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Ages 2 to 6
Books in this Category / Main Booklist

Ain't Misbehavin': Tactics for Tantrums, Meltdowns,
Bedtime Blues, and Other Perfectly Normal Kid Behaviours. Alyson Schafer,
Parenting guru Alyson Schafer addresses every parent's
secret fear: their child is the one no parenting book can possibly help. AIN'T
MISBEHAVIN' offers parents a sensible, democratic solution to meeting even the
toughest discipline challenges. While acknowledging the daily reality that
parents face, Schafer's humour and experience make this book a must for parents
who want to preserve the peace and also the joy of raising a child. |
Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play
Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children. Angela Hanscom, $23.95
Today’s kids have adopted sedentary lifestyles filled
with television, video games, and computer screens. But more and more, studies
show that children need “rough and tumble” outdoor play in order to develop
their sensory, motor, and executive functions.
Using the same philosophy that lies at the heart of her
popular TimberNook program — that nature is the ultimate sensory experience, and
that psychological and physical health improves for children when they spend
time outside on a regular basis — author Angela Hanscom offers several strategies
to help children thrive, even in an urban environment.
Today it is rare to find children rolling down hills,
climbing trees, or spinning in circles just for fun. We’ve taken away
merry-go-rounds, shortened the length of swings, and done away with
teeter-totters to keep children safe. Children have fewer opportunities for
unstructured outdoor play than ever before, and recess times at school are
shrinking due to demanding educational environments. With this book, you’ll
discover little things you can do anytime, anywhere to help your kids achieve
the movement they need to be happy and healthy in mind, body, and spirit. |
Becoming the Parent
You Want to Be: a Sourcebook of Strategies for the First Five Years.
Laura Davis & Janis Keyser, $29.00
One of our favourite books on parenting
young children! Respectful, informative and inspiring, Becoming
the Parent You Want to Be is full of practical insights into
children and into our own journey as parents. This is a practical
book that covers so much ground you'll want to read it many times
over. |
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Beyond Time-Out: From Chaos to Calm. Beth Grosshans, $18.95
Tame tantrums, calm fears, instill good sleep habits, end food battles, overcome potty problems with this five-step program that helps you be a more effective parent and helps children feel safe, happy and confident. |
BLOOM: 50 Things to Say, Think and Do with Anxious,
Angry and Over-the-Top Kids, ages 3-12. Lynne Kenney & Wendy Young,
Written for real parents with anxious, angry and
over-the-top kids, BLOOM is a brain-based approach to parenting all
children. Stop second-guessing the way you handle misbehaviours, and learn why
they occur in the first place. Come to understand the developmental origins of
behaviors and take a fresh look at how you can address them with skill-building
techniques that produce real and lasting change.
Taking its lead from neuroscience and best practices in early childhood mental
health, BLOOM offers parents, teachers and care providers the words,
thoughts and actions to raise calm, confident children, while reducing the need
for consequences and punishment.
The first book of its kind, BLOOM provides pages full of printable mantras you
can carry with you, hang on your fridge or use in your classroom to raise
emotionally competent kids. BLOOM allows you to take a collaborative stance
with your children, improving their cognitive, emotional and social skills.
BLOOMoffers a new approach to human relationships that will change the way you
perceive, think and feel about parenting, love, work and life. BLOOM changes
everything. BONUS: Each chapter has a QR code that links to bonus videos so you
can hear directly from the authors about each topic. |
Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother
Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting. Pamela
Druckerman, $20.00
When American journalist Pamela
Druckerman has a baby in Paris, she doesn't aspire to become a "French
parent." Yet as she soon discovers, Motherhood itself is a whole different
experience in France. There's no role model, as there is in America, for the
harried new mom with no life of her own. French mothers assume that even good
parents aren't at the constant service of their children and that there's no
need to feel guilty about this. They have an easy, calm authority with their
kids that Druckerman can only envy.
With a notebook stashed in her diaper
bag, Druckerman, a former reporter for The Wall Street Journal, sets out
to learn the secrets to raising a society of good little sleepers, gourmet
eaters, and reasonably relaxed parents. She discovers that French parents are
extremely strict about some things and strikingly permissive about others. She
realizes that to be a different kind of parent, you don't just need a different
parenting philosophy — you need a very different view of what a child actually
is. |
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Canada’s Toddler Care Book: a Complete Guide from 1 to 5 Years Old. Dr. Jeremy Friedman, Hospital for Sick Children, $34.95 
The complete guide to health care, developmental milestones, nutrition, Canada’s Toddler Care Book addresses the common concerns that all parents have about ther toddlers and preschoolers. |
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline: a
Mindful Approach for Building a Healthy, Respectful Relationship with Your Child.
Jenifer Costa, $18.99
When a child misbehaves, the situation can quickly
escalate into an uphill battle of yelling, tears, and resistance — on both
sides. But what if you could avoid all that? Conscious parenting is about being
present with your child and taking the time to understand the reasons and
motivations behind behaviors. This relationship-centered approached means that
you respect your child's point of view as you both learn how to create a
mutually-beneficially set of behavioral rules. By practicing this mindful
method, you can support your child emotionally and help nurture important
social development. With The Conscious Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline,
you will learn to create a calm and mindful atmosphere for the whole family,
while helping your child feel competent, successful, and healthy. |
The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People
in the World Know about Raising Confident, Capable Kids. Jessica Joelle
Alexander & Iben Dissing Sandahl, $22.00
What makes Denmark the happiest country in the world, and
how do Danish parents raise happy, confident, successful kids, year after year?
This upbeat and practical guide reveals the habits of the happiest families on
earth. With illuminating examples and simple yet powerful advice, the authors
present six essential principles, which spell out P-A-R-E-N-T:
- Play is essential for development and well-being.
