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Activities for Fast Finishers: Math, Grades 2-3. Jan Meyer, $13.99
55 reproducible puzzles, brain teasers and other independent, learning-rich activities kids can’t resist! |
Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math
Facts. Susan Greenwald, $12.50
55 reproducible practice pages (which
can easily be assigned for different learning abilities and levels) provide
students with structured addition and subtraction using two, three, and
four-digit numbers. |
Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself: Numbers, Geometry, Shapes. Laszlo Bardos, $21.50 (ages 9 and up)
Learning through examples of how we encounter math in our daily lives, children will discover that math is all around them. Who would have thought that math could be so much fun? |
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Autism Spectrum Disorders: Building
Foundation Skills in Mathematics. Leslie Broun,
$13.95 (Laminated Reference Guide)
Designed for educators who work with
students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and/or other developmental
disabilities, this reference guide provides a greater understanding of the
perparatory role that visual performance skills play in the learning of mathematics.
Practical instructional strategies required to build the foundational skills
needed to master the common core standards in Mathematics are presented. |
Beyond the Bubble: How to use
Multiple-Choice Tests to Improve Math Instruction, Grades 2-3. Maryann Wickett & Eunice Hendrix-Martin, $31.95
Beyond the Bubble: How to use
Multiple-Choice Tests to Improve Math Instruction, Grades 4-5. Maryann Wickett & Eunice Hendrix-Martin, $31.95
Discover useful ways to use multiple-choice
testing to better understand students' true mathematical knowledge and
comprehension. These practical books show teachers how to move beyond the
student's answer — right or wrong — to uncover understanding and/or
misconceptions. By asking a few simple follow-up questions, teachers can learn
a great deal, and make better, more informed instructional decisions.
The BEYOND THE BUBBLE books are each
divided into five strands — number, measurement, algebra, geometry, and
probability — with six problems per strand. Each problem includes an overview
of the objective of the test question, conversation starters, student work,
student-teacher conversations, and instructional strategies to advance student
learning. Teachers will also find suggestions for differentiation, reproducible
sample questions, and a comprehensive list of additional resources. |
Building Real-Life Math Skills,
Grades 3-5. Liane Onish, $14.99
16 lessons with reproducible activity
sheets that help teach measurement, estimation, data analysis, time, money and
other practical skills. |
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Math Basics: Grade 1. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99 
Math Basics: Grade 2. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Math Basics: Grade 3. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Help students consolidate important math skills based on Canadian
curriculum standards. Designed for independent use, students will gain
systematic practice in Number Sense, Measurement, Patterning and Algebra,
Geometry and Data Management. These student friendly reproducible pages are
great to assign for homework or to supplement your math program. |
Money Activities, Grades 1-3. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99 
Practice makes perfect! These worksheets are great for
use at home or in school.
- Identifying money
- Counting money
- Comparing money
- Money problems
Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Applied
Instruction, 2nd Edition. Thomas Carpenter, Elizabeth Fennema, Megan Loef
Franke, Linda Levi, Susan Empson, $42.00
The bestselling first edition of Children’s
Mathematics helped hundreds of thousands of teachers understand
children’s intuitive mathematical thinking and use that knowledge to help
children learn mathematics with understanding. The highly anticipated
Second Edition provides new insights about Cognitively Guided Instruction based
on the authors’ research and experience in CGI classrooms over the last 15
years. Highlights include:
- how children solve problems using their intuitive understanding
of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- the development of children’s mathematical thinking throughout
the primary grades
- instructional practices that promote children’s active engagement
in mathematics
- connections between children’s strategies and powerful
mathematical concepts
A new expanded collection of over 90 online video
episodes illustrating children’s mathematical thinking, interactions between
students and teachers, and classroom instruction that builds on children’s
mathematical thinking. Together, the Second Edition and videos provide a
detailed research-based account of the development of children’s mathematical
thinking and problem solving, and how teachers can promote this development in
ways that honor children’s thinking. |
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Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6. Suzanne Chapin, Catherine O’Connor,
Nancy Canavan Anderson, $44.95
This book offers an insightful look
at the significant role that classroom discussions can play in
teaching mathematics and deepening students’ mathematical
understanding and learning. |
Counting on Fall. Lizann Flatt, Illustrated by Ashley Barron, $14.95
Do squirrels count their acorns? Do fruits
fall in patterns? Would whales enter a race?
The wonders of nature, shown in vibrant
cut-paper collage, help children grasp the concepts of number sense and
numeration. COUNTING ON FALL combines mathematical problem solving with lyrical
text, bringing children to an understanding of basic math concepts through
observing the natural world. |
Cowboys Count, Monkeys Measure and Princesses Problem Solve: Building Early Math Skills through Storybooks. Jane Wilburne, Jane Keat & Mary Napoli, $27.50
Here's a practical, stress-free guide to one of the most effective ways to enhance children's mathematical thinking in PreK–Grade 3 by weaving math concepts into story time. Ready for any educator to pick up and start using, this concise book gives teachers the guidance they need to find high-quality storybooks on their own bookshelf, read them to children effectively, and develop age-appropriate math problems based on the story's plot, characters, setting, and illustrations. This creative, field-tested approach to math instruction targets foundational math skills, improves literacy skills and connects math concepts to students' everyday lives, so they understand that math is more than problems in a textbook. |
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Developing Math Talent: a Comprehensive Guide to Math Education for Gifted Students in Elementary and Middle School, 2nd Edition. Susan Assouline & Ann Lupowski-Shoplik, $35.95
Build student success in math with the only comprehensive parent and teacher guide for developing math talent among advanced learners. The authors offer a focused look at educating gifted and talented students for success in math. More than just a guidebook for educators and parents, this book offers a comprehensive approach to mathematics education for gifted students of elementary or middle school age. The book provides concrete suggestions for identifying mathematically talented students, tools for instructional planning, and specific programming approaches. |
Differentiated Math Learning Centers, Grades K-2. Deborah Wirth, $23.99
35 independent centers that keep kids learning while you teach small guided math groups. |
Dyscalculia: Action
Plans for Successful Learning in Mathematics, 2nd Edition. Glynis
Hannell, $47.50
Based on expert observations of children
who experience difficulties with math this book gives a comprehensive overview
of dyscalculia, providing a wealth of information and useful guidance for any
practitioner. With a wide range of appropriate and proven intervention
strategies it guides readers through the cognitive processes that underpin
success in mathematics and gives fascinating insights into why individual
students struggle with math. Readers are taken step-by-step through each aspect
of the math curriculum. Each section includes examples which illustrate why
particular math difficulties occur, and practical ‘action plans’ which help
teachers optimize children’s progress in mathematics.
Reflecting current knowledge, Glynis
Hannell gives increased emphasis to the importance of training ‘number sense’
before teaching formalities, the role of concentration difficulties and the
importance of teaching children to use strategic thinking. |
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The Dyscalculia Assessment, 2nd Edition. Jane Emerson & Patricia Babtie, $55.00
investigating pupils' numeracy abilities. It is designed to inform a
personalised teaching programme for individuals or small groups of pupils who
have difficulties with numbers. The assessment was devised at Emerson House, a
specialist centre in London supporting pupils with difficulties in numeracy and
literacy. This fully revised and updated second edition features a brand new
design, making the step-by-step assessment even easier to navigate and use.
This book also includes:
- An introduction to dyscalculia and co-occuring
- Guidance on how to conduct the assessment,
including tips on behaviours to look out for
information on the equipment you need and how to use it
- Instructions on how to interpret the results of
each stage of the assessment and how to produce a personalised teaching plan
games and activities to engage the pupils and reinforce numeracy skills.
use with primary school children, but can easily be adapted for older students,
and is invaluable for TAs, educational psychologists and mainstream teachers
keen to support students with numeracy difficulties in their class. |
The Dyscalculia Solution: Teaching Number Sense. Jane
Emerson & Patricia Babtie, $50.00
This new book by authors Jane Emerson and Patricia Babtie
follows on from their award winning book, The Dyscalculia Assessment.
Once careful assessment has identified the particular numeracy difficulties
your pupils may have, The Dyscalculia Solution provides a practical
teaching guide for addressing and solving those difficulties.
The Dyscalculia Solution includes step-by-step instructions on how to
teach pupils to use whole numbers by talking and reasoning about them, and
communicating their thinking in a verbal, diagrammatic and written form. The
book includes scripts to emphasise the importance of using the correct language
to develop numerical thinking, as well as teaching objectives, activities and
games which are important for fostering a positive attitude to numeracy. Each
new concept builds on previous understanding so that new facts are derived by
reasoning from known facts.
The Dyscalculia Solution is ideal for use with primary school children,
but can easily be adapted for older students, and is invaluable for TAs,
educational psychologists and mainstream teachers, keen to support students
with numeracy difficulties in their class. |
Dyslexia, Dyscalculia
and Mathematics: a Practical Guide. Anne Henderson, $68.50
Written in an accessible style with
helpful illustrations, this practical book reveals helpful ways in which to
tackle both simple and complex concepts with students of all ages. The book
includes references to using technology that will help children with dyslexia
and dyscalculia reinforce their mathematical skills and also contains a number
of photocopiable resources that can be used in the classroom. Author Anne
Henderson, who is experienced in teaching language and mathematics to pupils
with dyslexia and dyscalculia, encourages flexible methods and gives teachers
the confidence to discuss alternative solutions with their pupils and help them
achieve success. It is an ideal handbook for parent-teacher programmes and is
also suitable for in-service training. |
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Effective Math Interventions: a Guide to Improving
Whole-Number Knowledge. Robin Codding, Robert Volpe & Brian Poncy,
Building foundational whole-number knowledge can help put
K-5 students on the path to academic success and career readiness. Filling a
gap for school practitioners, this book presents step-by-step guidelines for
designing and implementing class-wide, small-group, and individual
interventions for mathematics difficulties. Effective procedures for screening,
assessment, intervention selection, and progress monitoring are described and
illustrated with detailed case vignettes. User-friendly features include 20
reproducible handouts and forms; the print book has a large-size format with
lay-flat binding for easy photocopying. Purchasers get access to a Web page
where they can download and print the reproducible materials. |
Engaging Primary Children in Mathematics. Margaret
Sangster, $38.95
Effective teaching is a combination of technical skills
and knowledge but good teachers also need to understand how children learn and
how they can most effectively be taught. Engaging Primary Children in
Mathematics explores the various strategies for engaging children in
mathematical learning in the light of theory and practice and is designed to
talk straight to the teacher/student about their classroom approach to the
teaching of primary mathematics.
The importance of creating a learning environment in
which children can learn to be young mathematicians, where they can explore,
create and solve problems, cannot be underestimated. Margaret Sangster explores
how students and practitioners can develop their practice by reviewing a range
of approaches to the teaching of mathematics and the development of those young
mathematicians, with examples of thought-provoking activities to inform their
own practice. |
Math Skills: Test Ready! Grade 3. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99 
Math Skills: Test Ready! Grade 6. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Practice makes perfect!
