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Being Smart about Gifted
Education: a Guidebook for Parents and Educators, 2nd Edition. Dona
Mathews & Joanne Foster, $39.95
Written for both parents and educators, Being Smart about Gifted
Education presents practical strategies to help parents and educators
identify and nurture exceptionally high ability in children. |
Beyond Gifted Education: Designing and
Implementing Advanced Academic Programs. Scott
Peters, Michael Matthews, Matthew McBee & Betsy McCoach,
Seeking a more comprehensive vision for
gifted education, this book offers a modern vision of programs and services for
gifted and talented students. BEYOND GIFTED EDUCATION provides the first
comprehensive look at designing and implementing K–12 advanced academic student
The book offers an expansive approach to educating gifted learners. The authors
lead readers through the process of identifying needs, responding with
programming, and then finding students who are well-suited for and would
benefit from advanced academic programming. Detailed examples walk the reader
through real-world scenarios and programs common to the K–12 gifted coordinator
on topics such as cluster grouping, acceleration, and increasing diversity. |
Not Broken — Gifted Kids, ADHD and Autism: Why Twice-Exceptional Children are
Stuck and How to Help Them. Diane Kennedy &
Rebecca Banks, $29.95
The gifts and talents of some of our
most brilliant kids may never be recognized because these children fall into a
group known as twice exceptional. Twice exceptional kids are both gifted and
diagnosed with a disability — often ADHD or an Autism Spectrum Disorder — leading
teachers and parents to overlook the child's talents and focus solely on his
weaknesses. Too often, these children get lost in an endless cycle of chasing
diagnostic labels and are never given the tools to fully realize their own
BRIGHT NOT BROKEN sheds new light on this vibrant population by identifying who
twice exceptional children are and taking an unflinching look at why they're
stuck. The first work to boldly examine the widespread misdiagnosis and
controversies that arise from our current diagnostic system, it serves as a
wake-up call for parents and professionals to question why our mental health
and education systems are failing our brightest children. Most importantly, the
authors show what we can do to help these exceptional children, providing a
whole child model for parents and educators to strengthen and develop a child's
innate gifts while also intervening to support the deficits. |
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Coasting Casey: a Tale of Busting Boredom in School.
Shannon Anderson, illustrated by Colleen Madden, $14.99
“My teachers say I’m coasting, that I just do ‘well
enough.’ But why do I want to waste my time on super boring stuff?” Casey is
bright but doesn’t apply himself at school. Instead, he coasts — doing just well
enough to get by, and ignoring homework and projects that don’t interest him.
What does interest Casey is art. He loves to draw, make music, and create.
Sometimes this enthusiasm interferes with learning and gets him into trouble.
With help from his school principal, Casey learns to apply his passions to his
schoolwork. Told in humorous rhyme, this lively story will speak to bored
students and to any kid who can — and wants to — do better. The book concludes with
tips and information to help parents, teachers, counselors, and other adults
foster dialogue with any kid wrestling with underachievement. |
Curriculum Development Kit for Gifted and Advanced Learners. Sandra Kaplan & Michael Cannon, $56.95
A comprehensive kit for building curriculum that includes a teacher’s guide, 24 catalyst cards, 12 curriculum grids and instructions on Sandra Kaplan’s Depth and Complexity Model for teaching gifted and advanced students. |
Curriculum Development and Teaching Strategies for Gifted Learners, 3rd Edition. June Maker & Shirley Schiever, $63.95 Grades K-12
Curriculum Development and Teaching Strategies for Gifted Learners provides practical, relevant information as well as the latest research available to support classroom teachers, coordinators, and specialists in teaching gifted students. |
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Designing Gifted Education Programs and Services: From
Purpose to Implementation. Scott Peters & Dina Brulles, $56.95
This book is intended to support educators in the design
and implementation of comprehensive gifted education plans. From planning to
actual implementation, this book takes the reader from goals and purpose to
assessing student needs and program design. The authors begin with a broad
overview of best practices in programming and services, highlighting
connections to student needs, programming standards, and state laws. Their
recommendations include philosophical, cultural, and practical considerations
and data-based decision making. In this book, Peters and Brulles guide the
reader through the process of determining the most optimal programming methods
for schools to take based on their individual needs and circumstances. With
this book, schools will be able to design and develop programs and/or services
that lay the foundation necessary to ensure all students are appropriately
challenged. |
Developing Math Talent: a Comprehensive Guide to Math Education for Gifted Students in Elementary and Middle School, 2nd Edition. Susan Assouline & Ann Lupowski-Shoplik, $49.95
Build student success in math with the only comprehensive parent and teacher guide for developing math talent among advanced learners. The authors offer a focused look at educating gifted and talented students for success in math. More than just a guidebook for educators and parents, this book offers a comprehensive approach to mathematics education for gifted students of elementary or middle school age. The book provides concrete suggestions for identifying mathematically talented students, tools for instructional planning, and specific programming approaches. |
Different Minds: Gifted
Children with AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome and Other Learning Deficits.