- Authenticity fosters trust and an "inner compass."
- Reframing helps kids cope with setbacks and look on the bright
- Empathy allows us to act with kindness towards others.
- No ultimatums means no power struggles, lines in the sand, or
- Togetherness is a way to celebrate family time, on special
occasions and every day. The Danes call this hygge — and it's a simple yet
meaningful way to foster a close bond.
A revealing and fresh take on cross-cultural parenting
advice, The Danish Way of Parenting will help parents from all walks of
life raise the happiest, most well-adjusted kids in the world. |
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with Disappointment: Helping Kids Cope When Things Don't Go Their
Way. Elizabeth Crary, $15.95
This practical, easy-to-read guide walks
parents through the concept of emotional competency, which begins
by teaching children to identify and acknowledge their feelings.
It provides exercises and examples that demonstrate how children
— even toddlers — can cope with their emotions, using self-calming
techniques (exercise or a few minutes with a favorite book, for
example) and problem-solving tools. Parents who to often find themselves
overwhelmed by frustrated children will appreciate the step-by-step
recommendations. |
Discipline: The Brazelton Way, 2nd Edition. T.
Berry Brazelton & Joshua Sparrow, $16.50
World renowned pediatricians T. Berry Brazelton and
Joshua Sparrow see discipline as a parent’s gift to a child. By following the
doctors’ unique approach, which emphasizes teaching over punishment, parents
will find effective solutions for common behavior problems. Not only will
parents feel more confident and at ease but they will also experience the joy
of raising children who learn to discipline themselves. The vital advice covers
six stages of discipline, the power of consequences, ways to encourage moral
development and empathy, dealing with misbehavior (from biting and fighting to
cheating, lying and using foul language), and special disciplinary challenges
(including academic pressure, illness, and digital technology). |
Discipline without Damage: How to Get Your Kids to
Behave without Messing Them Up. Dr. Vanessa LaPointe, $19.99
When your child is threatening a meltdown in the grocery
aisle, is it really possible to keep your cool, correct the behavior, and
reinforce healthy development, all at the same time? In this easy-to-read,
science-based book, parents, caregivers, and big people of all kinds will
discover how discipline affects children’s development, why intervention should
reinforce connection not separation, and why the disciplinary strategies that
may have been used on us as children are not the ones that children really
need. |
15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids. Rebecca Cohen, $25.50
What if you got outside every day, and what if you could get your kids to come along? It sounds modest, but the effects, as dynamic outdoor spokesperson Rebecca Cohen herself can testify, are profound. This inspiring collection of activities gives families an idea for every day of the year, requiring little planning, no expertise and relatively little resources (time, cash, or patience!), no matter where they live. Simple and inspiring, this book is bursting with hundreds of easy ways to get your family out into nature a little bit every day. |
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Geek Parenting: What Joffrey, Jor-El, Maleficent, and the McFlys
Teach Us about Raising a Family. Stephen
Segal, $16.95
It takes a starship to raise a child. Or a time
machine. Or a tribe of elves. Fortunately, Geek Parenting offers all
that and more, with thoughtful mini-essays that reveal profound child-rearing
advice (and mistakes) from the most beloved tales of geek culture. Nerds and
norms alike can take counsel from some of the most iconic parent–child pairings
found in pop culture: Aunt May and Peter Parker, Benjamin and Jake Sisko,
Elrond and Arwen, even Cersei and Joffrey. Whether you’re raising an Amazon
princess, a Jedi Padawan, a brooding vampire, or a standard-issue human child,
Geek Parenting helps you navigate the ion storms, alternate realities, and
endless fetch quests that come with being a parent. |
Gentle Discipline: Using Emotional Connection — Not Punishment — to Raise Confident, Capable Kids. Sarah
Ockwell-Smith, $22.00
Discipline is an essential part of raising happy and
successful kids, but as more and more parents are discovering, conventional
approaches often don’t work, and can even lead to more frustration, resentment,
power struggles, and shame. Enter Sarah Ockwell-Smith, a popular parenting
expert who believes there’s a better way. Citing the latest research in child
development, psychology and neuroscience, Gentle Discipline debunks common
myths about punishments, rewards, the “naughty chair,” and more, and presents
practical, connection-based techniques that really work–and that bring parents
and kids closer together instead of driving then apart. Topics include:
- Setting — and enforcing — boundaries and limits with compassion and
- Focusing on connection and positivity instead of negative
- Working with teachers and other caregivers
- Breaking the cycle of shaming and blaming
Filled with ideas to try today, Gentle Discipline helps parents of toddlers as well as school-age kids embrace a new, more
enlightened way to help kids listen, learn and grow. |
The Happiest Toddler on the Block, Revised Edition.
Harvey Karp, $17.00; DVD $30.98
Perfect for expecting parents who want to prepare themselves
for the challenging toddler years (which starts around eight months of age),
this essential guide, a national bestseller by respected pediatrician and child
development expert Dr. Harvey Karp, not only helps reduce tantrums but makes
happy kids even happier by boosting patience, cooperation, and self-confidence. |
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Honey, I Wrecked the Kids: When Yelling, Screaming,
Threats, Bribes, Time-Outs, Sticker Charts and Removing Privileges All Don't
Work. Alyson Schafer, $17.99
For those who've tried just about everything to
discipline their kids, HONEY, I WRECKED THE KIDS explains why children today
are resistant to traditional parenting methods and how only a new model for
winning cooperation really works. Full of real-life examples, the book gives
parents a deeper understanding of misbehaviour and their role in it, shies away
from traditional behavioural models of parenting, and offers humane,
good-humoured advice that will make parenting a manageable and, finally,
rewarding task. |
How Much is Too Much? Raising Likeable, Responsible,
Respectful Children from Toddlers to Teens in an Age of Overindulgence. Jean
Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson & David Bredehoft, $19.99
Overindulgence is not the badge of a bad parent. In fact,
it comes directly from having a good and generous heart. But despite our good
intentions, the abundance we heap on our kids often becomes more than they need
or can handle. Based on new research gathered over the past ten years, How
Much Is Too Much gives you the insight and advice you need to put your
children on track for a happy and successful life. |
How to Raise a Wild Child: the Art and Science of
Falling in Love with Nature. Scott Sampson, $22.95
American children spend four to seven minutes a day
playing outdoors — 90 percent less time than their parents did. Yet recent
research indicates that experiences in nature are essential for healthy growth.