- Open-response questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Teaching tips
- Student strategies for success
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Exploring Mathematics through Play in the Early
Childhood Classroom. Amy Noelle Parks, $45.95
This practical book provides teachers with an
understanding of how math can be learned through play. The author helps
teachers to recognize the mathematical learning that occurs during play, to
develop strategies for mathematizing that play, and to design formal lessons
that make connections between mathematics and play. Classroom examples
illustrate that, unlike most formal tasks, play offers children opportunities
to solve non-routine problems and to demonstrate a variety of mathematical ways
of thinking — such as perseverance and attention to precision. This book will
help put play back into the early childhood classroom where it belongs. |
Family Math Night K-5: Common Core State Standards in Action, 2nd Edition. Jennifer Taylor-Cox, $48.90
Host family math nights at your elementary school—starting today! Family math nights are a great way for teachers to get parents involved their children’s education and to promote math learning outside of the classroom. In this practical book, you’ll find step-by-step guidelines and activities to help you bring family math nights to life. The enhanced second edition is aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content and Practice with new activities to help students explain their answers and write about math. It also comes with ready-to-use handouts that you can distribute during your event. With the resources in this book, you’ll have everything you need to help students learn essential math concepts—including counting and cardinality; operations and algebraic thinking; numbers and operations in base ten; number and operations – fractions; measurement and data; and geometry—in a fun and supportive environment.
Special Features:
- The book is organized by math content and grade band, so you can quickly find activities that meet your needs.
- Each activity is easy to implement and includes a page of instructions educators can use to prepare the station, as well as a page for families that explains the activity and can be photocopied and displayed at the station.
- All of the family activities can be photocopied or downloaded from our website, so that you can distribute them during your event.
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First Homework: NUMBERS. Alyse
Sweeney, $15.99 PreK-K
60+ Age-perfect reproducibles that help youngsters learn their
numbers from 1 to 30. |
Five Times Five
Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy. Susan Greenwald,
Designed for students of any age
and ability, this workbook focuses on imaginative and original
easy-to-learn strategies to learn the multiplication facts. |
The Giant Encyclopedia
of Math Activities for Children 3 to 6. Kathy Charmer,
Maureen Murphy & Charlie Clark, editors, $49.95
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Go Figure! Big Questions about Numbers. Johnny
Ball, $10.99 (ages 8-12)
Numbers create the structure to our universe. Without
numbers, computers would not work and cars would not go. There would be no way
to quantify things. You wouldn't be able to ask "How many?" or
"How much?" We would not understand time or distance. Sports records
wouldn't matter! Go Figure! is a math book filled with the
weird and wonderful side of math and numbers.
Discover why there are 60 minutes in an hour, why daisies
have to have 34, 55, or 89 petals, and why finding a prime number could make
you a millionaire. Go Figure! is also packed with activities
that children can try out on their own or with friends, including brainteasers,
magic tricks, and things to make, while also learning about the simple puzzles
that stumped the world's brainiest mathematicians for centuries. Go
Figure! is a fun and quirky look at the magical world of numbers, without
the effort of a math textbook. |
Good Questions:
Great Ways to Differentiate Mathematics Instruction. Marian
Small, $58.75 (K–8)
We know that differentiated instruction helps all students to
learn. Yet DI challenges teachers, and nowhere more than in mathematics.
Now math education expert Marian Small cuts through the difficulties
with two powerful and universal strategies that teachers can use
across all math content: Open Questions and Parallel Tasks. Showing
teachers how to get started and become expert with these strategies,
Small also demonstrates more inclusive learning conversations that
promote broader student participation. |
The Great BIG Book of Funtastic MATH, Grades 4-8. Edited by Mela Ottaiano, $19.99
Over 200 super-fun activities, games and puzzles that help students master must-know math skills and concepts. |
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The Great BIG Idea Book: MATH, Grades
2-3. Edited by Mela Ottaiano, $29.99
Dozens and dozens of just-right activities for teaching the topics and
skills kids really need to master. |
The Great
Number Rumble: a Story of Math in Surprising Places. Cora
Lee & Gillian O’Reilly, $14.95
When the schools in Jeremy’s town ban
math, the kids AND the teachers cheer and toss their textbooks aside.
But Jeremy’s best friend Sam loves math, so he sets out to prove
to the whole town that math is everywhere — and it’s FUN! |
Hands-On Math Projects. Andrew King, $16.99
Designed with any classroom in mind, this fun book puts
the excitement of discovery in the hands of young students, with projects that
explore numbers, fractions, plotting, estimating, and so much more. Simple text
provides an easy to follow, step-by-step guide to each project, an explanation
to why it works, and ideas for further activities. |
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Math Projects with Real-Life Applications: Ready-to-Use Lessons
and Materials for Grades 6-12. Gary Robert Muschla &
Judith Muschla, $42.99
A collection of 60 hands on investigations to help
students apply math concepts and skills to everyday problems found
across the curriculum, in sports, and in daily life. These tested
projects stress cooperative learning, group sharing, and writing,
and build skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making,
and computation. Each project follows the same proven format, including
instructions for the teacher, a Student Guide, and one or more reproducible
datasheets and worksheets. A special Skills Index identifies the
skills emphasized in each project, and all materials are organized
into 6 major sections - Math & Science; Math & Social Studies;
Math & Language; Math & Art/Music; Math & Sports/Recreation
and Math & Life Skills. |
Help Your Child
with Numeracy. Rosemary Russell, $22.95 (ages 7-11)
This colourful and easy-to-follow guide is full of ideas on how
you can help your child learn basic numeracy skills. |
Help Your Kids with Math: a Unique Step-By-Step Visual
Guide, 2nd Edition. Barry Lewis, $20.95
Families are hungry for meaningful math help. The simple,
visual approach of Help Your Kids with Math offers exactly
what parents need to understand and explain the concepts children use most in grades
3 through 6. Covering everything from basic arithmetic to the more complex
subjects of statistics, geometry, and algebra Help Your Kids with Math uses
bright, easy to understand visuals and thoughtful explanations to cut through
the confusion. The book's designers and editors have taken expert explanations
and advice and made them appealing to children-and understandable for parents.
This newly updated edition includes even more content for
parents and their children on challenging topics like fractions, times tables,
telling time, and Roman numerals. |
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the Brain Learns Mathematics. David Sousa, $54.95
Learn how the brain processes mathematical concepts
and why some students develop math anxiety. Highly respected author
and researcher David Sousa explains the latest neuro-scientific
findings in practical, understandable terms and discusses the impact
this information has for teaching mathematics at all grade levels.
How the Brain Learns Mathematics covers the cognitive mechanisms
for learning mathematics, the environmental and developmental factors
that contribute to mathematics difficulties, and ways to differentiate
mathematics instruction.
The text offers a unique and simplified four-step
model for teaching mathematics to PreK–12 students that helps teachers
consistently relate what learners experience in the classroom to
concrete, real-world applications. Teachers of mathematics at all
levels will find this book invaluable for making informed decisions
about which instructional strategies and activities to use in creating
a mathematics-friendly classroom. |
How High Can a Dinosaur Count? (And other Mysteries). Valerie Fisher, $8.99
For anyone who loves the magic of numbers — and for those who don’t but are willing to be initiated — How High can a Dinosaur Count shows how much fun math can be with ingenious math problems and illustrations that delight and teach readers from 5 to 99! |
How Many Ways Can You Make Five? A
Parent’s Guide to Exploring Math with Children’s Books. Sally Anderson, $19.95
In a world filled with patterns, shapes,
sequences, and numbers — math is all around us. From an early age,
children begin to notice and make connections between math concepts and
everyday life, asking: How many? How high? How long? How much?
Children’s books can bring math concepts
to life. With the help of the stories and activities in HOW MANY WAYS
CAN YOU MAKE FIVE young children will have a blast exploring the world of
math. Use favorite children’s books to investigate patterns and puzzles, learn
how to subtract, and make maps. |
How to Be Good at Math: the Simplest-Ever Visual
Guide. Peter Clarke, Caroline Clissold & Cherri Moseley, $24.99 (ages
How to Be Good at Math uses an innovative
visual approach to explain and define all the basic math concepts taught in
schools for children aged 7-11. Unlike other math guides, dictionaries, and
workbooks, How to Be Good at Math presents topics in dynamic,
colorful graphics reinforced by real-life examples and fascinating facts.
Ranging from second-grade topics such as learning odd and even numbers to
harder sixth-grade-level problems like angles and algebra formulas, the
innovative, highly visual approach makes basic math easier to understand than
ever before. How to Be Good at Math is perfect for reluctant
mathematicians, as well as providing a fun, reliable reference to look things
up. |
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IF... a Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big
Ideas and Numbers. David Smith, illustrated by Steve Adams, $19.95
"Some things are so huge or so old that it's hard to
wrap your mind around them. But what if we took these big, hard-to-imagine
objects and events and compared them to things we can see, feel and touch?
Instantly, we'd see our world in a whole new way." So begins this
endlessly intriguing guide to better understanding all those really big ideas
and numbers children come across on a regular basis. Author David Smith has
found clever devices to scale down everything from time lines (the history of
Earth compressed into one year), to quantities (all the wealth in the world
divided into one hundred coins), to size differences (the planets shown as
different types of balls). Accompanying each description is a kid-friendly
drawing by illustrator Steve Adams that visually reinforces the concept.
By simply reducing everything to human scale, Smith has made the
incomprehensible easier to grasp, and therefore more meaningful. The children
who just love these kinds of fact-filled, knock-your-socks-off books will want
to read this one from cover to cover. It will find the most use, however, as an
excellent classroom reference that can be reached for again and again when
studying scale and measurement in math, and also for any number of applications
in social studies, science and language arts. For those who want to delve a
little deeper, Smith has included six suggestions for classroom projects. There
is also a full page of resource information at the back of the book. |
The Incredible Math Games Book. DK Publishing,
Kid-approved games that instill first math concepts. The
amazing interactive paper engineering in The Incredible Math Games Book will
capture and hold your child's attention, making practicing math and play one
and the same. With games like Zip to Zero, Shape Stepper, Math Maze, Times
Tables Tug-of-War and more, kids will learn key math concepts while having a
blast. Roll the dice, move the counters, lift-the-flaps, and learn with this
fun-filled, extra-cool math game book for children ages 6-9. Everybody wins! |
Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts, Grades 2-3. Denise Kierman, $13.99
Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts, Grades 4-6. Denise Kierman, $12.99
50 engaging reproducible that help kids read and interpret graphs and charts. |
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Literacy and Math: Strategies for K-6 Teachers. Ellen Fogelberg,
et al, $38.50
Many teachers — and students — still think of mathematics
as a totally separate subject from literacy. Yet incorporating math
content into the language arts block helps students gain skills
for reading many kinds of texts. And bringing reading, writing,
and talking into the math classroom supports the development of
conceptual knowledge and problem solving, in addition to computational
skills. This invaluable book thoroughly explains integrated instruction
and gives teachers the tools to make it a reality. Grounded in current
best practices for both language arts and math, the book includes
planning advice, learning activities, assessment strategies, reproducibles,
and resources, plus a wealth of examples from actual classrooms. |
Intentional Talk: How to Structure and Lead Productive
Mathematical Discussions. Elham Kazemi & Allison Hintz, $25.95
Not all mathematics discussions are alike. It's one thing
to ask students to share how they solved a problem, but knowing what to do with
their ideas can be a daunting task. Intentional Talk provides a
framework for planning and facilitating purposeful mathematics discussions that
enrich and deepen student learning. The critical first step is to identify a
discussion's goal, and then understand how to structure and facilitate the
conversation to meet that goal. Through detailed vignettes from both primary
and junior elementary classrooms, the book provides a window into what teachers
are thinking as they lead discussions and make important pedagogical and
mathematical decisions along the way. The book also explores students' roles as
both listeners and talkers, and offers a number of strategies for improving
student participation and learning. A collection of planning templates helps
teachers apply the right discussion framework to discussions in their own
classrooms |
at Home Grade 2: Worksheets for the JUMP Math Program.