Deirdre Lovecky, $49.95
"Through recognizing, explaining and exploring the different
levels and kinds of giftedness, this book provides an insight into
the challenges and benefits specific to gifted children with attention
difficulties. Lovecky advises how best to nurture individual needs,
positive behavior and relationships at home and at school". —
from the jacket of Different Minds |
Differentiated Projects for Gifted Students, Grades
3-5. Brenda Holt McGee & Debbie Triska Keiser,
150 ready-to-use independent studies
provide differentiated, interdisciplinary activities to help students explore
complex topics. The activities encourage research and investigation skills,
while requiring few additional materials and very little guidance. |
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Differentiating the Curriculum for Gifted Learners. Wendy Conklin & Shelly Frei, $34.95
A great tool for new teachers and pre-service educators, this resource provides up-to-date, research-based theory and practical applications to help teachers effectively differentiate instruction with gifted students in mind. Packed with background information, underlying principles, plus extension, acceleration, and enrichment ideas, this book helps teachers to identify gifted students and their needs. |
Differentiation for Gifted Learners:
Going Beyond the Basics. Diane Heacox & Richard
Cash, $57.99
Differentiated instruction for gifted
and talented students significantly differs from the ways in which educators
differentiate instruction and curriculum for other students. Within a group of
advanced learners, the variety of abilities, talents, interests, and learning
styles can be formidable. Differentiated instruction for gifted and talented
students must go beyond adjusting content levels, task complexity, or product
choice. This book connects the unique learning differences among gifted
students to the specific teaching methods used to tailor their educational
Topics discussed include Common Core
State Standards, real-world problem solving, abstract thinking,
interdisciplinary concepts, authentic products, learning autonomy, accountability,
grouping practices, affective curriculum, 21st-century skills, Advanced
Placement and Honors classes, IB programs, underserved populations, and
twice-exceptional learners. Downloadable digital content includes
PowerPoint presentation for professional development and customizable
reproducible forms. |
Do Gifted Children
Need Special Help? James T. Webb (DVD format 45 minutes) $33.95
Gifted children show characteristic
behavior patterns at different ages. They see the world through
their own eyes and seldom understand that others are different in
their interests, energy, and wisdom … Dr. Webb describes the traits
and common behaviors of gifted children from preschool through adolescence,
along with the challenges and reactions that gifted children often
experience. |
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Educating Gifted Students in Middle
School: a Practical Guide, 2nd Edition. Susan Rakow, $56.95
Understanding and meeting the needs of
gifted students in middle school offer unique challenges. The impact of current
reform movements, Response to Intervention, new relevant research, updated
information on middle school boys and other special populations, changing
middle grade configurations, and 21st century skills are added to the already
thorough discussions of the first edition. Resources, references, and suggested
curriculum materials have all been updated.
The focus of this second edition continues to be on helping teachers,
administrators, and parents to understand gifted middle school students,
implement effective program models, define the role of the gifted teacher,
identify best practices for the classroom, and apply curriculum ideas that are
effective and research-based. EDUCATING GIFTED STUDENTS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL focuses
on creative, practical, and realistic school solutions that create a vital and
responsive school community for all students. |
8 Keys to Raising the Quirky Child: How to Help a Kid
Who Doesn't Quite Fit In. Mark Bowers, $23.95
A quirky child experiences difficulty fitting in and
connecting with others usually due to an interpersonal style or behavior that
stands out from the other kids. Maybe they are obsessed with a topic of
interest or spend excessive hours a day reading, playing video games, or
playing with just one toy. These kids are not so far afield as to fall on the
autism spectrum, but they are unique, and their behaviors are not addressed in
typical parenting books.
This book defines quirky markers and offers strategies
for parents to understand their children’s brains and behaviors; to know what
is developmentally appropriate, and what isn’t; to understand how to reach
their kids; and to help facilitate their social functioning in the world. It
will calm the hearts and minds of parents who worry that their child doesn’t
fit in and offer hope to parents who need strategies to support their quirky
child’s overall development. |
Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings, 2nd Edition. Christine Fonesca, $27.95
Teaching children how to manage their intense emotions is
one of the most difficult aspects of parenting or educating gifted
children. Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students provides a
much-needed resource for parents and educators for understanding of why gifted
children are so extreme in their behavior and how to manage the highs and lows
that accompany emotional intensity. Presented in an easy-to-read,
conversational style, this revised and updated second edition contains
additional chapters addressing temperament and personality development, as well
as expanded role-plays and strategies designed to show parents and teachers how
to interact and guide gifted children in a way that teaches them how to
recognize, monitor, and adjust their behavior. Updated resources and worksheets
make this practical resource a must-read for anyone wishing to make a positive
and lasting impact on the lives of gifted children. |
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Essential Guide to Talking with Gifted Teens: Ready-to-Use Group
Discussions about Identity, Stress, Relationships, and More
(Book and CD-ROM). Jean Sunde Peterson, $49.95 (grades 6-12)
The 70 guided discussions in this book
are an affective curriculum for gifted teens. Each session is self-contained
and step-by-step; many include reproducible handouts. Introductory
and background materials help even less-experienced group leaders
feel prepared and secure in their role. For advising teachers, counselors,
and youth workers in all kinds of school and group settings working
with gifted kids in grades 6–12. The CD-ROM (for PC and Macintosh)
features all of the reproducible student forms from the book. |
Essentials of Gifted Assessment. Steven Pfeiffer,
Early identification and intervention greatly benefits
gifted students who may otherwise never realize their full potential. Essentials
of Gifted Assessment is an evidence-based overview of what makes
students gifted, how giftedness is best identified, and strategies for
promoting achievement in high-ability students. Essentials of Gifted
Assessment reviews a range of assessment tools for their
research-supported validity and clinical utility. Each chapter contains
self-test questions and quick-reference boxes that facilitate both retention of
new information and later review. Steven Pfeiffer has also dedicated a chapter
to answering the most Frequently Asked Questions about gifted assessment. |
Exploring Giftedness and Autism: a Study of a
Differentiated Educational Program for Autistic Savants. Trevor Clark,
Savant and splinter skills are seen in memory, art, music
or spatial skill amongst others. They can appear remarkable, but tend to be
seen as 'obsessive' behaviors. Exploring Giftedness and Autism is based
on a unique study which introduces and explores a differentiated curriculum and
presents a combination of strategies employed in the education of gifted
children and autistic children. Providing insights on the obsessive nature of
savant skills, the challenging behaviors of savants and the familial link
between the subject child’s savant abilities and giftedness, the author
highlights how the inclusion of this curriculum is critical in promoting better
school performance and post-school employment opportunities.
The study has demonstrated the importance of using a
‘strengths’ rather than a ‘deficits’ approach in the education of students with
a disability, and regards autistic savants as gifted students with
disabilities, or as ‘twice-exceptional’ students with autism. With a practical
section dedicated to putting the research into practice this book is an
incredibly important read for anyone working with gifted young people with
disabilities in the classroom. |
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Gifted Children
with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Maureen Neihart &
Kenneth Poon, $14.95
Like other twice-exceptional children, gifted children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are sometimes forced to choose between addressing the concerns of one exceptionality over another. Gifted Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders describes instructional and behavior management strategies for the most common challenges teachers face with gifted children with ASD so that the abilities of these children can be developed to their fullest potential. |
Gifted Education Strategies for All. Joseph Renzulli & Marcia Gentry, $15.95(Laminated Reference
This reference guide provides a
comprehensive understanding of how the gifts and talents of all students can be
met through the use of Enrichment Clusters. Enrichment Clusters engage students
and facilitators in interest-based, student-driven, real-world learning
This reference guide provides valuable
information on how principals and teachers can implement Enrichment Clusters,
including guidelines for design, scheduling issues, and tips for evaluation.