Regular exposure to nature can help relieve stress, depression, and attention
deficits. It can reduce bullying, combat illness, and boost academic scores.
Most critical of all, abundant time in nature seems to yield long-term benefits
in kids’ cognitive, emotional, and social development. Yet teachers,
parents, and other caregivers lack a basic understanding of how to engender a
meaningful, lasting connection between children and the natural world.
How to Raise a Wild Child offers a timely and
engaging antidote, showing how kids’ connection to nature changes as they mature. Distilling
the latest research in multiple disciplines, Sampson reveals how adults can
help kids fall in love with nature — enlisting technology as an ally, taking
advantage of urban nature, and instilling a sense of place along the way. |
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How to Talk So Kids
Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, 30th Anniversary Edition. Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish, $21.00; Audiobook (CD format)
Updated with new insights from the next
generation, this bestselling book gives you the know-how you need to be more
effective with your children — and more supportive of yourself.
The down-to-earth, respectful approach
of Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish makes relationships with children of all ages
less stressful and more rewarding. Now, in this revised edition, Faber and
Mazlish share their latest insights and suggestions based on feedback they've
received over the years. Their methods of communication — illustrated with
delightful cartoons showing the skills in action—offer innovative ways to solve
common problems. |
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: a Survival
Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7. Joanna Faber & Julie King, $23.00
What do you do with a little kid who… won’t brush her
teeth… screams in his car seat… pinches the baby... refuses to eat
vegetables… throws books in the library... runs rampant in the supermarket?
Organized according to common challenges and conflicts, this book is an essential
emergency first-aid manual of communication strategies, including a chapter
that addresses the special needs of children with sensory processing and autism
spectrum disorders.
This user-friendly guide will empower parents and
caregivers of young children to forge rewarding, joyful relationships with
terrible two-year-olds, truculent three-year-olds, ferocious four-year-olds,
foolhardy five-year-olds, self-centered six-year-olds, and the occasional
semi-civilized seven-year-old. And, it will help little kids grow into
self-reliant big kids who are cooperative and connected to their parents,
teachers, siblings, and peers. |
How Toddlers Thrive: What Parents Can Do Today for
Children Ages 2-5 to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success. Tovah Klein,
How Toddlers Thrive shows parents of children ages
two to five how to harness the singular power of the toddler mind during what
might be the most crucial time of a child’s brain development, to plant the
seeds of lifelong success.
Dr. Tovah Klein explains why the toddler years are different than any
other period during childhood. She shows what is happening in children’s brains
and bodies at this age that makes their behavior so turbulent, and why your
reaction to their behavior — the way you speak to, speak about, and act toward
your toddler — holds the key to a successful tomorrow and a happier today.
provocative book will inspire you to be a better parent, and give you the tools
to help you nurture your child’s full potential. A smart and useful guide, this
book cracks the preschooler code, revealing what you can do to help your
toddler grow into a fulfilled child and adult — while helping you and your
toddler live more happily together now, and every day. |
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The Importance of Being Little: What Preschoolers
Really Needs from Grownups. Erika Christakis, $23.00
To a four-year-old watching bulldozers at a construction
site or chasing butterflies in flight, the world is awash with promise. Little
children come into the world hardwired to learn in virtually any setting and
about any matter. Yet in today’s preschool and kindergarten classrooms,
learning has been reduced to scripted lessons and suspect metrics that too
often undervalue a child’s intelligence while overtaxing the child’s growing
brain. These mismatched expectations wreak havoc on the family: parents fear
that if they choose the “wrong” program, their child won’t get into the “right”
college. But Yale early childhood expert Erika Christakis says our fears are
wildly misplaced. Our anxiety about preparing and safeguarding our children’s
future seems to have reached a fever pitch at a time when, ironically, science
gives us more certainty than ever before that young children are exceptionally
strong thinkers.
Christakis’s message is energizing and reassuring: young
children are inherently powerful, and they (and their parents) will flourish
when we learn new ways of restoring the vital early learning environment to one
that is best suited to the littlest learners. This bold and pragmatic challenge
to the conventional wisdom peels back the mystery of childhood, revealing a
place that’s rich with possibility. |
The Incredible Years: a Trouble-Shooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 2-8 Years. Carolyn Webster-Stratton, $31.95
All children misbehave for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's simply to test how far they can go or to get the attention they crave. Other children are temperamentally more difficult to parent than others because they are impulsive, or hyperactive, inattentive, or delayed in some aspect of their development. This invaluable handbook provides parents with guidelines not only to help prevent behavior problems from occurring but also with strategies to promote children's social, emotional, and academic competence. |
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The Intuitive Parent: Why the Best Thing for Your
Child is You. Stephen Camarata, $32.95
Using accessible, down-to-earth language, child
development specialist Dr. Stephen Camarata explains how parents can
intuitively support their child’s brain development by simply paying
attention. Babies and children develop at their own pace; what’s
more, they are hardwired to signal to caregivers when they’re ready for
the next step. Restrictive tools like flashcards may derail your child’s
ability to learn holistically — and will definitely sap the joy from
one of the most important jobs in the world: being a parent.