John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 3: Worksheets
for the JUMP Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 4: Worksheets
for the JUMP Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 5: Worksheets
for the JUMP Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 6: Worksheets
for the JUMP Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 7: Worksheets
for the JUMP Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
The key to the enormous success of Mighton's
JUMP Math program is a step-by-step teaching method that isolates
and describes concepts so clearly that anyone can understand them
and move from one success to the next. With these workbooks, parents
and caregivers can bring the JUMP program home. Each workbook has
been completely updated with JUMP's current student worksheets and
also includes a new introduction with many suggested activities,
a glossary of math terms, and an answer key. With these books, children
will soon be solving problems with confidence and enthusiasm. |
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Keys to Math Success, Grades K-1. April Duff & Leland Graham, $14.50
Keys to Math Success, Grades 1-2. April
Duff & Leland Graham, $13.99
Keys to Math Success, Grades 2-3. April
Duff & Leland Graham, $8.95
Keys to Math Success, Grades 3-4. April Duff & Leland Graham, $14.50
Facts, games, puzzles and activities to boost the math skills os struggling and reluctant learners. |
to Love Math: Teaching Strategies that Change Student Attitudes
and Get Results. Judy Willis, $28.95
Is there a way to get students to love math? Judy Willis says yes. With a straightforward and accessible style, she shares the knowledge and experience she has gained through her careers as a math teacher and a neurologist by tapping into the abundant research on how the brain works. With dozens of strategies teachers can use right away, Learning to Love Math puts the power of research directly into the hands of educators. |
Let's Count to 100! Masayuki Sebe, $8.95
A riot of brightly coloured characters and action-packed
scenes make the number 100 more accessible for young children, while
attention-grabbing search-and-find elements add another level of fun! |
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Let's Play with Numbers. Joanna Babb, $9.99
A playbook to build numeracy for 3-7 year olds, including
counting, measuring, sizes, shapes, patterns, groups and how to tell time. |
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades K-2. $33.50
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades 3-5. $33.50
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades 6-8. $33.50
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades 9-12. $33.50
Increase your capacity to make mathematics accessible to all students. These comprehensive manuals offer tools and guidance that everyone in mathematics education can use to increase confidence and competence. Chapters address critical topics such as research-based instructional best practices, and alternative instruction and assessment practices. Reflective questions and tasks make these perfect for self-guided or group study. Appendices offer sample answers and additional supports.
Mastering Mathematics
Volume 1. Natural Learning Concepts, $23.95
The workbook comes with laminated cards
and helps learners focus on basic math skills that children learn
in Kindergarten and Pre-K. There are 20 pages in this workbook,
which comes with ten number cards and ten picture cards. Skills
included are:
- match picture to number
- addition
- fill in the blanks
- least to most
- match the word to a number
- identify shapes
- learn to count backwards
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Math Bafflers: Logic Puzzles that Use
Real-World Math, Grades 3-5. Marilyn Rapp Buxton,
MATH BAFFLERS requires students to use
creativity, critical thinking, and logical reasoning to perform a variety of
operations and practice skills that align with state and national math
standards. The book covers real-life situations requiring math skills, such as
distance, liquid measures, money, time, weight, sequencing, comparison, age,
area, and percentages, along with operations such as fractions, exponents,
algebra, place value, and number lines. Students will make hypotheses, organize
information, draw conclusions, and use syllogistic thinking. Teachers can feel
confident that they are providing challenges and reinforcing important skills
in a format that students enjoy! |
Curse. Jon Scieszka, illustrated by Lane Smith, $23.50
Did you ever wake up to one of those days where everything
is a problem? You have 10 things to do, but only 30 minutes till
the bus leaves. Is there enough time? You have 3 shirts and 2 pairs
of pants — can you make 1 good outfit? Don't worry — it's just the
Math Curse striking! |
Math Dictionary: Homework Help for
Families, Canadian Edition. Judith de Klerk, $9.99 
Confused by coordinates? Perplexed by
primes? With more than 400 entries from abacus to zero, this guide is perfect
for children and parents who need help with math homework. |
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Math Dictionary for Kids: the Essential Guide to Math
Terms, Strategies and Tables, 4th Edition. Theresa Fitzgerald, $18.95
(Grades 4-9)
Equipped with this handy, updated reference of more than
400 full-color, illustrated definitions, children will be able to quickly find
the definitions and illustrated examples that will enable them to solve many of
the math challenges they face. Covering everything from “addend” to “zero,” the
fourth edition of the best-selling Math Dictionary for Kids gives
students in grades 4–9 definitions, illustrations, and examples that can help
them solve math problems. This handbook includes illustrated, concise
explanations of the most common terms used in general math classes, categorized
by subjects that include measurement, algebra, geometry, fractions and
decimals, statistics and probability, and problem solving. This newly updated
edition also discusses how students can use manipulatives and basic math tools
to improve their understanding and includes handy measurement conversion
tables. Each term has a concise definition and an example or illustration. |
Math Doesn’t Suck: How to Survive Middle
School Math Without Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail.
Danica McKellar, $17.00
From a well-known actress and math genius—a
groundbreaking guide to mathematics for middle school girls, their
parents, and educators.
Danica McKellar’s mission is to be a
math role model and demonstrate on a large scale that math doesn’t
suck. In this fun and accessible guide, McKellar—dubbed a “math
superstar” by The New York Times—gives girls and their
parents the tools they need to master the math concepts that confuse
middle-schoolers most, including fractions, percentages, pre-algebra,
and more … ultimately revealing why math is easier and cooler than
readers think. |
Math Experiences for Young Learners. Marilee Woodfield, $11.95 (PK to K) Developmental activities on numbers and counting, shapes, order and position of objects, patterns and measurement. |
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Math in Minutes: Easy Activities for Children Ages 4 –
8. Sharon MacDonald, $25.95
This engaging, exciting introduction to early math
concepts will be a sure-fire hit with young children. They can go
on a Geometric Shape Hunt, measure with Pompoms, or find the Missing
Numbers—just a few of the fun, simple activities you’ll find in Math in Minutes. |
Math Lessons for the Smart Board,
Grades K-1. Ann Montague-Smith, $28.99
Math Lessons for the Smart Board,
Grades 2-3. Ann Montague-Smith, $28.99
Math Lessons for the Smart Board,
Grades 4-6. Ann Montague-Smith, et al, $28.99
Ready-to-use lessons for the interactive
whiteboard — a great way to engage students and reach all learners. Each book
includes a CD-Rom with ready-to-use activities. |
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition. Sean McArdle & Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Refreshed with a new look, this
bestselling workbook series is tailored specifically to the needs of Canadian
children from ages 5-11. Each workbook forms part of a complete home-study program
designed to make math fun and exciting as well as to help children practice
essential math skills so that they can reach their full potential in school.
Each book includes detailed parents notes and helpful hints to assist parents
with the learning process.
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Kindergarten (Ages 5-6). Sean McArdle
& Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 1 (Ages 6-7). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 2 (Ages 7-8). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 3 (Ages 8-9). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 4 (Ages 9-10). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 5 (Ages 10-11). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99 |
Back to top
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Grade 4, Canadian
Edition. Sean McArdle, $10.99 
Each of these handy workbooks provides quick exercises in
math. Based on one of the best and most effective learning strategies — little
and often — each title in this series tests a range of skills and knowledge in
the areas of number, shape, data-handling, measurement, and probability. Fully
adapted to match Canadian curriculum requirements, these workbooks to support
math learning at different levels of ability while fun Beat the Clock exercises
develop quick mental math agility, including recalling the all-important times
- Each exercise takes a maximum of ten minutes to complete
- Parents notes pages are included book with tips, guidance, and
- Includes a digital 10-minute timer!
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Grades 2-3 Canadian
Edition.Deborah Lock, $10.99 
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: FRACTIONS (Grades 6-7)
Canadian Edition. Deborah Lock, $10.99 
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: MULTIPLICATION (Grades
4-5) Canadian Edition.Deborah Lock, $10.99 
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Problem Solving
(Grade 5) Canadian Edition. Sean McArdle, Darious
McArdle, Marilyn Wilson, $10.99 
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Problem Solving
(Grade 6) Canadian Edition. Sean McArdle, Darious
McArdle, Marilyn Wilson, $10.99
| |
Math Memories You Can Count On: a Literature-based Approach to Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Classroom. Jo-Anne Lake, $24.95
Organized around the five math strands — number sense and numeration; measurement; geometry and spatial sense; patterning and algebra; and data management and probability — Math Memories You Can Count On offers a wealth of activities rooted in children’s literature and real-life experiences. |
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The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions. Andrew
Hacker, $36.50
Andrew Hacker’s 2012 New York Times op-ed questioning our
current mathematics requirements instantly became one of the the paper’s most
widely circulated articles. Why, he wondered, do we inflict algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, and even calculus on all young Americans, regardless of their
interests or aptitudes?
The Math Myth expands Hacker’s scrutiny of many
widely held assumptions, such as the notion that mathematics broadens our
minds, that mastery of azimuths and asymptotes will be needed for most jobs,
that the entire Common Core syllabus should be required of every student. He
worries that a frenzied emphasis on STEM is diverting attention from other
pursuits and subverting the spirit of the country. Though Hacker honors
mathematics as a calling (he has been a professor of mathematics) and extols
its glories and its goals, he shows how mandating it for everyone prevents
other talents from being developed and acts as an irrational barrier to
graduation and careers. He proposes alternatives, including teaching facility
with figures, quantitative reasoning, and utilizing statistics.
The Math Myth is sure to spark a heated and needed
national conversation not just about mathematics but about the kind of people
and society we want to be. |
Math On the Move: Engaging Students in Whole Body
Learning. Malke Rosenfeld, $35.95
Kids love to move. But how do we harness all that kinetic
energy effectively for math learning? In Math on the Move, Malke
Rosenfeld shows how pairing math concepts and whole body movement creates
opportunities for students to make sense of math in entirely new ways. Malke
shares her experience creating dynamic learning environments by:
- exploring the use of the body as a thinking tool
- highlighting mathematical ideas that are usefully explored with a
moving body
- providing a range of entry points for learning to facilitate a
moving math classroom
Back to top
Math and Science Investigations:
Helping Young Learners Make Big Discoveries. Sally
Anderson, $35.95
Young children are naturally interested
in the patterns and processes occurring in the world around them. They are
beginning to learn about the changes happening each day, month, and season.
They are starting to ask questions about the environment and world beyond. They
are anxious to explore the creatures in their own backyard.
INVESTIGATIONS supports young children’s natural curiosity and encourages
them to explore what happens around them. Children’s books and hands-on
investigations bring math and science concepts to life and help children learn
the skills, concepts, and standards of mathematics, science, language, and
literacy. |
Math Sense: the Look, Sound, and Feel
of Effective Math Instruction. Christine Moynihan,
This thoughtful book explores some of
the components that comprise the looks, sound, and feel of effective math teaching
and learning. Does the landscape of the classroom feature such items as student
work samples, a math literature collection, and a number line? Do lessons
include wait time, checks for understanding, and written feedback? Do you feel
a spirit of collaboration, risk taking, and pride?