Some exemplars are also provided to assist with the design. Learn a powerful
way to provide gifted education strategies to all of your students. |
Gifted Lives: What Happens when Gifted Children Grow Up. Joan Freeman, $34.90
This book reveals the dramatic stories of twenty outstandingly gifted people as they grew from early promise to maturity in Britain. Recorded over the last thirty-five years by award-winning psychologist, Joan Freeman, these fascinating accounts reveal the frustrations and triumphs of her participants, and investigate why some fell by the wayside while others reached fame and fortune. |
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The Gifted Teen Survival Guide, 4th Edition: Smart, Sharp and Ready for (almost) Anything. Judy Galbraith & Jim Delisle, $22.99
Based on new surveys of nearly 1,400
gifted teenagers, this updated classic is the ultimate guide to thriving in a
world that doesn't always support or understand high ability. Full of fresh
illustrations, surprising facts, cutting-edge research, revealing quizzes and
survey results, step-by-step strategies, inspiring teen quotes and stories, and
insightful expert essays, the guide gives readers the tools they need to
appreciate their giftedness as an asset and use it to make the most of who they
- new information about twice-exceptionality
(including gifted teens with dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, and Asperger's syndrome)
- the truth about IQ, tests, and intelligence
(with sections on emotional, social, and creative intelligence)
- in-depth discussions about intensities and
personality types associated with giftedness
- recent research findings about brain development
in gifted teens
- strategies for managing their lives (including
dealing with expectations, perfectionism, success and failure, time spent
online, study habits, and stress)
- ways to take charge of their education
(including understanding content standards, knowing and obtaining their rights
as students, relating to teachers, and exploring their options such as
homeschooling and virtual learning)
- advice on choosing a college or college
- ways to deal with teasing, bullying, and
- guidelines for being "net smart" and staying
safe and savvy online
- information about depression, suicide, and
- sections on being gifted and queer, developing
wisdom and a personal philosophy, and handling existential crises
- a wealth of additional up-to-date resources
including books, publications, associations, programs, and websites
- and much more!
Giftedness 101. Linda
Kreger Silverman, $46.95
This book addresses the unique
psychological needs of gifted children, and examines special issues such as
gifted children with learning disabilities, gender considerations, implications
of socio-economic status, and more. GIFTEDNESS 101 dispels common myths about
giftedness and offers specific guidelines to psychologists, parents, and
teachers. It describes comprehensive assessment of the gifted; provides support
for the twice exceptional; and focuses on the complex inner world of the
gifted. |
Helping Gifted Children Soar: a
Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers, 2nd Edition. Carol Strip, $31.95
This user-friendly guide explores the
important issues facing gifted children, from selecting a school and expanding
the curriculum, to supporting children who struggle with perfectionism,
friendship issues, depression and anxiety. This is an ideal resource for
parents and educators. |
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How the
Gifted Brain Learns, 2nd Edition. David Sousa, $71.20
How the Gifted Brain Learns helps educators turn research on the brain function of intellectually and artistically advanced students into practical classroom activities and strategies. Building on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, learning, and the nature of intelligence, this book examines why traditional talent-identification techniques are inadequate (and often inaccurate), and presents methods that will allow you to identify giftedness and talent potential with greater accuracy than ever before. |
Identifying Gifted Students: a
Practical Guide. Susan Johnsen, Editor, $41.95
The newly revised Identifying GIFTED
STUDENTS: A PRACTICAL GUIDE is designed for practicing professionals such as
teachers, counselors, psychologists, and administrators. The book addresses
definitions, models, and characteristics of gifted students; qualitative and
quantitative approaches to assessment; culturally fair and nonbiased
assessment; and how to evaluate the effectiveness of identification procedures.
In addition, the book provides a complete summary of all major assessment
instruments, including scoring information, reliability, and validity. |
If I’m So Smart, Why Aren’t the
Answers Easy? Advice from Teens on Growing Up Gifted. Robert Schultz & James Delisle, $20.95
In their own enlightening words, gifted teens
share their experiences, including friendships and fitting in with peers,
school struggles and successes, and worries about the future. By allowing teens
to share their real-life stories, the book gives readers a self-study guide to
the successes and pitfalls of being gifted in a world not always open to their
unique and diverse needs. Teens will be able to reflect on their own
experiences through the engaging journal prompts included in the book, and
their parents and teachers will enjoy hearing directly from other students
about the topics gifted teens face daily. |
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I'm Not Just Gifted: Social-Emotional Curriculum for
Guiding Gifted Children, Grades 4-7. Christine Fonseca, $35.95
What does it mean to be a successful person? What traits
and characteristics define successful people? Why do gifted children, in
particular, need a strong affective curricula in order to maximize their
potential? These questions and more are explored in this guide to helping
gifted children in grades 4–7 as they navigate the complicated social and
emotional aspects of their lives. This curriculum is designed to help gifted
children explore their giftedness, develop resiliency, manage their
intensities, face adversities and tough situations, and cultivate their talents
and passions. Including lesson plans, worksheets, and connections to Common
Core State Standards, I'm Not Just Gifted is the practical
guide necessary for anyone serving and working with gifted children. |
Increasing Diversity in Gifted Education:
Research-Based Strategies for Identification and Program Services. Monique
Felder, etl, $41.95
Increasing Diversity in
Gifted Education provides
guidance for meeting the educational needs of high-potential students across
many racial, ethnic, language, and economic groups as well as some categories
of disability. Using this book, educators of high potential and gifted students
from backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented and underserved in
gifted and advanced instructional settings, can guide these students to achieve
and make significant contributions to all aspects of society. Practitioners
will also gain the information and knowledge needed to increase the
identification of culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diverse (CLED) and
twice-exceptional students for gifted education programs and services. |
Is My Child Gifted?
