their child suffering with embarrassment,
frustration or anxiety but feel at a loss as to how best to help. This book
explains the characteristics of stammering and uses illuminating first-hand
accounts to demonstrate the common feelings of anguish experienced and provide
clarity on what the child is likely to need in terms of support at home, school
and in social situations. Packed with helpful advice for carers about how to
build a child's confidence, it presents a variety of techniques and tips to
alleviate the stammer and improve self-esteem and school performance. This
accessible resource will shed light on the perplexing nature of stammers,
enabling those who care for children affected to find answers and get the best
possible help. |
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Unspoken Words: a Child's View of Selective Mutism. Sophia
Blum, $21.00
Unspoken Words: a Child's View of Selective Mutism,
was written by a teenager who suffered from Selective Mutism. Beautiful
illustrations are included throughout to help 'see' what the child may be
feeling. Sophia has written her story as a way of explaining her feelings while
suffering in silence. Sophie's story is detailed, introspective, heartwarming
and inspirational as she describes her personal journey to overcome Selective
Mutism. |
When the Brain Can’t Hear: Unraveling the Mystery of
Auditory Processing Disorder. Teri James Bellis, $20.00
Millions of Americans struggle silently with APD. For
many of them, holding a simple conversation can be next to impossible. As sound
travels through an imperfect auditory pathway, words become jumbled, distorted,
and unintelligible. As Dr. Bellis notes, the most profound impact of this
highly specific impediment to auditory comprehension may be on the young.
Facing a severely reduced ability to read, spell, comprehend, and communicate,
children with APD are subject to anxiety, academic failure, and a damaged sense
of self. Often, they are misdiagnosed.
Discussing the latest and most promising clinical
advances and treatment options, and providing a host of proven strategies for
coping, Dr. Bellis takes much of the mystery out of APD. If you or anyone you
know has difficulty comprehending spoken language, or if your child is struggling
in school, this important book may have the answers you need. |
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for Teachers and Therapists
Apps for Autism: a Must-Have Resource for the Special
Needs Community, Revised 2nd Edition. Lois Jean Brady, $56.50
The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills,
Revised (ABLLS-R). James Partington, $89.95
Assessing and Developing Communication and Thinking
Skills in People with Autism and Communication Difficulties: a Toolkit for
Parents and Professionals. Kate Silver & Autism Initiatives, $40.95
Assistive Technology in Special Education: Resources for
Education, Intervention, and Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition. Joan Green, $56.95
Attention and Listening in the Early Years. Sharon
Garforth, $39.95
Augmentative & Alternative Communication: Supporting
Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs, 4th Edition. David
Beukelman & Pat Mirenda. $117.50
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a Therapy
Manual Targeting Social Skills in Children 4-9. Jamie Torres-Feliciano, Pamela
Wiley, Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a Therapy
Manual Targeting Social Skills in Children 10-12. Jamie Torres-Feliciano,
Pamela Wiley, Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a Therapy
Manual Targeting Social Skills in Teens. Jamie Torres-Feliciano, Pamela Wiley,
Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems, a
Pre-Vocational Training Manual for Ages 17+. Jamie Torres-Feliciano, Pamela
Wiley, Betholyn Gentry, $82.95
Autism Spectrum Disorders and AAC. Pat Mirenda &
Teresa Iacono, $74.50
Becoming Verbal with Childhood Apraxia: New Insights on
Piaget for Today's Therapy. Pam Marshalla, $24.95
The BIG Book of ABA Programs: an ABA Program and IEP Goal
for Every Teachable Step in the ABLLS-R. Michael Mueller & Ajamu Nkosi,
Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: a Parents' Guide to
Early Speech-Language Development and Treatment. Mary Hardin-Jones, Kathy
Chapman & Nancy Scherer, $30.50
Children's Speech Sound Disorders, 2nd Edition. Caroline
Bowen, $94.00
The Cow Says Moo: Ten Tips to Teach Toddlers to Talk, an
Early Intervention Guide. Vicky McErlean, with Madelyn Bythell, $25.95
Developmental Speech-Language Training through Music for
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Theory and Clinical Application.
Hayoung Lim, $47.95
Enhancing Everyday Communication for Children with
Disabilities. Jeff Sigafoos, Michael Arthur-Kelly & Nancy Butterfield,
50 Great Activities for Children Who Stutter: Lessons,
Insights and Ideas for Therapy Success. Peter Reitzes, $68.95
Functional Communication Training for Problem Behavior. John Reichle & David Wacker, $56.50
Getting the Picture: Inference and Narrative Skills for
Young People with Communication Difficulties. David Nash, Illustrated by Oliver
Allchin, $35.95
Helping Children to Improve their Communication Skills:
Therapeutic Activities for Teachers, Parents and Therapists. Deborah Plummer,
Introduction to Teaching Language to Children with Autism
or Other Developmental Disabilities. James Partington, $83.95 DVD
Late Talkers: Language Development, Interventions, and
Outcomes. Leslie Rescorla & Philip Dale, $79.95
Late-Talking Children: a Symptom or a Stage? Stephen
Camarata, $22.95
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Learning Language and Loving It™: a Guide to Promoting
Children’s Social, Language & Literacy Development in Early Childhood
Settings. Elaine Weitzman & Janice Greenberg, $54.00
Learning Language and Loving It™ DVD: Promoting
Children's Social, Language, and Literacy Development in Early Childhood
Settings. The Hanen Centre, $65.00 DVD format
Magic with Music: Building Children’s Communication
through Songs & Rhymes DVD. Hanen Centre, $40.00
More than Words: a Parent's Guide to Building Interaction
and Language Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication
Difficulties, 2nd Edition. Fern Sussman, $54.00
More than Words®: Promoting the Communication Development
of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Social Communication
Challenges, DVD. The Hanen Centre, $55.00 DVD format (18 months to 5 years)
Neurogenetic Syndromes: Behavioral Issues and Their
Treatment. Bruce Shapiro & Pasquale Accardo, $82.95
Nurturing Narratives: Coaching Comprehension, Creating
Conversation. Lauren Franke & Christine Durbin, $49.95
Oral Language Activities for Young Learners. Cindy
Middendorf, $12.95
Prosody Intervention for High-Functioning Adolescents and
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Enhancing Communication and Social
Engagement through Voice, Rhythm, and Pitch. Michelle Dunn & Larry Harris,
The Silent Child: Exploring the World of Children Who Do
Not Speak. Laurent Danon-Boileau, $26.50
Speech Development Guide for Children with Hearing Loss.