The key is to recognize the “ready to learn” cues your child is giving you
and respond in a way that comes naturally. Routine activities,
such as playing peekaboo, reading books to a toddler, talking,
singing, feeding, and otherwise meeting the everyday needs of a child, are
the true magic that ultimately wires a child’s brain and helps children become an intelligent, confident, curious, and talented
adults. Grounded in the latest science by a nationally recognized child
development expert, The Intuitive Parent arms parents and
caregivers with the confidence and knowledge they need to quit
worrying and enjoy the time they have with their child — no fancy
gadgets or pricey videos necessary. |
Joyful Toddlers & Preschoolers: Create a Life That
You and Your Chid Both Love. Faith Collins, $29.95
Backed by mainstream research, along with the
LifeWays/Waldorf understanding of child development, this book offers insights
into transforming your relationship with your child. Author Faith Collins
gives readers a blueprint to create a positive, mutually responsive
- Learn relationship-based discipline that actually strengthens
your bond with your child
- Help your child learn to respond quickly and positively, EVEN
when they can’t (or won’t) do what you’ve asked
- Discover how to be responsive without giving in to your child’s
every whim
Find out what children need in order to live a life
that’s fulfilling, learn some ways of dealing with your own anger, and explore
how to incorporate your own passions into your life with young children. Research-based
and highly readable, this book will change the way you approach creating a life
with toddlers and preschoolers. |
Keys to Parenting
Your Anxious Child, 2nd Edition. Katharina Manassis, $10.99
Still the most-popular, accessible and
comprehensive guide to the entire range of childhood anxieties,
the specific problem behaviours associated with anxiety, and the
appropriate strategies for supporting anxious children. |
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Kids are Weird and Other Observations from Parenthood. Jeffrey Brown, $18.95
Jeffrey Brown brings his perceptive humour to everyday
parenting, capturing the hilarious, sweetly weird moments parents everywhere
experience in the adventures of raising a child. |
Let Them Eat Dirt: Saving Your Child from an
Oversanitized World. B. Brett Finaly & Marie-Claire Arrieta, $19.95 
Babies and young kids are being raised in surroundings
that are increasingly cleaner, more hyper hygienic, and more disinfected than
ever before. As a result, the beneficial bacteria in their bodies is being
altered, promoting conditions and diseases such as obesity, diabetes, asthma,
allergies, and autism. As Let Them Eat Dirt shows, there is much that
parents can do about this, including breastfeeding if possible, getting a dog,
and avoiding antibiotics unless necessary — and yes, it is OK to let kids get a
bit dirty. |
Nature’s Playground: Activities, Crafts and Games to Encourage
Children to Get Outdoors. Fiona Danks & Jo Schofeld,
This wonderful book leads parents,
teachers and children through fields, across streams, and over mountains.
From making a dam with sticks and stones to cairn lanterns on the
beach at night, Nature’s Playground is packed with activities,
games, crafts and adventures that will bring children outdoors for
year-round fun and bring back memories of one of the chief joys
of childhood for adults — exploring the natural world. |
The Next 1000 Days: a Journal of Ages Two to Six. Nikki
McClure, $15.95
Track the transformative years from toddler and “big kid”
with this interactive journal for parent and child. This beautiful companion to
the best-selling The First 1000 Days journal helps parents
capture the precious ages between two and six. From losing a first tooth to the
first day of school, Nikki McClure's beautiful paper cut illustrations
celebrate all the special moments. Parents can also write and draw with their
child to help bring these years to life and preserve them for all time. |
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The No-Cry Discipline Solution: Gentle Ways to Encourage
Good Behavior Without Whining, Tantrums & Tears. Elizabeth
Pantley, $19.95
Practical and specific, The No-Cry
Discipline Solution shows you how to deal with your child's
behavior. Written with warmth and based on one important fact —
parents know their children best — Elizabeth Pantley shows you how
to deal with childhood's most common behavioral problems. |
No-Drama Discipline: the Whole-Brain Way to Calm the
Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind. Daniel Siegel & Tina
Payne Bryson, $22.00
The pioneering experts behind The Whole-Brain
Child — Tina Payne Bryson and Daniel J. Siegel, the author of Brainstorm — now
explore the ultimate child-raising challenge: discipline. Highlighting the
fascinating link between a child’s neurological development and the way a
parent reacts to misbehavior, No-Drama Discipline provides an
effective, compassionate road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and
tears — without causing a scene.
Defining the true meaning of the “d” word (to instruct, not to shout
or reprimand), the authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions,
and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth. By doing so, the cycle of
negative behavior (and punishment) is essentially brought to a halt, as problem
solving becomes a win/win situation. |
No-Drama Discipline Workbook. Daniel Siegel &
Tina Payne Bryson, $36.95
Exercises, activities, and practical strategies to calm
the chaos and nurture developing minds. |
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No More Misbehavin’: 38 Difficult
Behaviors and How to Stop Them. Michelle Borba,
Parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba
tackles the most common bad behaviors that kids ages 3 to 12 repeat over and
over, behaviors that drive parents crazy. In this enormously useful,
simple-to-use book she shows how to change these behaviors for good. For each
negative behavior, Dr. Borba offers a series of key tips and guidelines and
outlines a step-by-step plan for a customized makeover that really works! Using
the steps outlined in NO MORE MISBEHAVIN' will give you the help you need to
raise kids with strong values and good character. |
1-2-3 A Calmer Me: Helping Children
Cope When Emotions Get Out of Control. Colleen
Patterson & Brenda S. Miles, $13.50 (ages 4-8)
1-2-3 A Calmer Me introduces children to a simple rhyme they can use to slow
down their bodies and stop mad feelings from spinning out of control. Includes
a "Note to Parents, Teachers, and Other Grown-Ups" with more
information about the steps of the "1-2-3" rhyme, and advice for
working through the steps with your child. |
1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2 – 12,
6th Edition. Thomas Phelan, $22.50; DVD $56.95
This award-winning, bestselling book in a new edition is
now even easier to use with an updated internal design that is user-friendly
and has more visual interest. The 6th Edition is more engaging and browse-able
for the reader. We’ve also added a handy new index. The world's simplest and
most effective parenting program is all right here!