(If so, what can I expect?) James Webb (DVD format, 45 minutes)
Often children are identified in their schools as gifted, but parents
and teachers are not given training in the traits that gifted children
most often show. Some parents question whether their child really
is gifted. Dr. Webb describes the most common basic characteristics
of gifted children, and then shows how some of these traits (thinking
and learning styles of gifted children) can actually result in underachievement,
power struggles and failure to be recognized as bright. |
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Light Up Your Child’s Mind. Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis, $32.99
Light Up Your Child’s Mind presents a practical program to help children fire up a love of learning to last a lifetime. The book helps parents uncover the hidden potential of daydreamers, rebels, and one-track minds, and argues that gifted behavior — basic smarts, high levels of task commitment and creativity — can be fostered in bright children, even unmotivated ones. |
Living with Intensity. Edited by Susan Daniels & Michael Piechowski, $39.95
Gifted children and adults are often misunderstood. Their excitement is viewed as excessive, their high energy as hyperactivity, their persistence as nagging, their imagination as not paying attention, their passion as being disruptive, their strong emotions and sensitivity as immaturity, their creativity and self-directedness as oppositional.
Living with Intensity describes these over-excitabilities and provides practical methods for nurturing sensitivity, intensity, perfectionism and much more from early childhood through adolescence and adulthood. |
Making Great Kids Greater: Easing the Burden of Being Gifted. Dorothy Sisk, $42.50
Empower gifted students by helping them understand and value their talents, with consideration for their unique needs socially, academically and emotionally. |
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Mindsets in the Classroom: Building a
Culture of Success and Student Achievement in Schools. Mary Cay Ricci, $32.50
When students believe that dedication
and hard work can change their performance in school, they grow to become
resilient, successful students. Inspired by the popular mindset idea that hard
work and effort can lead to success, MINDSETS IN THE
CLASSROOM provides educators with ideas for ways to build a growth mindset
school culture, wherein students are challenged to change their thinking about
their abilities and potential. The book includes a planning template,
step-by-step description of a growth mindset culture, and “look-fors” for
adopting a differentiated, responsive instruction model teachers can use
immediately in their classrooms. It also highlights the importance of critical
thinking and teaching students to learn from failure. The book includes a
sample professional development plan and ideas for communicating the mindset
concept to parents. With this book's easy-to-follow advice, tasks, and
strategies, teachers can grow a love of learning in their students. |
Modern Curriculum for
Gifted and Advanced Academic Students. Edited by Todd
Kettler, $87.00
Modern Curriculum for
Gifted and Advanced Academic Students addresses
the need for advanced curriculum design in an age of national standards and
21st-century learning innovations. The text and its authors work from the
assumption that the most advanced learners need a qualitatively different
design of learning experiences in order to develop their potential into
outstanding achievement, answering the question, "How should we design
learning experiences for our most advanced academic students in the
foundational curriculum areas?" This book provides the most contemporary
thinking about how to design in-depth courses of study in the foundational
curriculum areas with a high degree of complexity and advanced content. The
book includes chapters articulating specific design components like creative
thinking, critical thinking, and authentic research, but also subject-specific
chapters in mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies to
demonstrate application of those design components. |
Than a Test Score: Teens Talk about Being Gifted, Talented or Otherwise
Extra-ordinary. Robert Schultz & James Delisle, $20.95
(ages 14 and up)
Based on a survey of thousands of gifted
teens, More Than a Test Score is filled with stories, insights,
honesty and humour that will surprise you and inspire you. You’ll
read their thoughts about their friends, family, the future and
al of the challenges that come with being gifted. |
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On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, 5th
Edition. Tracy Cross, $50.00
A concise, sensitive look at gifted children and their
world, this book offers unique insights for both teachers and parents. |
101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids: the Ultimate Handbook. Christine Fonesca, $23.95 (ages 8-12)
Chock full of fun suggestions and practical strategies, 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids covers topics including bullying, school performance, perfectionism, friendships, and sibling rivalries. Fun quizzes, tip sheets, and practical Q & A sections from other gifted kids and preteens make this book fun to read and give gifted kids insight into everything they've ever wanted to know about being gifted. Proven strategies for dealing with stress management, parents' and teachers' expectations, anxiety, cyber-bullying, friendship troubles, and more make this the must-have guide for every gifted kid! |
Ordinary Gifted Children: the Power and Promise of Individual Attention. Jessica Hoffman Davis, $36.50
This is the remarkable story of the Hoffman School for Individual Attention, where the principal believed in a diverse, challenging and challenged group of students — with extraordinary results. |
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Overachievers: the Secret Lives of Driven Kids. Alexandra
Robbins, $21.00
In The Overachievers, journalist
Alexandra Robbins delivers a poignant, funny, riveting narrative
that explores how our high-stakes educational culture has spiraled
out of control … Robbins tackles hard-hitting issues such as the
student and teacher cheating epidemic, over-testing, sports rage,
the black market for study drugs, and a college admissions process
so cutthroat that some students are driven to depression and suicide
because of a B. Even the earliest years of schooling have become
insanely competitive, as Robbins learned when she gained unprecedented
access into the inner workings of a prestigious Manhattan kindergarten
admissions office. A compelling mix of fast-paced storytelling and
engrossing investigative journalism, The Overachievers
aims both to calm the admissions frenzy and to expose its escalating
Parenting Gifted
Children. Edited by Jennifer Jolly, et al, $30.95
This comprehensive guide covers topics such as working with high achievers and young gifted children, acceleration, advocating for talented students, and serving as role models and mentors for gifted kids, homeschooling, underachievement, twice-exceptional students and postsecondary opportunities.
This book is sure to provide guidance, advice and support for any parent of gifted children. |
Parenting Gifted Children 101: an Introduction to
Gifted Kids and Their Needs. Tracy Ford Inman & Jana Kirchner, $23.95
This practical, easy-to-read book explores the basics of
parenting gifted children, truly giving parents the "introductory
course" they need to better understand and help their gifted child. Topics
include myths about gifted children, characteristics of the gifted, the how and
why of advocacy, social and emotional issues and needs, strategies for
partnering with your child’s school, and more. Parenting Gifted Children 101
explores ways for you to help your child at home and maximize your child’s
educational experience with strategies that are based on research, but easy to
implement. Each chapter — from parenting twice-exceptional students to navigating
the possible challenges that school may hold for your child — contains resources
for further reading and insights from more than 50 parents and educators of
gifted children. |
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Parenting Successful
Children. James Webb (DVD format, 45 minutes) $33.95
In his new video presentation, noted psychologist James T. Webb,
PhD, discusses how technology and other changes in today's ever-evolving
world have made parenting even more difficult. Dr. Webb describes
in detail over two dozen practical strategies to help parents become
more successful at setting limits, avoiding power struggles, minimizing
sibling rivalry, promoting self-direction, and enhancing overall
relationships within the family. All the ideas are easy for parents
to implement into everyday living. This video is an excellent resource
for both schools and parent groups. |
Proven Strategies That Work for Teaching Gifted &
Advance Learners, Grades 3-8. Kathleen McConnell Fad & Gail Ryser,
Proven Strategies That Work for Teaching Gifted and
Advanced Learners is a collection of research-based strategies
designed for advanced learners in cluster-grouped general education as well as
those in self-contained classes for gifted students. The strategies focus on
key areas of importance to educators, including assessment, content,
instruction, and acceleration of learning.