MATH SENSE provides a series of
self-assessment rubrics to help you identify the earmarks of a vibrant mathematics
community that will help inform and refine your practice. This practical guide
offers a roadmap for taking stock of your teaching, and building a stronger
mathematics community for both you and your students. |
Math Starters, 2nd Edition. Judith Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla & Erin Muschla-Berry,
$39.95 (grades 6-12)
Ideally suited for today’s math curriculum, the
high-interest problems in MATH STARTERS spark involvement in the day’s lesson,
help students build skills, and allow teachers to handle daily management tasks
without wasting valuable instructional time. MATH STARTERS includes 650 quick,
ready-to-use activities that get kids in grades 6-12 focused and involved. |
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Math Stories for Problem Solving Success, Grades
6-12. Jim Overholt, Nancy Aaberg & Jim Lindsey, $35.95
Each of the easy-to-read stories is followed by three
increasingly difficult groups of problem sets. This makes it simple
for teachers to select the appropriate problem set for students
of different abilities and at different grade levels. To further
enhance student involvement, the stories feature recurring characters
and can be used either sequentially or out of order. The problems
in the book cover many basic math topics, including decimals, fractions,
and percents; measurement; geometry; data, statistics, and probability;
algebra; and problem solving. In addition to having all the answers,
an Answer Key at the end of the book offers explanations and background
information about the problems that can be helpful to both teachers
and students.
Math Stories for Problem Solving Success will
help you show students that math is something they are already using
every day. |
Math Teacher’s Survival Guide, Grades 5-12. Judith Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla & Erin Muschla, $39.95
Practical strategies, management techniques and reproducible forms on a CD-ROM, designed to help new and experienced teachers manage daily classroom demands. |
at Their Own Pace: Child-Directed Activities for Developing
Early Number Sense. Greg Nelson, $39.95
Math at Their Own Pace provides pre-designed,
child-centered activities that engage and challenge young children
to learn math at their own level. You can place these easy-to-construct,
inexpensive activities "on the shelf" for children to
use when they are developmentally ready and interested. |
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Math Wise! Grades K-8, 2nd Edition. James L. Overholt & Laurie Kincheloe, $35.95
Over 100 hands-on activities that promote real math understanding from Kindergarten through grade eight. |
Math Word Problem Mini-Books, Grades 2-3. Betsy Franco, $14.99
12 motivating, reproducible mini-books that boost essential problem-solving skills. |
Math Work Stations: Independent
Learning You Can Count On, K-2. Debbie Diller,
This inspirational resource answers all
your questions about how to make math stations work. It offers ideas to help
children develop conceptual understanding and skills, use math vocabulary as
they talk about their mathematical thinking, and connect large concepts to
meaningful independent exploration and practice. Practical and easy to use, the
book details how to set up, manage, and keep math stations going throughout the
year. Throughout the book, you'll find hundreds of colour photos showing math
stations in action from a variety of classrooms. Charts, reproducible forms,
and math work station icons are included to provide everything you'll need to
get started with Math Work Stations in your classroom immediately! |
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Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential
through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching. Jo
Boaler, $23.95
Mathematical Mindsets provides practical
strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even
those who are convinced that they are bad at math, that they can enjoy and
succeed in math. There is a clear gap between what research has shown to work
in teaching math and what happens in schools and at home. This book bridges
that gap by turning research findings into practical activities and advice.
Boaler translates Carol Dweck's concept of 'mindset' into math teaching and
parenting strategies, showing how students can go from self-doubt to strong
self-confidence, which is so important to math learning. Boaler reveals the
steps that must be taken by schools and parents to improve math education for
all. Mathematical Mindsets:
- Explains how the brain processes mathematics learning
- Reveals how to turn mistakes and struggles into valuable learning
- Provides examples of rich mathematical activities to replace rote
- Explains ways to give students a positive math mindset
- Gives examples of how assessment and grading policies need to
change to support real understanding
Scores of students hate and fear math, so they end up
leaving school without an understanding of basic mathematical concepts. Their
evasion and departure hinders math-related pathways and STEM career
opportunities. Research has shown very clear methods to change this phenomena,
but the information has been confined to research journals — until now. Mathematical
Mindsets provides a proven, practical roadmap to mathematics success for
any student at any age. |
Mathematizing: an Emergent Math Curriculum Approach
for Young Children. Allen Rosales, $42.95 (ages 3-6)
Based on years of research with early childhood teachers,
author Allen Rosales provides an approach to create an emergent math curriculum
that integrates children's interests with math concepts. The mathematizing
approach is different from traditional math curriculums, as it immerses
children in a process that is designed to develop their understanding of math
concepts in real life contexts. This approach has helped hundreds of teachers
engage children in meaningful and purposeful interactions that have led to
increased math, language, and inquiry skills. Mathematizing makes
learning math seem like child's play... and it is! |
Messy Maths: a Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early
Years. Juliet Robertson, $34.95
Juliet Robertson offers a rich resource of ideas that
will inspire you to tap into the endless supply of patterns, textures, colours
and quantities of the outdoors and deepen children’s understanding of maths
through hands-on experience. In the classroom environment, maths can seem
disconnected from everyday reality — but real maths is really messy. Lots of
outdoor play and engaging activity along the way is a must, as being outside
enables connections to be made between the hands, heart and head, and lays the
foundations for more complex work as children grow, develop and learn.
Messy Maths re-imagines the outdoor space through
a mathematical lens — providing a treasure trove of suggestions that will
empower you to blend outdoor learning into your teaching practice. Topics
covered include: general advice; exploring numbers; number functions and
fractions; money; measurement; time; pattern; shape and symmetry; position,
direction and movement; data handling; routines; and the mathematical garden.
Messy Maths is suitable for early years educators
(of ages 3–6) who want to shake up their usual classroom practice and make the
most of any outdoor space — whether this be a nursery, playgroup,
child-minder’s back garden or a nature kindergarten — as a context for maths. |
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Montessori Number Work. Bobby & June George, $10.95
This is a different kind of counting
book. It is based on the Montessori way of teaching, helping young children to
develop a concrete understanding of numbers. |
More Math Games & Activities from
Around the World: Multicultural Fun for Ages 9 & Up. Claudia Zaslavsky, $18.95
More than 70 math games, puzzles, and
projects from all over the world encourage kids to hone their math skills as
they calculate, measure, and solve problems. Through compelling math play,
children will gain confidence and have fun as they learn about the different
ways people around the world measure, count, and use patterns in their everyday
lives. |
More Than Counting: Standards Edition, Preschool and Kindergarten. Sally Moomaw & Brenda Hieronymus, $43.95
Bring standards-based math experiences into your classroom with this play-based curriculum. More Than Counting provides exciting learning opportunities in the areas of number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability. |
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Motivating Math Homework, Grades 2-3. Mela Ottaiano, $18.99
Eighty reproducible practice pages
that reinforce key math skills. |
Motivating Math Homework, Grades 4-5. Scholastic, $16.99
80 Reproducible practice pages that reinforce key math skills.
Multiplication Houses, Grades 2-5. Violet Findley, $12.99
Reproducible patterns for 20 open-n-peek learning tools that motivate kids to memorize the multiplication tables. |
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The Myth of Ability: Nurturing Mathematical
Talent in Every Child. John Mighton, $14.95
Mathematician and playwright John Mighton
is the founder of JUMP (Junior Undiscovered Mathematical Prodigies),
a not-for-profit numeracy program he established in 1998. In The
Myth of Ability, Mighton tells the fascinating story of how
JUMP programs have been working in schools across Canada and around
the world. With explanations of JUMP’s step-by-step teaching
methods, simple examples and inspiring stories, the book shows how
Mighton’s empowering program gives children (and some math-phobic
adults!) the tools they need to love math. |
Number Sense Interventions. Nancy Jordan & Nancy Dyson, $38.50
kindergartners at risk for math difficulties with these explicit,
evidence-based interventions. Used on their own or as a follow-up to the Number Sense Screener™ (NSS™) , the interventions in this
user-friendly guide are a fun, simple, and highly effective way to boost key
math skills such as oral counting, number recognition, and numeral writing.
Teachers will get 24 scripted lessons, perfect for helping small groups of
struggling students in just 30 minutes each. Proven in studies to improve young
children's number sense, these engaging lessons help resolve early math
struggles before first grade—and start students on the
path to long-term success in elementary school and beyond. |
Number Sense Routines: Building
Numerical Literacy Every Day in Grades K-3. Jessica
Shumway, $27.95
Students with strong number sense understand
numbers, ways to represent numbers, relationships among numbers, and number
systems. They make reasonable estimates, compute fluently, use reasoning
strategies, and use visual models based on their number sense to solve
problems. Students who never develop strong number sense will struggle with
nearly all mathematical strands, from measurement and geometry to data and
This practical book shows that number
sense can be taught to all students. It offers a series of routines designed to
help young students internalize and deepen their facility with numbers. The
daily use of these quick five-, ten-, or fifteen-minute experiences at the
beginning of math class will help build students' number sense. Dozens of
classroom examples — including conversations among students engaging in NUMBER
SENSE ROUTINES — illustrate how the routines work, how children's number sense
develops, and how to implement responsive routines. |
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Numbers 1 – 30 Write and Wipe! Shinobu Akaishi,
$13.50 (Ages 2+)
This Kumon Flash Card kit comes with
write and wipe cards and a non-toxic pen. Each card helps children
learn how to write the number and to develop basic math skills.
For ages 2 and up. |
Numeralia. Jorge Luján, illustrated by Isol. 18.95
From the first page of this unusual and original
collaboration between Jorge Luján and Isol, readers will realize that this is
not just another counting book. Whether they are discovering that three is for
bedtime kisses, or that five is for secret creatures hiding in a glove,
children will delight in the poetic and sometimes surreal text. This is a book
that presents children with the opportunity to go beyond simply learning to
count from zero to ten. The book will encourage very young children (and older
ones as well) to create their own meanings and make their own connections
between the text and the art. |
Object Lessons: Teaching Math through
the Visual Arts, K-5. Caren Holtzman & Lynn
Susholtz, $32.95
Use a highly visual approach to make
math lessons accessible, engaging, and meaningful for a wide range of students.
In each chapter, the authors use everyday objects to create rigorous, hands-on
activities that address key mathematics standards and concepts. Each lesson
provides an introduction that explains how it connects to key concepts, a
discussion of the artists and techniques featured, activities organized by
grade level, a clear picture of what the lesson will look like, and a list of
The book and its accompanying CD feature
a wonderful gallery of images — including art photos and student work — and a
collection of links to art education organizations, museums, and websites that
focus on the work of forty major artists. |
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One-Page Math Games, Grades 2-3. Lory Evans, $12.99
30 super-easy, super-fun reproducible games for seatwork, centers, homework and more! |
Outdoor Math: Fun Activities for Every Season. Emma
AdBåge, $16.95
In this innovative book, Emma AdBåge encourages children
to get outside, where they can have fun interacting with the natural world
while learning math. AdBåge has created twenty-two outdoor activities,
organized by season. Through play, children will learn about numeracy and
arithmetic, as well as math concepts such as shapes, time, greater/less than,
even and odd numbers, patterns and grids. The activities have simple-to-follow
instructions and are accompanied by adorable illustrations that provide clear
visual demonstrations. Many of the activities can be done in pairs or groups,
promoting teamwork and cooperation. A list of activities in the back matter
indexes the activities and categorizes them by the math skills they develop. |
Overcoming Difficulties with Number. Ronit Bird, $56.95 (ages 9-16)
Supporting dyscalculia and students who struggle with maths. |
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Playing with Math — the Name of the
Game! A Collection of Math Games and Activities for the Elementary Classroom. Chris Horne & Steven Feifer, $49.95
This book includes math games and
activities designed to enhance number sense, encourage acquisition of number
combinations, and promote mathematical fluency for elementary aged students.