- Part I: Building a Solid Foundation for Parenting
- Part II: Controlling Obnoxious Behavior: Parenting Job 1
- Part III: Managing Testing and Manipulation
- Part IV: Encouraging Good Behavior: Parenting Job 2
- Part V: Strengthening Your Relationship with Your Children:
Parenting Job 3
- Part VI: Enjoying Your New Family Life
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1-2-3 Magic Workbook: an Interactive Parenting
Resource, 2nd Edition. Thomas Phelan & Tracy Lewis, $25.50
This user-friendly manual includes chapter reviews, case
studies, self-evaluation questions and planning exercises to help parents get
the most out of the 1-2-3 Magic program. |
1-2-3 Magic for Kids: Helping Your Children Understand
the New Rules. Thomas Phelan & Tracy Lewis, $13.99
The popular 1-2-3 Magic parenting program has been
adapted to be introduced from a child’s point of view! This innovative guide
explains the child discipline system — from counting and time-out methods to how
better behavior benefits the entire family and leaves more time for play — with
clear, easy-to-understand language and lots of illustrations.
Crossword puzzles, word searches, and journal suggestions
further encourage children to apply what they’ve learned about the methods, and
make 1-2-3 Magic for Kids a fun way to get kids on board with the new
rules at home. |
Parent Hacks: 134 Genius Shortcuts for Life with Kids. Asha Dornfest, $19.95
A parent hack can be as simple as putting the ketchup
under the hot dog, minimizing the mess. Or strapping baby into a forward-facing
carrier when you need to trim his fingernails — it frees your hands while
controlling the squirming. Or stashing a wallet in a disposable diaper at the
beach — who would ever poke through what looks like a used Pamper?
On every page, discover easy-to-do, boldly illustrated,
unconventional solutions, arranged by category from Pregnancy & Postpartum
through Sleep, Eating, Bath Time, Travel, and more. |
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Parenting From the Inside Out: How a
Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive. Daniel Siegel & Mary Hartzell, $23.00
child psychiatrist Daniel Siegel and early childhood expert Mary Hartzell explore
the extent to which our childhood experiences shape the way we parent. Drawing
on stunning new findings in neurobiology and attachment research, they explain
how interpersonal relationships directly impact the development of the brain,
and offer parents a step-by-step approach to forming a deeper understanding of
their own life stories, which will help them raise compassionate and resilient
Born out of a series of parents' workshops that combined Siegel's cutting-edge
research on how communication impacts brain development with Hartzell's decades
of experience as a child-development specialist and parent educator, this book
guides parents through creating the necessary foundations for loving and secure
relationships with their children. |
Parenting Through Crisis:
Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change, Barbara Coloroso,
When families are facing crisis, parents struggle
with how to best nurture and support their children. PARENTING THROUGH
CRISIS offers practical guidance through difficult situations and
shows caring adults what they can do to help children facing trauma
or loss. Barbara Coloroso's deep love and respect for children once
again shine in her compassionate look at parenting during times
of chaos and uncertainty. |
The Playful Parent: 7 Ways to Happier, Calmer, More
Creative Days with Your Under-Fives. Julia Deering, $24.99
This activity-led parenting guide shows how to get young
children involved and learning, thinking and growing, helping and cooperating
by making play the beating heart of family life. Julia Deering offers support
and advice to busy parents, combining down-to-earth practicality with hundreds
of simple activities, tips, tricks and fixes, guidance, prompts and brilliant
ideas that show parents how to tap into their child's playful instincts. |
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Positive Discipline A-Z: 1001 Solutions to Everyday
Parenting Problems. Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott & H. Stephen Glenn, $21.99
As a parent, you face one of the most challenging — and
rewarding — roles of your life. No matter how much you love your child, there
will still be moments filled with anger, frustration, and, at times,
desperation. What do you do? Over the years, millions of parents just like you
have come to trust the Positive Discipline series for its consistent,
commonsense approach to child rearing. In this completely updated edition
of Positive Discipline A–Z, you will learn how to use methods to
raise a child who is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. |
Positive Discipline Parenting Tools: the 49 Most
Effective Methods to Stop Power Struggles, Build Communication, and Raise
Empowered Capable Kids. Jane Nelsen, Mary Nelsen Tamboski & Brad Ainge,
Do you wish there was a way to raise well-behaved children
without punishment? Are you afraid the only alternative is being overly
indulgent? With Positive Discipline, an encouragement model based on both
kindness and firmness, you don’t have to choose between these two extremes.
Using these 49 Positive Discipline tools, honed and perfected after years of
real-world research and feedback, you’ll be able to work with your children
instead of against them. The goal isn’t perfection but providing you with the
techniques you need to help your children develop the life and social skills
you hope for them, such as respect for self and others, problem-solving
ability, and self-regulation. The tenets of Positive Discipline consistently
foster mutual respect so that any child — from a three-year-old toddler to a
rebellious teenager — can learn creative cooperation and self-discipline without
losing his or her dignity.