The book is not intended as a
textbook, but rather is designed for educators who are looking for strategies
they can implement in real-life situations. The strategies encompass a wide
variety of topics. The accompanying forms and reproducibles are user-friendly
resources designed to help teachers maximize their students’ learning. |
a Gifted Child: a Parenting Success Handbook. Carol Fertig,
This book offers a wide array of strategies,
tips, resources, practical suggestions and the tools parents need
to ensure that their gifted kids are happy and successful in and
out of school. |
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Serving Gifted Learners Beyond the Traditional Classroom: a Guide to Alternative Programs and Services. Joyce Van Tassel-Baska, $35.50
Serving Gifted Learners Beyond the Traditional Classroom provides a concise and thorough introduction to the various types of out-of-school programming recommended and appropriate for gifted and advanced learners. |
Smart Kids with Learning
Difficulties: Overcoming Obstacles and Realizing Potential, 2nd Edition. Rich Weinfeld, Linda Barnes-Robinson, Sue
Jeweler & Betty Roffman Shevitz, $23.95
DIFFICULTIES provides useful, practical advice for helping smart kids with
learning challenges such as AD/HD, autism, dyslexia and other learning
disabilities to succeed in school. The authors present learning and teaching
methods that have been applied successfully to both the gifted/talented and the
learning-disabled populations. These methods can, and should, be used with all
bright kids with learning difficulties, whether or not they have official
labels. |
Smart Parenting for Smart Kids: Nurturing Your Child’s True Potential. Eileen Kennedy Moore & Mark Lowenthal, $23.95
It takes more than school-smarts to create a fulfilling life. In fact, many bright children face special challenge. Smart Parenting for Smart Kids is a compassionate book that explains the reasons behind these struggles. It offers parents practical strategies for helping children develop the essential skills they need to make the most of their abilities and become capable, caring, confident adults. |
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Talk: What Kids Say About Growing Up Gifted. Robert Schultz
& James Delisle, $17.95 (ages 8 to 13)
Being gifted has its ups and downs —
the kids in this book talk about both the advantages and disadvantages
of growing up gifted. As you read what they have to say, you’ll
learn more about being gifted — and more about being yourself. |
Social-Emotional Curriculum with Gifted and Talented Students. Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Tracy Cross & Richard Olenchak, $49.95
Social-Emotional Curriculum with Gifted and Talented Students provides a thorough introduction to methods for developing social-emotional curricula for use with gifted and talented learners in the school setting. The book discusses affective curricula, the needs of minority students, models to develop social-emotional curricula, tips for counseling gifted students, and strategies to promote the social-emotional needs of gifted students, the use of bibliotherapy and discussion groups, and the teacher-counselor connection in affective curricula. |
STEM Education for High-Ability Learners: Designing
and Implementing Programming. Edited by Bronwyn MacFarlane, $56.95
STEM Education for High-Ability Learners focuses
on the rigorous articulation of quality STEM education programming to develop
STEM talent among high-ability and gifted learners. The intent of this book is
to provide a comprehensive resource for educators designing and implementing
each of the supports within STEM education by providing a discussion of each
critical component for inclusion in a planned, coherent, and high-quality
sequenced system. This edited volume provides a cutting-edge discussion of best
practices for delivering STEM education by experts in the field. The
contributing authors provide a differentiated discussion and recommendations
for the learning experiences of gifted students in STEM education programs. |
Suicide Among Gifted Children and Adolescents:
Understanding the Suicidal Mind, 2nd Edition. Tracy Cross & Jennifer
Riedl Cross, $64.00
Suicide Among Gifted Children and Adolescents explores the suicidal behavior of students with gifts and talents. It provides
the reader with a coherent picture of what suicidal behavior is; clarifies what
is known and what is unknown about it; shares two major theories of suicide
with explanatory power; and offers an emerging model of the suicidal behavior
of students with gifts and talents. In addition, the book includes chapters
offering insight into the lived experience of students with gifts and talents,
and what we can do to prevent suicide among gifted students, including creating
caring communities and specific counseling strategies. It also provides a list
of resources available to help. |
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The Survival Guide for Gifted Kids: for
Ages 10 & Under. Judy Galbraith, $19.99
Upbeat, informative, friendly, and
compact, THE SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR GIFTED KIDS is a must for young
gifted children. At a time when many school gifted programs are scaling back,
it’s more important than ever for kids to have this essential survival guide to
growing up gifted.
- Tips on making friends and improving
communication with teachers and family members
- Advice on issues such as bullying, perfectionism, depression, anxiety, and
drug use
- Discussions of technology: blogs, social networks, instant messaging, video
games, and podcasts
- Information related to current research on gifted programs, brain
development, IQ, creativity, giftedness and gender, twice-exceptionality,
gifted underachievers, and emotional intelligence
- More ways to boost brainpower in and out of school
- Anecdotes and quotes from experts and gifted celebrities
Quizzes and full gifted kids’ survey
- Over 100 quotes from gifted kids on a variety of topics
- Resource lists of books, websites, video games, and competitions
Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for
Teaching High-Ability Learners. Edited by Jeff Danielian, Matthew Fugate
& Elizabeth Fogarty, $56.95
From the pages of Teaching for High Potential, a
quarterly publication of the National Association for Gifted Children, this
collection of articles is sure to be of use to any educator of high-ability
students. Topics included range from instructional methods across all content
areas, including tips and tools for reading and vocabulary instruction,
integrating STEM content, and engaging students in math, to identification,
differentiation, and addressing gifted students' social-emotional needs.