The premise of each learning experience is to develop a conceptual
understanding of mathematics in a fun, self-motivating, and intrinsically
meaningful manner through the format of games and spontaneous learning
activities. A CD-ROM is included. |
Ideas That Really Work for Teaching Math Problem Solving: Complete
Kit (Manual and 10 Evaluation Forms). Gail Ryser, et al,
The instructional ideas presented
in this kit are specially designed for teaching students who are
working with problem solving skills that encompass addition and
subtraction through pre-algebra or algebra skills. The kit includes
a quick, easy to use criterion-referenced rating scale, an ideas
matrix, and 34 research-based strategies to improve students’ skills
in the following areas: reading and understanding math problems,
using strategies to solve math problems, checking the reasonableness
of the answer, and using what they learned to solve other math problems. |
Practical Mathematics for Children
with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Delays. Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey, $44.95
This book provides practical strategies
and tools for teaching key mathematics concepts to children with an autism
spectrum disorder and other developmental delays. The authors emphasize the
importance of incorporating a child's special interest into learning in order
to help them engage fully with new concepts. Topics covered include colours,
shapes, categories, numerals, sequencing, addition and subtraction and using
money, and the book includes worksheets and activities for incorporating
mathematics into daily living skills. This is an essential resource for
teachers, teaching assistants and parents. |
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Preparing Early Childhood Educators to Teach Math:
Professional Development that Works. Herbert Ginsburg, Marylou Hyson &
Taniesha Woods, $47.50
If you're preparing early childhood educators for the
critical task of teaching math, this groundbreaking resource is just what you
need to plan and implement effective professional development. This
text is your key to improving the way educators teach math to children ages
3–6. You'll get an in-depth guide to what math teachers need to teach; a
research-based framework for strengthening professional development;
and web-based video clips to enhance training sessions and show
teachers the "how" of high-quality math instruction. Use this
accessible text to guide both pre- and in-service teacher preparation — and
ensure better math teaching and higher student achievement. |
Preschool MathSmart Activities. $12.95
The PRESCHOOL ACTIVITIES series comprises
systemically-developed collections of educational games and fun activities on
Math, to help children develop the basic skills and concepts, as well as
stimulate their interest in learning. One board game and three sheets of
colourful stickers are included. Children will find it fun and rewarding,
working through this delightful book. |
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The Problem with Math is English: a
Language-Focused Approach to Helping All Students Develop a Deeper
Understanding of Mathematics, Grades 3-9. Concepcion
Molina, $35.95
ENGLISH illustrates how students often understand fundamental mathematical
concepts at a superficial level. Written to inspire ‘aha’ moments, this book
enables teachers to help students identify and comprehend the nuances and true
meaning of math concepts by exploring them through the lenses of language and
symbolism, delving into such essential topics as multiplication, division,
fractions, place value, proportional reasoning, graphs, slope, order of
operations, and the distributive property.
This important new book fills a gap in math education by illustrating how a
deeper knowledge of math concepts can be developed in all students through a
focus on language and symbolism. |
Quick & Easy Math Art, Grades 2-4. Deborah Schecter, $16.99
Dozens of engaging art activities that build and reinforce essential math skills and concepts. |
Ready, Set, Count! Numbers 1-10 Puzzle. Ages 3+,
Roll the symbol die and find the matching puzzle card.
Find the correct one and attach it to your picture card. The cards are
self-correcting! The first player to place all of the correct puzzle cards onto
their picture wins the game. Trains fundamental skills in symbol association,
number recognition and counting. |
Reggio-Inspired Mathematics. Janice Novakowski
& the Richmond School District, $21.50 
This booklet documents one school district's
collaborative inquiry project, looking at how Reggio-inspired practices can
inform and enhance primary mathematics teaching and learning. Full-colour
photographs beautifully represent the documentation of children's explorations. |
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Rethinking Mathematics:
Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers. Eric Gutstein &
Bob Peterson, Editors, $18.95
This unique collection of more than
30 articles shows teachers how to weave social-justice principles
throughout the math curriculum, and how to integrate social-justice
math into other curricular areas as well.
Rethinking Mathematics presents teaching ideas, lesson plans
and reflections by practicing classroom teachers and distinguished
mathematics educators. This is real-world math — math that helps students analyze problems as they
gain essential academic skills. Rethinking Mathematics will
help teachers develop students' understanding of society and prepare
them to be critical, active participants in a democracy. |
See and Learn
Multiplication by Heart: the No-Fail Method for Children and Adults. Lucie Cossette, $20.95
Children and adults CAN learn and remember the times tables for good!
With See and Learn Multiplication by Heart you don't need flash
cards, games or activity workbooks…this revolutionary method teach
you to visualize the multiplication facts in seven simple images.
Simple, clear, practical and logical — it works! Also available in
French edition Apprendre à voir les multiplications par
coeur, $20.95 |
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 2+. $18.50
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 3+. $18.50
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 4+. $18.50
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 5+. $17.99
provides thought-provoking problems, puzzles, and brainteasers at varied levels
of difficulty. Each book includes the tools and activities needed to provide
strong foundation skills in mathematics, and encourage ongoing success for
students. |
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Small Steps, Big Changes: Eight
Essential Practices for Transforming Schools through Mathematics. Chris Confer & Marco Ramirez, $26.95
When teachers make sense of math,
students learn to make sense of math, and that can profoundly change the entire
culture of a school. This thoughtful book indentifies eight tested principles
that transform what can be an overwhelming process into a set of comprehensible
and concrete steps. Each phase of the change process is brought to life through
the stories and perspectives of teachers, coaches, and principals — stories
that will strike familiar chords with every educator. |
So You Have to Teach Math? Sound
Advice for K-6 Teachers. Marilyn Burns & Robyn
Silbey, $25.50
This practical book poses more than 100
questions that new and experienced K-6 teachers often ask themselves — and it
provides detailed answers to these questions. The responses give teachers the
support and direction the need to teach mathematics well. |
Solve & Match Math Practice Pages, Grades 2-3. Eric Charlesworth, $13.99
50+ motivating, self-checking activities that help kids to review and master essential math skills.
• Numeration • Operations • Time • Money • Geometry • Problem Solving • and More!
Solve & Match Math Practice Pages, Grades 4-6. Eric Charlesworth, $13.99
50+ motivating, self-checking activities that help kids to review and master essential math skills.
• Numeration • Operations • Measurement • Fractions • Geometry • Decimals • and More! |
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Spotlight on Young Children:
Exploring Math. Amy Shillady, Editor, $45.99
It is important for teachers to
incorporate mathematics into the daily curriculum to help ensure young children
gain the foundational skills for later success in math. In this collection of
articles from NAEYC’s journal, Young Children, teachers of children from
infancy through age 8 will learn how to help children develop, construct, test,
and reflect on their mathematical understandings. Articles offer ways to
provide in-depth, engaging learning experiences focusing on key math concept
areas: number and operations, geometry, measurement, and data analysis. The
book offers a comprehensive resource list and a professional development guide
with questions and activities to help readers reflect on current practices and
incorporate new ones. |
STEM Learning with Young Children: Inquiry Teaching
with Ramps and Pathways. Shelly Counsell, Lawrence Escalada et al, $47.50
(ages 3-8)
This teacher’s guide provides the background information,
STEM concepts, and strategies needed to successfully implement an early STEM
curriculum (Ramps and Pathways) with young children, ages 3-8. R&P actively
engages young children in designing and building ramp structures using wooden cove
molding, releasing marbles on the structures, and observing what happens.
Children use logical-mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills as they
explore science concepts related to motion, force, and energy. This guide helps
teachers to:
- Structure and organize an engaging STEM learning environment
- Understand and promote logical-mathematical and scientific
thinking during investigations
- Promote social settings that enhance communication, cooperation,
and collaboration
- Make the necessary accommodations and modifications for diverse
- Integrate STEM concepts and skills with other content areas
- Assess STEM learning using formative and summative
- Establish adult learning communities to support ongoing
professional development
- Help children develop habits and behaviors that contribute to
positive attitudes toward STEM
This one-of-a-kind resource uses a newly created Inquiry
Teaching Model (ITM) as the conceptual framework and devotes specific attention
to the importance of an inclusive, social, STEM learning environment in which
children are free to collaborate, take risks, and investigate within the
context of exploratory and constructive play. |
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Summer Bridge Math, Grades 4-5. Edited by Sandra Toland, $9.95
Summer Bridge Math, Grades 5-6. Edited by Sandra Toland, $9.95
School stops for the summer — learning never should! Bring the classroom home for the summer and build confidence with focused practice. |
Super Smart
Math: 180 Warm-Ups and Challenging Activities, Grades 5-8. Rebecca
George, $20.95
180 days of challenging activities to jump-start your students’ minds at the beginning of math class. |
Taking Shape: Activities to Develop Geometric and
Spatial Thinking, Grades K-2. Joan Moss, Catherine Bruce, Bev Caswell, Tara
Flynn & Zachary Hawes, $94.00
Enrich Your Geometry Curriculum and Extend Your Students’
Spatial Reasoning. Research shows that children with good spatial skills
perform better in mathematics overall. This research-based resource is a unique
blend of professional learning and classroom activities. It includes:
- 32 field-tested and research-based activities designed to appeal
to young children
- Guided lesson plans, including 15 videos, that serve as models
for best practice in instruction
- Tips on observing, questioning, and assessing young children’s
geometric and spatial thinking
- Free access to website with videos, curriculum correlations, line
masters, and observation guides
Back to top
Children Who Struggle with Mathematics: a Systematic Approach
to Analysis and Correction. Helene Sherman, Lloyd Richardson &
George Yard, $38.95
Rich with case studies and assorted examples, this brief, targeted
text is dedicated to helping teachers address the cognitive needs
of children in Grades 1-6 who do not understand mathematical concepts
and/or are not as skillful as they should be with those concepts.
The authors present a systematic, three-step approach to assess
students' math strengths and weaknesses and plan instruction accordingly.
Teaching the Female
Brain: How Girls Learn Math and Science.