In this new parenting guidebook, you’ll find day-to-day
exercises for parents to improve their parenting skills, along with success
stories from parents worldwide who have benefited from the Positive Discipline
philosophy. With training tools and personal examples from the authors, you
will learn:
- The “hidden belief” behind a child’s misbehaviour, and how to
respond accordingly
- The best way to focus on solutions instead of dwelling on the
- How to encourage your child without pampering or praising
- How to teach your child to make mistakes and follow through on
- How to foster creative thinking
Positive Discipline for Preschoolers. Jane Nelsen et al, $18.99
Caring for young children is one of the
most challenging tasks an adult will ever face. No matter how much you love
your child, there will be moments filled with frustration, anger, and even
desperation. Over the years, millions of parents just like you have come to trust
the Positive Discipline series and its commonsense approach to
child-rearing. Now completely updated to report the latest research in
child development and learning, POSITIVE DISCIPLINE FOR PRESCHOOLERS will teach
you how to raise a child who is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. This
revised and updated third edition includes information from the latest research
on neurobiology, diet and exercise, gender differences and behavior, the
importance of early relationships and parenting, and new approaches to
parenting in the age of mass media. In addition, this book offers new
information on reducing anxiety and helping children feel safe in troubled
times. |
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Raising Great Parents: How to Become the Parent Your
Child Needs You to Be. Doone Estey, Beverley Cathcart-Ross & Martin
Nash, $22.95 
An inspiring and eminently practical book, full of
guidance, tips, exercises, and the cumulative understanding of three wise and
innovative authors. Written in a friendly "we've been there" style. |
Raising Human Beings: Creating a Collaborative
Partnership with Your Child. Ross Greene, $22.00
Parents have an important task: figure out who their
child is — his or her skills, preferences, beliefs, values, personality traits,
goals, and direction — get comfortable with it, and then help him or her pursue
and live a life that is congruent with it. But parents also want to have
influence. They want their kid to be independent, but not if he or she is going
to make bad choices. They don’t want to be harsh and rigid, but nor do they
want a noncompliant, disrespectful kid. They want to avoid being too pushy and
overbearing, but not if an unmotivated, apathetic kid is what they have to show
for it. They want to have a good relationship with their kids, but not if that
means being a pushover. They don’t want to scream, but they do want to be
heard. Good parenting is about striking the balance between a child’s
characteristics and a parent’s desire to have influence.
Now Dr. Ross Greene offers a detailed and practical guide
for raising kids in a way that enhances relationships, improves communication,
and helps kids learn how to resolve disagreements without conflict. Through his
well-known model of solving problems collaboratively, parents can forgo
time-out and sticker charts, stop badgering, berating, threatening, and
punishing, allow their kids to feel heard and validated, and have influence.
From homework to hygiene, curfews, to screen time, Raising Human Beings arms parents with the tools they need to raise kids in ways that are
non-punitive and non-adversarial and that brings out the best in both parent and
child. |
Raising Your Spirited Child: a Guide for Parents Whose
Child is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic, 3rd
Edition. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, $21.99
Including real life stories, this newly revised third
edition of the award-winning bestseller—voted one of the top twenty parenting
books—provides parents with the most up-to-date research, effective discipline
tips, and practical strategies for raising spirited children.
In Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition,
Mary Sheedy Kurcinka offers parents a glimpse into what makes their children
behave the way they do. Through vivid examples and a refreshingly positive
viewpoint, this invaluable guide offers parents emotional support and proven
strategies for handling the toughest times. Dr. Kurcinka has devised a plan for
success with a simple, four-step program that will help you discover the power
of positive — rather than negative — labels, understand your child's and your own temperamental
traits, cope with tantrums and blowups when they do occur, develop strategies
for handling mealtimes, bedtimes, holidays, school, and many other
situations. In this third revised edition, you will find:
- More practical strategies to help you manage your own intensity
(keep your cool)
- Effective discipline tips — including how to win cooperation and
establish clear expectations and limits
- New strategies for managing the meltdowns — including how to
prevent them in the future
- Revised tips for helping your spirited child fall asleep and stay
- Revised tips for finding the school that “fits” your child
- Ideas for working with your child when he or she does not want to
talk about emotions
- Steps to teaching your child how to be a “problem solver,” work well
with others, and be more flexible
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Roots of Empathy: Changing the World
Child by Child. Mary Gordon, $19.95 
Mary Gordon, an educator who has worked
for more than two decades with children from all kinds of backgrounds, believes
that the solution to bullying and other anti-social behaviour lies within each
child's innate sense of caring and compassion. She believes that infusing
children with empathy constitutes nothing less than a new paradigm in our approach
to child-raising.
Through Roots of Empathy, her
highly successful organization, Mary Gordon creates a rich, rewarding classroom
experience that fosters empathy within children. The program brings babies and
students together in a symbiotic loving environment that has been proven to
reduce aggression and increase tolerance and emotional understanding in
children. Roots of Empathy has reached over 500,000 children worldwide. Founder Mary Gordon’s contribution has been recognized
with the Order of Canada, the David E. Mitchell Award of Distinction, and has
given her the opportunity to dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama on three
separate occasions.
CHILD BY CHILD the innovative and inspired book based on her groundbreaking
research and successful classroom program, Mary Gordon shares her vision of a
nation of compassionate and caring children who will pass on their legacy of
empathy to their own children. |
Secrets of Discipline: 12 Keys for Raising Responsible
Children. R.G. Morrish, Book $18.95; DVD $29.95
Morrish critiques past disciplinary styles and introduces
what he believes to be essential building blocks for effective discipline:
training compliance, teaching skills, and managing choices. The Secrets of
Discipline are revealed in 12 keys for raising responsible children. |
Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason.
Alfie Kohn, $17.00; DVD $36.95
Unconditional Parenting addresses
the ways parents think about, feel about, and act with their children.