Articles also delve into current issues pertinent to the field of gifted
education and this unique group of students, including underachievement and
underrepresented minority populations, as well as new classroom strategies such
as Makerspaces and teaching growth mindset. This resource can be used to
enhance a classroom lesson, guide curriculum development, or supplement
professional development. The featured articles are unique, well written for
the audience, and selected by reviewers who understand what teachers need. |
Teaching Gifted Children with Special Educational
Needs: Supporting Dual and Multiple Exceptionality. Diane Montgomery,
Children with both giftedness and special educational needs are
often found in the mainstream classrooms. This essential resource provides an
overview of existing knowledge about dual and multiple exceptionality (DME),
examining the needs of gifted and talented children from both the class
teacher’s and SENCo’s perspectives. Diane Montgomery explores both the
specialist interventions that some children will need at least for part of
their school life, as well as the general inclusive provision that every school
can develop to meet the needs of all children. Focusing on evidence-based
identification throughout, chapters in this accessible book cover:
- An analysis of the terms ‘giftedness and talent’ and the
different methods that can be used for identifying them and assessing their
- Identifying and supporting a range of difficulties, syndromes
and disorders such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, DCD, ASD, ADHD and SEBD
- How to manage classroom behaviour, improve school ethos and
create a DME-friendly school through inclusive teaching and learning
This invaluable resource will assist you in creating a DME
friendly school, help to integrate learners with a range of difficulties and
enable them and others to learn. |
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Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s
Classroom: Strategies and Techniques Every Teacher Can Use, 3rd Edition. Susan Winebrenner & Dina Brulles, $57.99 Includes CD-ROM
Fully revised and updated for a new
generation of educators, this is the definitive guide to meeting the learning
needs of gifted students in the mixed-abilities classroom—seamlessly and
effectively with minimal preparation time. For years, teachers have turned to
this book daily to ensure their gifted students are getting the opportunities
they need and deserve. Included are proven, practical, classroom-tested strategies
and step-by-step instructions for how to use them. This new edition
- using technology for accelerated learning
- managing cluster grouping
- increasing curriculum rigor
- improving assessments
- boosting critical and creative thinking skills
- addressing gifted kids with special needs
The included CD-ROM provides a
PowerPoint presentation, all of the reproducible forms from the book, and many
additional extension menus in several subject areas, ready to customize and
print for classroom use. Already a perennial best seller, this guide’s third
edition is sure to be welcomed with open arms by teachers everywhere. |
Teaching Gifted Students in the Inclusive Classroom. Tracy Riley, $14.95
Appropriate learning for gifted and talented students is adjusted in pace, depth and breadth through curricula that are both enriched and accelerated. This book provides teachers with practical strategies for identifying and meeting the abilities and needs of these students through differentiation in general classroom settings. |
Teaching Gifted Students with Disabilities. Susan Johnsen & James Kendrick, Editors, $22.95
Teaching Gifted Students with Disabilities offers both general information on gifted students with disabilities, as well as specific analysis of those with ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. Several case studies offer an empathic first-person view from the eyes of teachers, parents, and the students themselves, and a section on identification and instructional strategies will arm teachers with crucial information and ideas on how to work with and help these students. |
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To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strength-Based
Strategies for Helping Twice-Exceptional Students with LD, ADHD, ASD, and More,
3rd Edition. Susan Baum, Robin Schader & Steven Owen, $49.95
To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled is one of the
most popular resources available on identifying and meeting the needs of
twice-exceptional students. This updated third edition provides a comprehensive
look at the complex world of students with remarkable gifts, talents, and
interests, who simultaneously face learning, attention, or social challenges
from LD, ADHD, ASD, and other disorders. Through case studies and years of
research, the authors present a rationale for using a strength-based,
talent-focused approach to meeting the needs of this special population. From a
thorough description of twice-exceptionality and the unique learning patterns
of these students, to strategies for identification, comprehensive programming,
talent development, and instructional strategies, this book explores the
distinguishing strengths (yellows) and complex challenges (blues) that these
students face. In painting, green is a mix of yellows and blues. Because of
their individual characteristics, twice-exceptional students come in a
remarkable range of greens. |
Ideas for Teaching Gifted Kids in the Middle School and High School. Joel McIntosh, $22.95
Grades 5–12
Great activities and lessons for secondary gifted kids developed by master teachers across the nation. This exciting book features ideas for starting a mentorship program, teaching history using scientific surveys, using simulations to teach content, organizing historical debates, producing documentaries and much more. |
Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and
Creative Students with Learning Difficulties. Edited by Scott Barry
Kaufman, $54.95
In an educational system founded on rigid standards and
categories, students who demonstrate a very specific manifestation of
intelligence flourish, while those who deviate tend to fall between the cracks.
Too often, talents and interests that do not align with classroom conventions
are left unrecognized and unexplored in children with extraordinary potential
but little opportunity. For twice-exceptional (2e) children, who have
extraordinary strengths coupled with learning difficulties, the problem is
compounded by the paradoxical nature of their intellect and an unbending
system, ill-equipped to cater to their unique learning needs.
Twice Exceptional provides cutting-edge,
evidence-based approaches to creating an environment where twice-exceptional
students can thrive. Viewing the 2e student as neither exclusively disabled nor
exclusively gifted, but, as a dynamic interaction of both, leading experts
offer holistic insight into identification, social-emotional development,
advocacy, and support for 2e students.
With chapters focusing on special populations (including
autism, dyslexia, and ADHD) as well as the intersection of race and 2e, this book
highlights practical recommendations for school and social contexts. In
expounding the unique challenges faced by the 2e population, Twice
Exceptional makes a case for greater flexibility in our approach to
education and a wider notion of what it means to be academically successful. |
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Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children: Understanding, Teaching and Counseling Gifted Students. Beverly Trail, $37.95
Gifted students with disabilities, also referred to as twice-exceptional children, need strategies in order to find success in the regular classroom. This comprehensive text provides an overview of who these students are, how teachers can tap into their strengths and weaknesses, and what educational strategies should be implemented to help these students succeed in school and beyond. The book will guide a collaborative team step-by-step through the process of identifying students’ needs, selecting modifications and accommodations, and developing a comprehensive plan to meet the diverse needs of twice-exceptional children. By implementing the strategies suggested in this book, teachers of twice-exceptional gifted students can ensure these students do not just survive in the classroom, but thrive. |
The Underachieving Gifted Child. Del Siegle, $41.95
Recognizing, understanding and reversing
underachievement. |
When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers: How to
Meet Their Social and Emotional Needs, 2nd Edition. Judy Galbraith &
Jim Delisle, $34.99
Gifted kids are so much more than test scores and grades.