Abigail Norfleet James, $58.95
This engaging, practical guide examines
how girls' unique sensory, physical, cognitive, and emotional
characteristics affect their performance in the classroom,
and shows you how to adapt classroom experiences to assist
girls' learning, particularly in math and science. Abigail
Norfleet James provides research-based findings to build your
understanding of how females learn differently, whether in
coed or single-sex settings, and clarifies assumptions held
by both teachers and students about themselves. |
Teaching Foundation Mathematics: a Guide for Teachers of Older Students with Learning Disabilities. Nadia Naggar-Smith, $52.50
This fully photocopiable resource will provide essential materials for anyone teaching pre-entry or foundation Maths in secondary schools and further education. Developed to provide age appropriate material for adult learners with moderate to severe learning difficulties and/or disabilities and for children, over twelve, with special needs, it will also prove useful to teachers training to work with these learners. Thirty ready-to-use lessons are at your fingertips in this book, complete with tutor’s notes, teaching objectives, detailed lesson plans and photocopiable worksheets, where appropriate. |
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Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other
Hands-On Learners: Strategies and Materials, 2nd Edition. DeAnna
Horstmeier, $38.95
Children and adults with Down syndrome need math for the
real world — counting with meaning, adding the scores in a game, and tracking
time in order to keep to a schedule. Written in a straightforward and
user-friendly style, the new second edition of Teaching Math to People with
Down Syndrome provides strategies and activities that are relevant to daily
living, are concrete and practical, offer hands-on practice, and provide
opportunity for successful completion. It covers:
- Pre-number Concepts
- Counting
- Recognition & Writing of Numbers
- Time & Measurement
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division
- Fractions
- Money
- Calculator Use
The included appendices, available to photocopy, are
chockfull of over 150 activities — worksheets, games, and teaching aids — to practice
math skills. Parents and teachers can use the comprehensive coverage of math
concepts to tailor lessons to students’ needs at home and in the community,
incorporate goals into IEPs, and help students access the general education
curriculum. |
Teaching Mathematics
in Early Childhood. Sally Moomaw, $42.95
Children who learn math fundamentals in preschool and kindergarten have the best chance of later achievement in school — but too often children don't get the effective early math instruction that makes all the difference.
This accessible textbook gives readers a solid theoretical understanding of math concepts and standards and the guidance they need to create and implement their own lessons. This text targets the critical math skills children will build on for the rest of their lives, from geometry to data analysis. It also focuses on the youngest students (including children with special needs) so teachers can implement developmentally appropriate math instruction when it's the most effective. |
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Mathematics Meaningfully: Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners.
David Allsopp, Maggie Kyger & LouAnn Lovin, $35.95
Making math concepts understandable is a challenge,
one that's more complex when a classroom includes students with
learning difficulties. With this highly practical resource, teachers
will have just what they need to teach a critical content area with
confidence: research-based strategies that really work with students
who have learning disabilities, ADHD, or mild cognitive disabilities.
With this timely book filled with invaluable strategies adaptable
for grades K–12 educators will know just what to teach and how to
teach it to students with learning difficulties. |
Maths to Pupils with Different Learning Styles. Tandi Clausen-May,
Some pupils find even basic concepts
in mathematics difficult to grasp and it can be a challenge to make
lessons accessible to all. Teaching Maths to Pupils with Different
Learning Styles offers practicing teachers a range of approaches
to making mathematics clear for struggling students. It looks at
the different ways in which math can be taught so that pupils with
different learning styles can be stimulated. Math becomes visible
and tangible — not something that just lies flat on the page. |
Teaching Struggling Readers to Tackle
Math Word Problems, Grades 3-5. Audrey
Trapolsi, et al, $12.99
Effective strategies and practice pages
that help kids develop the skills they need to read and solve math word
problems. |
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
School Day Math. Barbara Barbieri McGrath, $7.95
Join is as teddies hop, skip and jump through a school
day. Pat your head while counting, fly like an airplane while adding, and clap
your hands while subtracting. Math is fun when teddies are on the move! |
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Kids’ Math Foundations, PK – 1. CenterSOLUTIONS®,
Thinking Kids’ Math Foundations, Kindergarten. CenterSOLUTIONS®, $44.95
Thinking Kids’ Math Foundations, Grade
1. CenterSOLUTIONS®, $44.95
Thinking Kids’ Math Foundations, Grade
2. CenterSOLUTIONS®, $44.95
Teach kids the math they’re ready to learn
next with Thinking Kids' Math, the new CenterSOLUTIONS®
resource that teaches kids how to think about math. Each kit includes
84 8.5" x 11", full-color cards that kids can use with
manipulatives and wipe-away markers as they learn to visualize math
rather than rely on fact memorization. Each kit includes teaching
points and extension questions covering the five strands of math:
Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data
Analysis and Probability. Thinking Kids' Math guides kids
from the concrete, to the representational, to the abstract while
building a solid foundation for future math learning. |
30 Fun Ways to Learn about Counting. Claire Beswick, $14.95
With activities that involve counting
beats of music, pairing and sorting objects, counting backwards and more,
children will be using their imaginations while learning basic skills and
having fun. |
30 Fun Ways to Learn about Time and
Money. Dawn Roper, $14.95 (Preschool - Gr. 1)
Time and money are challenging concepts
with everyday importance. Using role-playing games, songs, imaginative play and
props, this book will help engage children's curiosity and develop
understanding. |
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This Is Not a Math Book. Anna Weltman, $21.50
This Is Not a Math Book shows how math can be
beautiful and art can be numerical. Amazing patterns with a mathematical basis
are revealed as you follow the simple activity instructions. Readers will learn
incredible math facts as they draw beautiful designs. A real eye-opener for
kids of all ages with an artistic bent who think that math is dry and boring,
while math enthusiasts will discover new ways to be creative. |
Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties: a
Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals. Patricia Babtie &
Jane Emerson, $24.95
Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty that
affects the acquisition of numerical skills. A far larger number of pupils,
while not dyscalculic, fail to acquire the basic numerical skills required for
everyday life. Whatever the cause of poor numeracy it is essential that
these difficulties are identified and addressed. This book looks at how adults
can help identify each child's specific areas of difficulty and describes a
multi-sensory approach that can be adapted for the needs of each student to
help them better understand numbers and apply that understanding to solve
problems. It covers the origins of number sense and how the brain deals with
numbers, assessment, planning intervention, what to teach and how to teach it,
and how parents can help their children.
This straightforward guide will be essential reading for any parent, teacher or
education professional working with a child with dyscalculia or numeracy
difficulties. |
Well Played: Building Mathematical Thinking through
Number Games and Puzzles, Grades K-2. Linda Darcy, $33.95
Well Played: Building Mathematical Thinking through
Number Games and Puzzles, Grades 3-5. Linda Darcy, $33.95
Well Played: Building Mathematical Thinking through
Number Games and Puzzles, Grades 6-8. Linda Darcy, $33.95
Students love math games and puzzles, but how much are
they really learning from the experience? Well Played shows
you how to make games and puzzles an integral learning component that provides
unique access to student thinking. These books offer classroom-tested games and
puzzles which contain:
- explanations of its mathematical importance and how it supports
student learning
- variations that address a range of learning levels and styles
- clear step-by-step directions
- classroom vignettes that model how best to introduce the featured
The books also include a separate chapter with
suggestions for effectively managing games and puzzles in diverse classrooms;
reproducibles that provide directions, game boards, game cards, and puzzles;
assessment ideas; and recommendations for online games, puzzles, and apps. |
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What's Math Got to Do with It? Jo Boaler, $19.00
A critical read for teachers and parents who want to
improve children’s mathematics learning, What’s Math Got to Do with It is
“an inspiring resource” (Publishers Weekly). Featuring all the
important advice and suggestions in the original edition, this revised
edition is now updated with new research on the brain and mathematics that
is revolutionizing scientists’ understanding of learning and potential.
As always, Jo Boaler presents research findings through practical ideas that can
be used in classrooms and homes. The new What’s Math Got to Do
with It prepares teachers and parents for the Common Core, shares
Boaler’s work on ways to teach mathematics for a “growth mindset,”
and includes a range of advice to inspire teachers and parents to give
their students the best mathematical experience possible. |
Whole Class Mathematics Discussions:
Improving In-Depth Mathematical Thinking and Learning. Teruni Lamberg, $33.75
This book provides a comprehensive approach
to whole class math discussion and addresses how to set up a classroom,
cultivate classroom routines, plan for instruction, facilitate discussions, and
assess for future improvement. Reflective questions throughout the book enable
teachers to develop professionally and support formal workshop or book study
experiences. The accompanying PDToolkit website offers video clips
from five real classrooms which illustrate whole class math discussions in
action, teacher and student interviews, and chapter PPTs for professional
development sessions. |
Why Is Math
So Hard for Some Children? The Nature and Origins of Mathematical
Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. Edited by Daniel.
Berch & Michèle Mazzocco, $56.95
Based on the most current research available,
this highly informative book gives readers the foundation they need
to advance research, teaching strategies, and policies that identify
struggling students — and to begin developing appropriate practices
that really help these students improve their math skills. |
Words Their Way: Vocabulary for Elementary
Mathematics. Lori Helman, Kathleen Cramer, Francine Johnston & Donald
Bear, $33.99 (grades 4-5)
In this practical guide, mathematics teachers get
vocabulary-rich activities and strategies that target the important content
objectives they already teach. The book’s 12 hands-on teaching units address
three areas of study covered in a typical mathematics class or
textbook — geometry, measurement, and numbers and operations — and cover such
topics as lines, angles, and polygons; properties of quadrilaterals;
measurement area, perimeter, and volume and fractions. Each unit provides
specific directions, language, reproducible materials, supporting activities,
and assessments to help teachers effectively and efficiently target the
different types of vocabulary needed for academic success — domain-specific and
general academic vocabulary and language — all centered on the content that
teachers already teach.
Words Their Way: Vocabulary for Elementary
Mathematics does not seek to replace the classroom mathematics text, but
instead serves to explicitly support the learning of academic vocabulary so
that students will do better when they work in their basal or other materials. |
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Activities for Fast Finishers: Math, Grades 2-3. Jan Meyer, $13.99
Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math
Facts. Susan Greenwald, $12.50
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Building
Foundation Skills in Mathematics. Leslie Broun,
$13.95 (Laminated Reference Guide)
Beyond the Bubble: How to use
Multiple-Choice Tests to Improve Math Instruction, Grades 2-3. Maryann Wickett & Eunice Hendrix-Martin, $31.95
Beyond the Bubble: How to use
Multiple-Choice Tests to Improve Math Instruction, Grades 4-5. Maryann Wickett & Eunice Hendrix-Martin, $31.95
Big Ideas from Dr. Small: Creating a Comfort
Zone for Teaching Mathematics, Grades K-3. Marian Small, $162.95 (includes
Big Ideas from Dr. Small: Creating a Comfort
Zone for Teaching Mathematics, Grades 4-8. Marian Small, $162.95 (includes
Science and Mathematics to Life for All Learners. Dennis Adams & Mary
Hamm, $49.50
Building Real-Life Math Skills,
Grades 3-5. Liane Onish, $14.99
Canadian Math Basics: Grade 1. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Canadian Math Basics: Grade 2. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Canadian Math Basics: Grade 3. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Money Activities, Grades 1-3. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Applied
Instruction, 2nd Edition. Thomas Carpenter, Elizabeth Fennema, Megan Loef
Franke, Linda Levi, Susan Empson, $42.00
Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help
Students Learn, Grades K-6. Suzanne Chapin,
Catherine O’Connor, Nancy Canavan Anderson, $44.95
A Collection of Math Lessons from Grades 1
through 3. Marilyn Burns & Bonnie Tank, $31.50; Gr. 3 to 6, $33.95;
Gr.6 to 8, $36.75
Cooperative Learning in Mathematics: a Handbook
for Teachers. Neil Davidson (ed), $38.95
Count on Math: Activities for Small Hands and
Lively Minds Ages 3-7. Pam Schiller & Lynne Peterson, $33.95
Counting on Fall. Lizann Flatt, Illustrated by Ashley Barron, $14.95
Cowboys Count, Monkeys Measure and Princesses Problem Solve: Building Early Math Skills through Storybooks. Jane Wilburne, Jane Keat & Mary Napoli, $27.50
Daily Math Jumpstarts: 200+ Quick Math Problems
to Rev Up Students' Brains and Reinforce the Math Skills They Need to
Know. Grades 3-5. Laurie Steding, $18.99
Developing Math Talent: a Comprehensive Guide to Math Education for Gifted Students in Elementary and Middle School, 2nd Edition. Susan Assouline & Ann Lupowski-Shoplik, $35.95
Differentiated Math Learning Centers, Grades K-2. Deborah Wirth, $23.99
Dyscalculia: Action Plans for Successful Learning in Mathematics,
2nd Edition. Glynis Hannell, $47.50
The Dyscalculia Assessment, 2nd Edition. Jane Emerson & Patricia Babtie, $55.00
The Dyscalculia Solution: Teaching Number Sense. Jane
Emerson & Patricia Babtie, $50.00
Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Mathematics: a Practical Guide.