It invites them to question their most basic assumptions about raising
kids while offering a wealth of practical strategies for shifting
from a "doing to" to "working with" style of
parenting — including how to replace praise with the unconditional
support that children need to grow into healthy, caring, responsible
people. This is an eye-opening, paradigm-shattering book that will
reconnect readers to their own best instincts and inspire them to
become better parents.
- Unconditional Parenting
is going to make you think — hard — about the type of relationship
you want to have with your child, about your parenting priorities,
and about how to avoid many of the mistakes of our predecessors.
It's what we've come to expect from Alfie Kohn, and this is unquestionably
one of his most persuasive, important works. For your sake and
your child's…read it!"
- Ross W. Greene,
The Explosive Child
- This book underscores an
important parenting principle: Discipline is more about having
the right relationship with your child than having the right techniques."
- William Sears,
The Baby Book and The Discipline Book
- I found myself wanting to
underline every other sentence of Unconditional Parenting,
which is different from — and a refreshing challenge to — most
other books about raising children. It's entertaining enough so
that you can read it quickly, but it's so packed with thought-provoking
ideas that you'll want to take your time."
- Barbara Coloroso,
Kids Are Worth It! |
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Unplugged Play: No Batteries – No Plugs – Pure Fun. Bobbi Conner, $21.50
710 games and activities for ages 12 months to 10 years that stretch the imagination, spark creativity, build strong bodies and forge deep friendships. |
Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to
Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences, 2nd Edition. Leonard
Sax, $22.99
Eleven years ago, Why Gender Matters broke ground
in illuminating the differences between boys and girls–how they perceive the
world differently, how they learn differently, how they process emotions and
take risks differently. Dr. Sax argued that in failing to recognize these
hardwired differences between boys and girls, we ended up reinforcing damaging
stereotypes, medicalizing normal behavior (see: the rising rates of ADHD
diagnosis), and failing to support kids to reach their full potential. In the
intervening decade, the world has changed drastically, with an avalanche of new
research which supports, deepens, and expands Dr. Sax’s work. This revised and
updated edition includes new findings about how boys and girls interact
differently with social media and video games; a completely new discussion of
research on gender non-conforming, LGB, and transgender kids, new findings
about how girls and boys see differently, hear differently, and even smell
differently; and new material about the medicalization of bad behavior. |
Wiggle & Giggle Busy Book: 365 Fun, Physical Activities
for Toddlers & Preschoolers.
Trish Kuffner, $12.95
The Preschooler’s Busy
Book: 365 Creative Learning Games and Activities to Keep
Your 3 to 6 Year Old Busy. Trish Kuffner, $13.95 
These Busy Books by Trish
Kuffner are packed with creative, fun, simple activities to
keep toddlers and preschoolers busy. Terrific alternatives
to watching TV or playing video games, the books show parents
and care providers how to encourage physical, emotional and
cognitive growth and stimulate a child’s natural curiosity. |
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You Are Your Child’s First Teacher:
Encouraging Your Child's Natural Development from Birth to Age Six, 3rd
Edition. Rahima Baldwin Dancy, $20.99
Some of the most important learning
years happen before your child reaches school. From language and cognitive
development, to appropriate toys and nourishing your child’s creativity, this
classic book speaks for a rational approach to child-rearing — one that helps
children to be children. |
Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on
Science (and What I've Learned So Far). Tracy Cutchlow, $32.50
When you're a new parent, the miracle of life might not
always feel so miraculous. Maybe your latest 2:00 a.m., 2:45 a.m., and 3:30
a.m. wake-up calls have left you wondering how "sleep like a baby"
ever became a figure of speech — and what the options are for restoring your
sanity. Or your child just left bite marks on someone, and you're wondering how
to handle it.
First-time mom Tracy Cutchlow knows what you're going through. In Zero to
Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science (and What I've Learned So
Far), she takes dozens of parenting tips based on scientific research and
distills them into something you can easily digest during one of your
two-minute-long breaks in the day. The pages are beautifully illustrated by
award-winning photojournalist Betty Udesen. Whether you read the book front to
back or skip around, Zero to Five will help you make the best of the
tantrums (yours and baby's), moments of pure joy, and other surprises along the
totally-worth-it journey of parenting. |
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Ain't Misbehavin': Tactics for Tantrums, Meltdowns, Bedtime
Blues, and Other Perfectly Normal Kid Behaviours. Alyson Schafer, $17.99
Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play
Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children. Angela Hanscom, $23.95
Becoming the Parent You Want to Be: a Sourcebook of
Strategies for the First Five Years. L. Davis & J. Keyser, $29.00
Beyond Time-Out: From Chaos to Calm. Beth Grosshans, $18.95
BLOOM: 50 Things to Say, Think and Do with Anxious, Angry
and Over-the-Top Kids, ages 3-12. Lynne Kenney & Wendy Young, $23.50
Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom
of French Parenting. Pamela Druckerman, $20.00
Canada’s Toddler Care Book: a Complete Guide from 1 to 5
Years Old. Dr. Jeremy Friedman, Hospital for Sick Children, $34.95
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline: a
Mindful Approach for Building a Healthy, Respectful Relationship with Your Child.
Jenifer Costa, $18.99
The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People
in the World Know about Raising Confident, Capable Kids. Jessica Joelle
Alexander & Iben Dissing Sandahl, $22.00
Dealing with Disappointment: Helping Kids Cope When Things
Don't Go Their Way. Elizabeth Crary, $15.95
Discipline: The Brazelton Way, 2nd Edition. T. Berry
Brazelton & Joshua Sparrow, $16.50
Discipline without Damage: How to Get Your Kids to
Behave without Messing Them Up. Dr. Vanessa LaPointe, $19.99
15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and
Connect with Your Kids. Rebecca Cohen, $25.50
Geek Parenting: What Joffrey, Jor-El, Maleficent, and the McFlys
Teach Us about Raising a Family. Stephen
Segal, $16.95
Gentle Discipline: Using Emotional Connection — Not Punishment — to Raise Confident, Capable Kids. Sarah
Ockwell-Smith, $22.00
The Happiest Toddler on the Block, Revised Edition. Harvey
Karp, $17.00; DVD $30.98
Honey, I Wrecked the Kids: When Yelling, Screaming, Threats,
Bribes, Time-Outs, Sticker Charts and Removing Privileges All Don't Work.