Still, it’s sometimes difficult to see past the potential to the child who may
be anxious, lonely, confused, or unsure of what the future might bring. This
book, now fully revised with updated information and new survey quotes, offers
practical suggestions for addressing the social and emotional needs of gifted
students. The authors present ways to advocate for gifted education; help
gifted underachievers, perfectionists, and twice-exceptional students; and
provide all gifted kids with a safe, supportive learning environment.
with engaging stories, strategies, Q&As, essays, activities, resources, and
discussions of ADHD, Asperger’s, and the Common Core, this book is for anyone
committed to helping gifted students thrive. Online digital content includes
reproducible forms from the book. |
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When Smart Kids Underachieve in School: Practical
Solutions for Teachers. Todd Stanley, $27.95 (grades K-12)
When Smart Kids Underachieve in School: Practical
Solutions for Teachers takes a look at the 10 most common reasons why some
smart, advanced, and gifted students do not reach their achievement potential.
Reasons for underachievement range from social-emotional needs, lack of proper
programming, not being challenged, and potential learning disabilities. Each
chapter discusses a different cause and three practical strategies that can be
used to overcome it. Useful for teachers, counselors, gifted coordinators, and
administrators, this book is an easy-to-read, must-have resource for any
educator looking to identify, understand, and reverse underachievement. |
Why Smart Kids Worry — and What
Parents Can Do to Help. Allison Edwards, $22.50
A dynamic book that explains how smart
kids think and why they worry like they do, this practical guidebook provides
parents with relief, empowerment, and solutions. With ten practical tools for
parents to use with their own smart, anxious children, WHY SMART KIDS WORRY
explains the thought processes behind common worries and gives clear answers to
difficult questions like "When will I die?" "Is global warming
real?" "What if I don’t get into college? Professional counselor and
play therapist Allison Edwards gives parents the tools they need to help soothe
the fears of even the most anxious child. |
Young Gifted and Bored. David George, $34.95
Many gifted and talented children are bored and frustrated in the classroom. This practical guide will challenge, excite and inspire teachers and show them how they can identify and provide for the needs of these children, and help them develop their strengths and talents in productive, inspiring ways. |
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Complete Booklist
Resources for Families & Educators
Being Smart about Gifted Education: a Guidebook for
Parents and Educators, 2nd Edition. Dona Mathews & Joanne Foster, $39.95
Beyond Gifted Education: Designing and Implementing
Advanced Academic Programs. Scott Peters, Michael Matthews, Matthew McBee
& Betsy McCoach, $56.95
Bright Not Broken — Gifted Kids, ADHD and Autism: Why
Twice-Exceptional Children are Stuck and How to Help Them. Diane Kennedy &
Rebecca Banks, $29.95
Coasting Casey: a Tale of Busting Boredom in School.
Shannon Anderson, illustrated by Colleen Madden, $14.99
Curriculum Development Kit for Gifted and Advanced
Learners. Sandra Kaplan & Michael Cannon, $56.95
Curriculum Development and Teaching Strategies for Gifted
Learners, 3rd Edition. June Maker & Shirley Schiever, $63.95 Grades K-12
Designing Gifted Education Programs and Services: From
Purpose to Implementation. Scott Peters & Dina Brulles, $56.95
Developing Math Talent: a Comprehensive Guide to Math
Education for Gifted Students in Elementary and Middle School, 2nd Edition.
Susan Assouline & Ann Lupowski-Shoplik, $49.95
Different Minds: Gifted Children with AD/HD, Asperger
Syndrome and Other Learning Deficits. D. Lovecky, $49.95
Differentiated Projects for Gifted Students, Grades 3-5.
Brenda Holt McGee & Debbie Triska Keiser, $41.95
Differentiating the Curriculum for Gifted Learners. Wendy
Conklin & Shelly Frei, $34.95
Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the
Basics. Diane Heacox & Richard Cash, $57.99
Do Gifted Children Need Special Help? James Webb (DVD
format 45 minutes) $33.95
Dreamers, Discoverers & Dynamos: How to Help the
Child Who Is Bright, Bored, and Having Problems in School. Lucy Jo Palladino, $19.00
Early Gifts: Recognizing and Nurturing Children's
Talents. Paula Olszewski-Kubilius et al, $32.95
Educating Gifted Students in Middle School: a Practical
Guide, 2nd Edition. Susan Rakow, $56.95
8 Keys to Raising the Quirky Child: How to Help a Kid Who
Doesn't Quite Fit In. Mark Bowers, $23.95
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Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How Our Children REALLY
Learn and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek &
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, $19.50
Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope
with Explosive Feelings, 2nd Edition. Christine Fonesca, $27.95
The Essential Guide to Talking with Gifted Teens:
Ready-to-Use Group Discussions about Identity, Stress, Relationships, and More
(Book and CD-ROM). Jean Sunde Peterson, $49.95 (grades 6-12)
Essentials of Gifted Assessment. Steven Pfeiffer, $60.00
Exploring Giftedness and Autism: a Study of a
Differentiated Educational Program for Autistic Savants. Trevor Clark, $74.50
Gifted Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Maureen
Neihart & Kenneth Poon, $14.95
Gifted Education Strategies for All. Joseph Renzulli
& Marcia Gentry, $15.95(Laminated Reference Guide)
Gifted Intervention Manual, Second Edition, Diana Henage,
Gifted Lives: What Happens when Gifted Children Grow Up.