Anne Henderson, $68.50
Early Childhood Number Games: Teachers Reinvent
Math Instruction. Alice P. Wakefield, $45.95 (JK-3)
Effective Math Interventions: a Guide to Improving
Whole-Number Knowledge. Robin Codding, Robert Volpe & Brian Poncy,
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally.
John van de Walle, et al, $129.95
Engaging Primary Children in Mathematics. Margaret
Sangster, $38.95
Enhancing Independent Problem Solving in Mathematics:
Activities that Teach Problem Solving, Graphing, Charting, and Measurements
Skills. Wayne Hresko & Shelley Herron, $32.95
Math Skills: Test Ready! Grade 3. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Math Skills: Test Ready! Grade 6. Demetra Turnbull, $14.99
Exploring Mathematics through Play in the Early
Childhood Classroom. Amy Noelle Parks, $45.95
Family Math Night K-5: Common Core State Standards in Action, 2nd Edition. Jennifer Taylor-Cox, $48.90
Good Questions: Great Ways to Differentiate Mathematics
Instruction. Marian Small, $58.75 (K–8)
The Great BIG Book of Funtastic MATH, Grades 4-8. Edited by Mela Ottaiano, $19.99
The Great BIG Idea Book: MATH, Grades 2-3.
Edited by Mela Ottaiano, $29.99
Hands-On Math: Manipulative Math for Young
Children. Janet Stone, $23.95 (preschool)
Hands-On Math Projects with Real-Life Applications:
Ready-to-Use Lessons and Materials for Grades 6-12. Gary Robert Muschla
& Judith Muschla, $42.99
Helping Low Achievers Succeed at Mathematics.
Derek Haylock & Marcel D’Eon, $34.95 (2-8)
How the Brain Learns Mathematics. David Sousa,
How Many Ways Can You Make Five? A
Parent’s Guide to Exploring Math with Children’s Books. Sally Anderson, $19.95
IF... a Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big
Ideas and Numbers. David Smith, illustrated by Steve Adams, $19.95
Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts, Grades 2-3. Denise Kierman, $13.99
Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts, Grades 4-6. Denise Kierman, $12.99
Integrating Literacy and Math: Strategies for
K-6 Teachers. Ellen Fogelberg, et al, $38.50
Intentional Talk: How to Structure and Lead Productive
Mathematical Discussions. Elham Kazemi & Allison Hintz, $25.95
Intermediate Teacher’s Math Activities Kit.
Stephen Micklo, $35.99 (Grades 4-6)
Introduction to Reasoning and Proof. Denisse
Thompson & Karen Schultz-Ferrell, $42.95
Keys to Math Success, Grades K-1. April Duff & Leland Graham, $14.50
Keys to Math Success, Grades 1-2. April Duff & Leland Graham, $13.99
Keys to Math Success, Grades 2-3. April Duff & Leland Graham, $8.95
Keys to Math Success, Grades 3-4. April Duff & Leland Graham, $14.50
Kid-Friendly Computation: Addition & Subtraction.
Sarah Morgan Major, $61.95 (Grades 1-4)
Kid-Friendly Computation: Multiplication &
Division. Sarah Morgan Major, $61.95 (Grades 1-4)
Back to top
Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies that Change
Student Attitudes and Get Results. Judy Willis, $28.95
Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle
Schools, 4th Edition. W. George Cathcart, $84.95
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades K-2. $33.50
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades 3-5. $33.50
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades 6-8. $33.50
Making Math Accessible to Students with Special Needs: Practical Tips and Suggestions, Grades 9-12. $33.50
Making Math Meaningful to Canadian Students, K-8, 3rd Edition.
Marian Small, $144.95
Math Activities A to Z. Joanne Matricardi & Jeanne
McLarty, $23.95 (Preschool)
Math Dictionary for Kids: the Essential Guide to Math
Terms, Strategies and Tables, 4th Edition. Theresa Fitzgerald, $18.95
(Grades 4-9)
Math Experiences for Young Learners. Marilee Woodfield, $11.95 (PK to K)
Math Lessons for the Smart Board,
Grades K-1. Ann Montague-Smith, $26.99
Math Lessons for the Smart Board,
Grades 2-3. Ann Montague-Smith, $26.99
Math Lessons for the Smart Board,
Grades 4-6. Ann Montague-Smith, et al, $26.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Kindergarten (Ages 5-6). Sean McArdle
& Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 1 (Ages 6-7). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 2 (Ages 7-8). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 3 (Ages 8-9). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 4 (Ages 9-10). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy Expanded Canadian
Edition: Grade 5 (Ages 10-11). Sean McArdle &
Marilyn Wilson, $16.99
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: FRACTIONS (Grades 6-7)
Canadian Edition. Deborah Lock, $10.99
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Grade 4, Canadian
Edition. Sean McArdle, $10.99
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Grades 2-3 Canadian
Edition. Deborah Lock, $10.99
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: MULTIPLICATION (Grades
4-5) Canadian Edition. Deborah Lock, $10.99
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Problem Solving
(Grade 5) Canadian Edition. Sean McArdle, Darious
McArdle, Marilyn Wilson, $10.99
Math Made Easy 10 Minutes a Day: Problem Solving
(Grade 6) Canadian Edition. Sean McArdle, Darious
McArdle, Marilyn Wilson, $10.99
Math Memories You Can Count On: a Literature-based
Approach to Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Classroom. Jo-Anne
Lake, $24.95
The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions. Andrew
Hacker, $36.50
Math On the Move: Engaging Students in Whole Body
Learning. Malke Rosenfeld, $35.95
Math and Science Investigations:
Helping Young Learners Make Big Discoveries. Sally
Anderson, $35.95
Math Sense: the Look, Sound, and Feel
of Effective Math Instruction. Christine Moynihan,
Math Smart! Over 220 Ready-to-Use Activities
to Motivate & Challenge Students, Grades 6-12. Judith Muschla &
Gary Muschla, $39.95
Math Starters, 2nd Edition. Judith Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla & Erin Muschla-Berry,
$39.95 (grades 6-12)
Math Stories for Problem Solving Success, Grades 6-12.
Jim Overholt, Nancy Aaberg & Jim Lindsey, $35.95
The Math Teacher’s Book of Lists, 2nd
Edition. Judith Muschla & Gary Robert Muschla, $47.99 (Grades 5-12)
Math Teacher’s Survival Guide, Grades 5-12. Judith Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla & Erin Muschla, $39.95
Math Word Problem Mini-Books, Grades 2-3. Betsy Franco, $14.99
Math Work Stations: Independent
Learning You Can Count On, K-2. Debbie Diller,
Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential
through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching. Jo
Boaler, $23.95
Mathematics Every Elementary Teacher Should
Know. Derek Haylock & Douglas McDougall, $34.95 (Gr. K-8)
Mathematics for Children with Severe and Profound
Learning Difficulties. Les Staves, $35.95
Mathematizing: an Emergent Math Curriculum Approach
for Young Children. Allen Rosales, $42.95 (ages 3-6)
Messy Maths: a Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early
Years. Juliet Robertson, $34.95
More Math Games & Activities from
Around the World: Multicultural Fun for Ages 9 & Up. Claudia Zaslavsky, $18.95
More Than Counting: Standards Edition, Preschool and Kindergarten. Sally Moomaw & Brenda Hieronymus, $43.95
Motivating Math Homework, Grades 2-3. Mela Ottaiano, $18.99
Motivating Math Homework, Grades 4-5. Scholastic, $16.99
The Myth of Ability: Nurturing Mathematical
Talent in Every Child. John Mighton, $11.99
Number Sense Interventions. Nancy Jordan & Nancy Dyson, $38.50
Numbers 1 – 30 Write and Wipe! Shinobu Akaishi,
$13.50 (Ages 2+)
Object Lessons: Teaching Math through
the Visual Arts, K-5. Caren Holtzman & Lynn
Susholtz, $32.95
190 Ready-to-Use Activities the Make Math Fun!
George Watson, $32.99
Playing with Math — the Name of the
Game! A Collection of Math Games and Activities for the Elementary Classroom. Chris Horne & Steven Feifer, $49.95
Practical Ideas That Really Work for Teaching
Math Problem Solving: Complete Kit (Manual and 10 Evaluation Forms). Gail
Ryser, et al, $61.95
Practical Mathematics for Children
with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Delays. Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey, $44.95
Preparing Early Childhood Educators to Teach Math:
Professional Development that Works. Herbert Ginsburg, Marylou Hyson &
Taniesha Woods, $47.50
Preschool Math. Bob Williams et al, $23.95
Primary Teacher’s Math Activities Kit. Stephen
Micklo, $43.95 (Gr. K-3)
The Problem with Math is English: a
Language-Focused Approach to Helping All Students Develop a Deeper
Understanding of Mathematics, Grades 3-9. Concepcion
Molina, $35.95
Quick & Easy Math Art, Grades 2-4. Deborah Schecter, $16.99
Reggio-Inspired Mathematics. Janice Novakowski
& the Richmond School District, $21.50
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 2+. $18.50
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 3+. $18.50
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 4+. $18.50
Singapore Math Challenge: Enrichment
Problems and Puzzles to Strengthen Mathematical Thinking, Grade 5+. $18.50
Small Steps, Big Changes: Eight
Essential Practices for Transforming Schools through Mathematics. Chris Confer & Marco Ramirez, $26.95
Solve & Match Math Practice Pages, Grades 2-3. Eric Charlesworth, $13.99
Solve & Match Math Practice Pages, Grades 4-6. Eric Charlesworth, $13.99
Solving Math Problems Kids Care About. Randall
Souviney, $19.95 (Grades 4-8)
Spotlight on Young Children:
Exploring Math. Amy Shillady, Editor, $45.99
STEM Learning with Young Children: Inquiry Teaching
with Ramps and Pathways. Shelly Counsell, Lawrence Escalada et al, $47.50
(ages 3-8)
Step Up to Math. Anne Marie Johnson, $47.95
(Math reproducibles for children with communication disorders)
Taking Shape: Activities to Develop Geometric and
Spatial Thinking, Grades K-2. Joan Moss, Catherine Bruce, Bev Caswell, Tara
Flynn & Zachary Hawes, $94.00
Teaching Children Who Struggle with Mathematics:
a Systematic Approach to Analysis and Correction. Helene Sherman, Lloyd
Richardson & George Yard, $38.95
Teaching the Female Brain: How Girls Learn
Math and Science. Abigail Norfleet
James, $58.95
Teaching Foundation Mathematics: a Guide for Teachers of Older Students with Learning Disabilities. Nadia Naggar-Smith, $52.50
Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other
Hands-On Learners: Strategies and Materials, 2nd Edition. DeAnna
Horstmeier, $38.95
Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood. Sally Moomaw,
Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully: Solutions
for Reaching Struggling Learners. David Allsopp, Maggie Kyger & LouAnn
Lovin, $35.95
Teaching Mathematics to Students with Learning
Disabilities. Nancy Bley & Carol Thornton, $55.95
Teaching Maths to Pupils with Different Learning
Styles. Tandi Clausen-May, $46.95
Teaching Struggling Readers to Tackle
Math Word Problems, Grades 3-5. Audrey
Trapolsi, et al, $12.99
Thinking Kids’ Math Foundations, PK –
1. CenterSOLUTIONS®, $44.95
Thinking Kids’ Math Foundations, Kindergarten. CenterSOLUTIONS®,
Thinking Kids’ Math Foundations, Grade 1. CenterSOLUTIONS®,
Thinking Kids’ Math Foundations, Grade 2. CenterSOLUTIONS®,
Thinking Mathematically: Integrating Arithmetic
& Algebra in Elementary School. Thomas Carpenter, Megan Loef Franke
& Linda Levi, $42.19
35 Independent Math Learning Centers. Deborah
Allen Wirth, $27.99 (Grades K-2)
The Write Math: Writing in the Math Class.