Frederick Berg, $96.95
Speech in Action: Interactive Activities Combining Speech
Language Pathology and Adoptive Physical Education. America Gonzalez, Lois Jean
Brady & Jim Elliott, $43.95
Speech & Language Development in Down Syndrome &
Fragile X Syndrome. Joanne Roberts, Robin Chapman & Steven Warren, $59.50
The Speech-Language Pathologist's Handbook for Inclusive
School Practices. Julie Causton & Chelsea Tracy-Bronson, $41.50
The Speech-Language Pathology Treatment Planner. Keith
Landis et al, $60.99
Supporting Children with Speech and Language
Difficulties, 2nd Edition. Cathy Allenby, Judith Fearon-Wilson, Sally Merrison
& Elizabeth Morling, $48.50
Teach Me Language: Language Manual for Children with
Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and Related Developmental Disorders. Sabrina
Freeman & Lorelei Dake, $90.00
Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism.
Pat Crissey, $31.95 (Grades K-12)
Teaching Communication Skills to Students with Severe
Disabilities, 3rd Edition. June Dowling, Amy Hanreddy & Kathryn
Peckham-Hardin, $68.95
Teaching Language to Children with Autism or Other
Developmental Disabilities. Mark Sundberg & James Partington, $61.95
Time to Talk: What You Need to Know about Your Child's
Speech and Language Development. Michelle MacRoy-Higgins & Carlyn
Kolker, $27.50
Back to top
Resources for Families
Apps for Autism: a Must-Have Resource for the Special
Needs Community, Revised 2nd Edition.Lois Jean Brady, $56.50
Beyond Baby Talk: from Sounds to Sentences — a Parent’s
Complete Guide to Language Development. Ken Apel & Julie Masterson, $18.00
The Big Book of Exclamations. Teri Peterson, illustrated
by Chris McAllister, $19.95 (ages 4-8)
Can I Tell You about Selective Mutism? A Guide for
Friends, Family and Professionals. Maggie Johnson & Alison Wintgens, $15.95
(ages 6-12)
Can I Tell You about Stammering? A Guide for Friends,
Family and Professionals. Sue Cottrell, $15.95
Can I Tell You about Stuttering? A Guide for Friends, Family
and Professionals. Sue Cottrell, illustrated by Sophie Khan, $15.95
Challenge Me! ™ Speech and Communication Cards. Amanda
Elliott, Illustrated by David Kemp, $37.95 (ages 3-12)
Childhood Speech, Language & Listening Problems, 3rd
Edition: What Every Parent Should Know. Patricia McAleer Hamaguchi, $22.95
Helping Your Child with Selective Mutism: Practical Steps
to Overcoming a Fear of Speaking. Angela McHolm, Charles Cunningham &
Melanie Vanier, $26.95
It Takes Two to Talk: a Practical Guide for Parents of
Children with Language Delays, 5th Edition. Elaine Weitzman, $54.00
The Late Talker: What to Do If Your Child Isn’t Talking
Yet. Marilyn Agin et al, $18.99
Leo's Words Disappeared. Elaheh Bos, $22.95
Lola's Words Disappeared. Elaheh Bos, $22.95
Maya's Voice. Wen-Wen Cheng, $14.50
Mouth & Tongue Let’s Have Some Fun! Karina Hopper,
My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote
Your Child's Language Development. Kimberly Scanlon, $30.95
The Parent’s Guide to Speech and Language Problems.
Debbie Feit, $23.95
Selective Mutism in Our Own Words: Experiences in
Childhood and Adulthood. Carl Sutton & Cheryl Forrester, $29.95
Speaking of Apraxia: a Parent's Guide to Childhood
Apraxia of Speech. Leslie Lindsay, $32.50
Taking Speech Disorders to School. $16.95 (ages 6-11)
Talk to Me, Baby! How You Can Support Young Children's
Language Development. Betty Bardige, $41.50
Talk to Me: Conversation Strategies for Parents of
Children on the Autism Spectrum or with Speech Language Impairments. Heather
Jones, $25.95
Talking Is Hard for Me! Encouraging Communication in
Children with Speech-Language Difficulties. Linda Reinert, illustrated by Emily
Lynch. $26.50
Teach Me How to Say It Right: Helping Your Child with
Articulation Problems. Dorothy Dougherty, $27.95
Understanding Stammering or Stuttering: a Guide for
Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals. Elaine Kelman & Alison Whyte,
Unspoken Words: a Child's View of Selective Mutism.
Sophia Blum, $21.00
When the Brain Can’t Hear: Unraveling the Mystery of
Auditory Processing Disorder. Teri James Bellis, $20.00
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