Alyson Schafer, $17.99
How Much is Too Much? Raising Likeable, Responsible,
Respectful Children from Toddlers to Teens in an Age of Overindulgence. Jean
Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson & David Bredehoft, $19.99
How to Raise a Wild Child: the Art and Science of Falling in
Love with Nature. Scott Sampson, $22.95
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will
Talk, 30th Anniversary Edition. Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish, $21.00;
Audiobook (CD format) $39.99
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: a Survival
Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7. Joanna Faber & Julie King, $23.00
How Toddlers Thrive: What Parents Can Do Today for Children
Ages 2-5 to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success. Tovah Klein, $18.99
The Importance of Being Little: What Preschoolers
Really Needs from Grownups. Erika Christakis, $23.00
The Incredible Years: a Trouble-Shooting Guide for Parents
of Children Aged 2-8 Years. Carolyn Webster-Stratton, $31.95
The Intuitive Parent: Why the Best Thing for Your Child is
You. Stephen Camarata, $32.95
Joyful Toddlers & Preschoolers: Create a Life That
You and Your Chid Both Love. Faith Collins, $29.95
Keys to Parenting Your Anxious Child, 2nd Edition. Katharina
Manassis, $10.99
Kids are Weird and Other Observations from Parenthood.
Jeffrey Brown, $18.95
Let Them Eat Dirt: Saving Your Child from an
Oversanitized World. B. Brett Finaly & Marie-Claire Arrieta, $19.95
Back to top
Nature’s Playground: Activities, Crafts and Games to
Encourage Children to Get Outdoors. Fiona Danks & Jo Schofeld, $21.95
The Next 1000 Days: a Journal of Ages Two to Six. Nikki
McClure, $15.95
The No-Cry Discipline Solution: Gentle Ways to Encourage
Good Behavior Without Whining, Tantrums & Tears. Elizabeth Pantley, $19.95
No-Drama Discipline: the Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos
and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind. Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne
Bryson, $22.00
No-Drama Discipline Workbook. Daniel Siegel &
Tina Payne Bryson, $36.95
No More Misbehavin’: 38 Difficult Behaviors and How to Stop
Them. Michelle Borba, $15.99
1-2-3, a Calmer Me: Helping Children Cope When Emotions Get
Out of Control. Colleen Patterson & Brenda S. Miles, $13.50 (ages 4-8)
1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2 – 12,
6th Edition. Thomas Phelan, $22.50
1-2-3 Magic: Managing Difficult Behavior in Children 2 - 12,
DVD. Thomas Phelan, $56.95
1-2-3 Magic Workbook: an Interactive Parenting
Resource, 2nd Edition. Thomas Phelan & Tracy Lewis, $25.50
1-2-3 Magic for Kids: Helping Your Children Understand
the New Rules. Thomas Phelan & Tracy Lewis, $13.99
Parent Hacks: 134 Genius Shortcuts for Life with Kids. Asha Dornfest, $19.95
Parenting From the Inside Out: How a Deeper
Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive. Daniel Siegel &
Mary Hartzell, $23.00
Parenting through Crisis: Helping Kids in Times of Loss,
Grief and Change. Barbara Coloroso, $22.00
The Playful Parent: 7 Ways to Happier, Calmer, More Creative
Days with Your Under-Fives. Julia Deering, $24.99
Positive Discipline A-Z: 1001 Solutions to Everyday
Parenting Problems. Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott & H. Stephen Glenn, $21.99
Positive Discipline Parenting Tools: the 49 Most
Effective Methods to Stop Power Struggles, Build Communication, and Raise
Empowered Capable Kids. Jane Nelsen, Mary Nelsen Tamboski & Brad Ainge,
Positive Discipline for Preschoolers. Jane Nelsen et al,
The Preschooler’s Busy Book: 365 Creative Learning Games and
Activities to Keep Your 3 to 6 Year Old Busy. Trish Kuffner, $13.95
Back to top
Raising Great Parents: How to Become the Parent Your Child
Needs You to Be. Doone Estey, Beverley Cathcart-Ross & Martin Nash, $22.95
Raising Human Beings: Creating a Collaborative
Partnership with Your Child. Ross Greene, $22.00
Raising Your Spirited Child: a Guide for Parents Whose Child
is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic, 3rd Edition.
Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, $21.99
Roots of Empathy: Changing the World Child by Child. Mary
Gordon, $19.95
Secrets of Discipline: 12 Keys for Raising Responsible
Children (for Parents & Teachers) R.G. Morrish, Book $18.95; DVD $29.95
Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments
to Love and Reason. Alfie Kohn, $17.00; DVD $36.95
Unplugged Play: No Batteries – No Plugs – Pure
Fun. Bobbi Conner, $21.50
Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to
Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences, 2nd Edition. Leonard
Sax, $22.99
The Wiggle & Giggle Busy Book: 365 Fun, Physical
Activities for Toddlers & Preschoolers. Trish Kuffner, $11.95
You Are Your Child’s First Teacher: Encouraging Your Child's
Natural Development from Birth to Age Six, 3rd Edition. Rahima Baldwin Dancy,
Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science
(and What I've Learned So Far). Tracy Cutchlow, $32.50
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