Joan Freeman, $19.95
The Gifted Teen Survival Guide, 4th Edition: Smart, Sharp
and Ready for (almost) Anything. Judy Galbraith & Jim Delisle, $22.99
Giftedness 101. Linda Kreger Silverman, $46.95
Guiding the Gifted Child: a Practical Source for Parents
& Teachers. Webb, Meckstroth & Tolan, $26.95
Helping Gifted Children Soar: a Practical Guide for
Parents and Teachers, 2nd Edition. Carol Strip, $31.95
How the Gifted Brain Learns, 2nd Edition. David Sousa,
Identifying Gifted Students: a Practical Guide. Susan
Johnsen, Editor, $41.95
If I’m So Smart, Why Aren’t the Answers Easy? Advice from
Teens on Growing Up Gifted. Robert Schultz & James Delisle, $20.95
I'm Not Just Gifted: Social-Emotional Curriculum for
Guiding Gifted Children, Grades 4-7. Christine Fonseca, $35.95
Increasing Diversity in Gifted Education: Research-Based
Strategies for Identification and Program Services. Monique Felder, etl, $41.95
Independent Study for Gifted Learners. Susan Johnsen
& Krystal Goree, $17.95
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In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your
Child's Personal Learning Style. Thomas Armstrong, $17.50
Is My Child Gifted? (If so, what can I expect?) James
Webb (DVD format, 45 minutes) $33.95
Light Up Your Child's Mind. Joseph Renzulli & Sally
Reis, $32.99
Living with Intensity. Edited by Susan Daniels &
Michael Piechowski, $39.95
Mindsets in the Classroom: Building a Culture of Success
and Student Achievement in Schools. Mary Cay Ricci, $32.50
Modern Curriculum for Gifted and Advanced Academic
Students. Edited by Todd Kettler, $87.00
More Than a Test Score: Teens Talk about Being Gifted,
Talented or Otherwise Extra-ordinary. Robert Schultz & James Delisle,
$18.95 (ages 14 and up)
On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, 5th
Edition. Tracy Cross, $50.00
101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids: the Ultimate
Handbook. Christine Fonesca, $23.95 (ages 8-12)
Ordinary Gifted Children: the Power and Promise of
Individual Attention. Jessica Hoffman Davis, $36.50
The Overachievers: the Secret Lives of Driven Kids.
Alexandra Robbins, $21.00
Parenting Gifted Children. Edited by Jennifer Jolly, et
al, $30.95
Parenting Gifted Children 101: an Introduction to Gifted
Kids and Their Needs. Tracy Ford Inman & Jana Kirchner, $23.95
Parenting Gifted Kids: Tips for Raising Happy and
Successful Children. James Delisle, $27.95
Parenting Successful Children. James Webb (DVD format, 45
minutes) $33.95
Peak Performance for Smart Kids: Strategies and Tips for
Ensuring School Success. Maureen Neihart, $30.95
Practical Ideas that Really Work for Students Who are
Gifted. Gail Ryser & Kathleen McConnell, $64.95
Proven Strategies That Work for Teaching Gifted &
Advance Learners, Grades 3-8. Kathleen McConnell Fad & Gail Ryser, $37.95
Raising a Gifted Child: a Parenting Success Handbook.
Carol Fertig, $23.95
Routledge International Companion to Gifted Education.
Tom Balchin, Barry Hymer & Dona Mathews, $73.50
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Serving Gifted Learners Beyond the Traditional Classroom:
a Guide to Alternative Programs and Services. Joyce Van Tassel-Baska, $35.50
Smart Boys: Talent, Manhood & the Search for Meaning.
Barbara Kerr & Sanford Cohn, $30.95
Smart Girls: a New Psychology of Girls, Women &
Giftedness. Barbara Kerr, $27.95
Smart Kids with Learning Difficulties: Overcoming
Obstacles and Realizing Potential, 2nd Edition. Rich Weinfeld, Linda
Barnes-Robinson, Sue Jeweler & Betty Roffman Shevitz, $23.95
Smart Parenting for Smart Kids: Nurturing Your Child’s
True Potential. Eileen Kennedy Moore & Mark Lowenthal, $23.95
Smart Talk: What Kids Say about Growing Up Gifted. Robert
Schultz & James Delisle, $17.95 (ages 8 to 13)
Social-Emotional Curriculum with Gifted and Talented
Students. Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Tracy Cross & Richard Olenchak, $49.95
The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children:
What Do We Know? Maureen Neihart, et al, Editors, $49.95
The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Kids:
Understanding and Guiding Their Development. Tracy Cross, $24.75
STEM Education for High-Ability Learners: Designing and
Implementing Programming. Edited by Bronwyn MacFarlane, $56.95
Suicide Among Gifted Children and Adolescents:
Understanding the Suicidal Mind, 2nd Edition. Tracy Cross & Jennifer
Riedl Cross, $64.00
The Survival Guide for Gifted Kids: for Ages 10 &
Under. Judy Galbraith, $19.99
The Survival Guide for Teachers of Gifted Kids. How to
Plan, Manage and Evaluate Programs for Gifted Youth K-12. Jim Delisle &
Barbara Lewis, $32.50
Teacher’s Survival Guide: Gifted Education. Julia Link
Roberts & Julia Roberts Boggess, $27.95
Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for
Teaching High-Ability Learners. Edited by Jeff Danielian, Matthew Fugate
& Elizabeth Fogarty, $56.95
Teaching Gifted Children with Special Educational Needs:
Supporting Dual and Multiple Exceptionality. Diane Montgomery, $57.95
Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classroom: Strategies and
Techniques Every Teacher Can Use, 3rd Edition. Susan Winebrenner & Dina
Brulles, $57.99 Includes CD-ROM
Teaching Gifted Students in the Inclusive Classroom.
Tracy Riley, $14.95
Teaching Gifted Students with Disabilities. Susan Johnsen
& James Kendrick, Editors, $22.95
To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strength-Based
Strategies for Helping Twice-Exceptional Students with LD, ADHD, ASD, and More,
3rd Edition. Susan Baum, Robin Schader & Steven Owen, $49.95
20 Ideas for Teaching Gifted Kids in the Middle School
and High School. Joel McIntosh, $22.95 Grades 5–12
Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and
Creative Students with Learning Difficulties. Edited by Scott Barry
Kaufman, $54.95
Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children: Understanding,
Teaching and Counseling Gifted Students. Beverly Trail, $37.95
The Underachieving Gifted Child. Del Siegle, $41.95
Visual-Spatial Learners: Differentiation Strategies for
Creating a Successful Classroom. Alexandra Shires Golon, $30.95
When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers: How to Meet
Their Social and Emotional Needs, 2nd Edition. Judy Galbraith & Jim
Delisle, $34.99
When Smart Kids Underachieve in School: Practical
Solutions for Teachers. Todd Stanley, $27.95 (grades K-12)
Why Smart Kids Worry — and What Parents Can Do to Help.
Allison Edwards, $22.50
Young Gifted and Bored. David George, $34.95
Your Child's Growing Mind: a Practical Guide to Brain
Development and Learning from Birth to Adolescence. 3rd Edition. Jane Healy, $19.00
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