Cathy Marks Krpan, $25.50 (Grades K-8)
Back to top
At Home
Count on Math: Activities for Small Hands and
Lively Minds Ages 3-7. Pam Schiller & Lynne Peterson, $42.95
Enhancing Independent Problem Solving in Mathematics:
Activities that Teach Problem Solving, Graphing, Charting, and Measurements
Skills. Wayne Hresko & Shelley Herron, $32.95
First Homework: NUMBERS.
Alyse Sweeney, $15.99 PreK-K
Games for Math: Playful Ways to Help Your Child
Learn Math K-3. Peggy Kaye, $18.95
The Giant Encyclopedia of Math Activities for Children
3 to 6. Kathy Charmer, Maureen Murphy & Charlie Clark, editors, $49.95
The Great Number Rumble: a Story of Math in
Surprising Places. Cora Lee & Gillian O’Reilly, $14.95
Hands-On Math: Manipulative Math for Young
Children. Janet Stone, $23.95 (preschool)
Help Your Child with Numeracy. Rosemary Russell, $22.95
(ages 7-11)
Help Your Kids with Math: a Unique Step-By-Step Visual
Guide, 2nd Edition. Barry Lewis, $20.95
Helping Low Achievers Succeed at Mathematics.
Derek Haylock & Marcel D’Eon, $34.95 (2-8)
The Incredible Math Games Book. DK Publishing,
Intermediate Teacher’s Math Activities Kit.
Stephen Micklo, $42.99 (Grades 4-6)
Kid-Friendly Computation: Addition & Subtraction.
Sarah Morgan Major, $41.95 (Grades 1-4)
Kid-Friendly Computation: Multiplication &
Division. Sarah Morgan Major, $41.95 (Grades 1-4)
Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle
Schools, 4th Edition. George Cathcart, $84.95
Mastering Mathematics Volume 1. Natural Learning Concepts,
Math Activities A to Z. Joanne Matricardi &
Jeanne McLarty, $19.95 (Preschool)
Math Bafflers: Logic Puzzles that Use
Real-World Math, Grades 3-5. Marilyn Rapp Buxton,
Math Curse. Jon Scieszka, illustrated by Lane
Smith, $23.50
Math Dictionary: Homework Help for
Families, Canadian Edition. Judith de Klerk, $9.99
Math Dictionary for Kids: the Essential Guide to Math Terms,
Strategies and Tables. T. Fitzgerald, $13.95
Math Doesn’t Suck: How to Survive Middle School Math without
Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail. Danica McKellar, $17.00
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Math in Minutes: Easy Activities for Children
Ages 4 – 8. Sharon MacDonald, $25.95
Math Smart! Over 220 Ready-to-Use Activities
to Motivate & Challenge Students, Grades 6-12. Judith Muschla &
Gary Muschla, $44.95
The Math Teacher’s Book of Lists, 2nd
Edition. Judith Muschla & Gary Robert Muschla, $47.99 (Grades 5-12)
Mathematics Every Elementary Teacher Should
Know. Derek Haylock & Douglas McDougall, $34.95 (Gr. K-8)
Mathematics for Children with Severe and Profound
Learning Difficulties. Les Staves, $35.95
Multiplication Houses, Grades 2-5. Violet Findley, $12.99
The Myth of Ability: Nurturing Mathematical Talent in Every
Child. John Mighton, $14.95
Number Sense Routines: Building
Numerical Literacy Every Day in Grades K-3. Jessica
Shumway, $27.95
Numeralia. Jorge Luján, illustrated by Isol. 18.95
190 Ready-to-Use Activities the Make Math Fun!
George Watson, $44.95
Outdoor Math: Fun Activities for Every Season. Emma
AdBåge, $16.95
Preschool Math. Bob Williams et al, $29.95
Preschool MathSmart Activities. $12.95
Primary Teacher’s Math Activities Kit. Stephen
Micklo, $43.95 (Gr. K-3)
Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the
Numbers. Eric Gutstein & Bob Peterson, Editors, $18.95
See and Learn Multiplication by Heart: the
No-Fail Method for Children and Adults. Lucie Cossette, $20.95 (French
edition Apprendre à voir les multiplications par coeur, $20.95)
So You Have to Teach Math? Sound
Advice for K-6 Teachers. Marilyn Burns & Robyn
Silbey, $25.50
Solving Math Problems Kids Care About. Randall
Souviney, $19.95 (Grades 4-8)
Step Up to Math. Anne Marie Johnson, $47.95
(Math reproducibles for children with communication disorders)
Teaching Children Who Struggle with Mathematics:
a Systematic Approach to Analysis and Correction. Helene Sherman, Lloyd
Richardson & George Yard, $38.95
35 Independent Math Learning Centers. Deborah Allen Wirth,
$27.99 (Grades K-2)
Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties: a
Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals. Patricia Babtie &
Jane Emerson, $24.95
Well Played: Building Mathematical Thinking through
Number Games and Puzzles, Grades K-2. Linda Darcy, $33.95
Well Played: Building Mathematical Thinking through
Number Games and Puzzles, Grades 3-5. Linda Darcy, $33.95
Well Played: Building Mathematical Thinking through
Number Games and Puzzles, Grades 6-8. Linda Darcy, $33.95
What's Math Got to Do with It? Jo Boaler, $19.00
Whole Class Mathematics Discussions:
Improving In-Depth Mathematical Thinking and Learning. Teruni Lamberg, $33.75
Why Is Math So Hard for Some Children? The Nature and Origins
of Mathematical Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. Edited by Daniel.
Berch & Michèle Mazzocco, $56.95
The Write Math: Writing in the Math Class.
Cathy Marks Krpan, $31.75 (Grades K-8)
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Activity Books for Home or School
Addition & Subtraction Deborah Rovin-Murphy
& Frank Murphy, $16.99 (2-3)
Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself: Numbers, Geometry, Shapes. Laszlo Bardos, $21.50(ages 9 and up)
Circle-Time Poetry Math: Delightful Poems with
Activities. Jodi Simpson, $16.99 (PreK-1)
Collaborative Math Books: For Your Class to
Make & Share. Mary Beth Spann, $12.99 (K-2)
Day by Day Math Mats. Mary Rosenberg, $28.99
File-Folder Games for Math. Linda Ward
Beech, $16.99 (1-3)
Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy. Susan
Greenwald, $19.50
Fun-Filed 5-10 Minute Math Activities for Young
Learners. D. Diffily, $18.99 (PreK – 1)
Getting More from Math Manipulatives. Birgitta
Corneille, $17.99 (K-2)
Go Figure! Big Questions about Numbers. Johnny
Ball, $10.99 (ages 8-12)
Graphing: Dozens of Activities with Engaging
Reproducibles the Kids Will Love. Jaqueline Clarke, $16.99 (2-3)
Hands-On-Math around the Year. Jacqueline
Clarke, $21.99 (1-3)
Hands-On Math Projects. Andrew King, $16.99
How High Can a Dinosaur Count? (And other Mysteries). Valerie Fisher, $8.99
How to Be Good at Math: the Simplest-Ever Visual
Guide. Peter Clarke, Caroline Clissold & Cherri Moseley, $24.99 (ages
JUMP at Home Grade 2: Worksheets for the JUMP
Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 3: Worksheets for the JUMP
Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 4: Worksheets for the JUMP
Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 5: Worksheets for the JUMP
Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 6: Worksheets for the JUMP
Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
JUMP at Home Grade 7: Worksheets for the JUMP
Math Program. John Mighton, $19.95
Let's Count to 100! Masayuki Sebe, $8.95
Let's Play with Numbers. Joanna Babb, $9.99
Math Games & Activities From Around the
World. Claudia Zaslavsky, $22.95 (4-7)
Math at Their Own Pace: Child-Directed Activities
for Developing Early Number Sense. Greg Nelson, $39.95
Math Wise! Grades K-8, 2nd Edition. James L. Overholt & Laurie Kincheloe, $35.95
Mega Fun Fractions: 50 Hands-On Activities
and Games. Martin Lee & Marcia Miller, $21.99 (3-5)
Mega Fun Math Games: 70 Quick-and-Easy Games
to Build Math Skills. Dr. Michael Schiro, $17.50 (2-5)
Montessori Number Work. Bobby & June George, $10.95
Move and Learn Math Activities. Helja Robinson,
Robert Wolffe & Jean Marie Grant, $18.99 (PreK – 1)
Multiplication and Division: Great Skill-Building
Activities, Games, and Reproducibles. J. Mallery, $12.99 (4-5)
180 Think Aloud Math Word Problems. Denise
Nessel & Ford Newbold, $19.99 (4-6)
One-Page Math Games, Grades 2-3. Lory Evans, $12.99
Overcoming Difficulties with Number. Ronit Bird, $56.95 (ages 9-16)
Ready, Set, Count! Numbers 1-10 Puzzle. Ages 3+,
Shoe Box Math Learning Centers: Counting by
Immacula Rhodes; Addition & Subtraction by Jacqueline Clarke; Time
& Measurement.by Pamela Chanko. $16.99 each (K-2)
Summer Bridge Math, Grades 4-5. Edited by Sandra Toland, $9.95
Summer Bridge Math, Grades 5-6. Edited by Sandra Toland, $9.95
Super Smart Math: 180 Warm-Ups and Challenging
Activities, Grades 5-8. Rebecca George, $20.95
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, School Day Math. Barbara Barbieri
McGrath, $7.95
30 Fun Ways to Learn about Counting. Claire Beswick, $14.95
30 Fun Ways to Learn about Time and
Money. Dawn Roper, $14.95 (Preschool - Gr. 1)
This Is Not a Math Book. Anna Weltman, $21.50
12 Real-Life Math Projects Kids Will Love.
Todd Schroeder, $19.99
20 Instant Math Learning Centers Kids Will
Love! Traci Ferguson & Krista Pettit, $22.99 (K-1)
What’s Your Angle? and 9 More Math Games. Laura
Meiselman, $18.99 (Grades 4-8)
Words Their Way: Vocabulary for Elementary
Mathematics. Lori Helman, Kathleen Cramer, Francine Johnston & Donald
Bear, $33.99 (grades 4-5)
Write-and-Learn Number Practice Pages. Rebecca
Callan (ed), $18.99
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