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Dissociative & Borderline Disorders
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Personality Disorder in Adolescents: a Complete Guide to Understanding
and Coping When Your Adolescent Has BPD. Blaise Aguirre,
Borderline Personality Disorder in
Adolescents offers parents, caregivers, and adolescents themselves
a complete understanding of this complex and tough-to-treat disorder.
Dr. Aguirre describes recent advancements in treatments and brings
into focus what we do and don’t know about this condition. Readers
will learn the differences between BPD and other adolescent psychiatric
diagnoses; treatment options; how to choose the right therapist;
how to determine when inpatient treatment is necessary; how to enforce
boundaries; how to take care of and protect yourself; and practical
techniques for effective communication with those who have BPD.
Dissociation in Traumatized Children and Adolescents: Theory and Clinical Interventions. Edited by Sandra Wieland, $79.50
Dissociation in Traumatized Children and Adolescents is a groundbreaking text for the study of dissociation in young people. Eight unique and compelling case studies present many aspects of working with traumatized children who dissociate — trauma processing, attachment work, work with the family, interactions with the community — and give frank analysis of the difficulties clinicians encounter in various therapeutic situations and how and why they arrived at particular therapeutic decisions. While the book includes intensive analysis of each author’s theoretical framework as well as that of dissociation in general, it also shows clinicians, in the most practical terms, how to translate the theories of dissociation into action. |
I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality, Revised Edition. Jerold Kressman & Hal Strauss, $18.50
This completely revised and updated edition includes information on the genetic and developmental roots of BPD. It also explores the connections between BPD and substance abuse, sexual abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, ADHD and eating disorders — making it a vital reference for understanding and living with Borderline Personality Disorder. |
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Rebuilding Shattered Lives: Treating Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders, 2nd Edition. James Chu, $61.00
Children, adolescents, and adults who experience "developmentally adverse interpersonal trauma are at risk not only for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but also for other anxiety, affective, addictive, conduct, eating, psychotic personality disorders, as well as for re-traumatization. This book describes the theoretical constructs of how complex trauma-related clinical syndromes evolve and present in adult patients, integrating theories concerning posttraumatic stress disorder, dissociation and personality development. This book is an authoritative clinical guide to the treatment of patients with complex posttraumatic and dissociative disorders. |
Splitting: Protecting Yourself While
Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Bill Eddy & Randi Kreger, $19.99
Divorce is difficult under the best of
circumstances. When your spouse has borderline personality disorder (BPD),
narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), or is manipulative, divorcing can be
especially complicated. While people with these tendencies may initially appear
convincing and even charming to lawyers and judges, you know better — many of
these "persuasive blamers" leverage false accusations, attempt to manipulate
others, launch verbal and physical attacks, and do everything they can to get
their way.
SPLITTING is your legal and
psychological guide to safely navigating a high-conflict divorce from an
unpredictable spouse. Written by Bill Eddy, a family lawyer, therapist, and
divorce mediator, and Randi Kreger, coauthor of the BPD classic STOP WALKING ON
EGGSHELLS, this book includes all of the critical information you need to work
through the process of divorce in an emotionally balanced, productive way. |
Stop Walking on
Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has
Borderline Personality Disorder, 2nd Edition. Paul Mason
& Randi Kreger, $25.95
Stop Walking on Eggshells has already helped nearly half a million people with friends and family members suffering from BPD understand this destructive disorder, set boundaries, and help their loved ones stop relying on dangerous BPD behaviors. This fully revised edition has been updated with the very latest BPD research and includes coping and communication skills you can use to stabilize your relationship with the BPD sufferer in your life.
The Stop Walking on Eggshells Workbook: Practical Strategies for Living with Someone Who Has Borderline Personality Disorder. Randi Kreger, $29.95 |
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Stronger than BPD: the Girl's Guide to Taking Control
of Intense Emotions, Drama & Chaos Using DBT. Debbie Corso, $23.95
If you have BPD, you may experience extreme emotional ups
and downs. These intense feelings can make navigating everyday life that much
more difficult, and as a result, you may have trouble maintaining
relationships, seeing yourself clearly, or reaching career goals. You should
know that you are not alone, and that BPD isn’t your fault. Most importantly,
you need to know that you are strong. With the right tools, you can overcome
the symptoms of your BPD — this book will show you how.
Written by a BPD survivor and advocate, Stronger Than
BPD offers practical, evidence-based dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
skills to help you manage the intense emotions and negative self-image that can
occur with BPD. This easy-to-use guide helps you apply the fundamental
components of DBT — such as mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation,
and interpersonal effectiveness — to everyday situations that can trigger your
symptoms. And through personal examples and real-life stories, you’ll see how
others have put these skills to work in their own lives to get relief. You’ll
even learn how social media can help you heal! BPD is a part of your life, but
it doesn’t have to define you. If you are ready to take control of your
symptoms using powerful, evidence-based DBT skills, this friendly guide will
light the way. |
Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: a Guide to Evidence-Based Practice. Joel Paris, $27.95 
Organizing a vast body of scientific literature, this indispensable book presents the state of the art in understanding borderline personality disorder (BPD) and distills key treatment principles that therapists need to know. Rather than advocating a particular approach, Joel Paris examines a range of therapies and identifies the core ingredients of effective intervention. He offers specific guidance for meeting the needs of this challenging population, including ways to improve diagnosis, promote emotion regulation and impulse control, maintain appropriate therapeutic boundaries, and deal with suicidality and other crises. Highly readable, practical, and humane, the book also explains the latest thinking on the causes of BPD and how it develops. |
The Weather House: Living with a Parent with
Borderline Personality Disorder. Lisa Laporte & Ronald Fraser, $22.95 
This illustrated book for school-aged children provides
clinically sound and age-appropriate information for children, giving them
clear answers about the BPD of a parent, and suggesting ways to cope with their
parents' stormy moments. |
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for Therapists & Clients
The Angry Heart: Overcoming Borderline and
Addictive Disorders. Joseph Santaro & Ronald Cohen, $25.50
Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents:
a Complete Guide to Understanding and Coping When Your Adolescent Has
BPD. Blaise Aguirre, $22.50
The Borderline
Personality Disorder Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know about
Living with BPD. Alexander Chapman & Kim Gratz, $18.95
Child Abuse Trauma: Theory and Treatment of
the Lasting Effects. John Briere, $63.95
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder.
Marsha Linehan, $86.50
Dissociation in Traumatized Children and Adolescents: Theory and Clinical Interventions. Edited by Sandra Wieland, $79.50
Dissociative Identity Disorder. Lewis Cohen
et al (eds), $74.95
Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook.
Deborah Bray Haddock, $26.95
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing:
Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures. Francine Shapiro, $64.95
I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality, Revised Edition. Jerold Kressman & Hal Strauss, $18.50
New Hope for People with Borderline Personality
Disorder. Neil Bockian, $28.95
The Osiris Complex: Case Studies in Multiple
Personality Disorder. Colin Ross, $18.95
Rebuilding Shattered Lives: Treating Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders, 2nd Edition. James Chu, $61.00
Role of Sexual Abuse in the Etiology of Borderline
Personality Disorder. Mary Zanarini (ed), $58.95
Splitting: Protecting Yourself While
Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Bill Eddy & Randi Kreger, $19.99
Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone
You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder. Paul Mason & Randi
Kreger, $25.95 Workbook: Practical Strategies for Living with Someone
Who Has Borderline Personality Disorder. $29.95
Stronger than BPD: the Girl's Guide to Taking Control
of Intense Emotions, Drama & Chaos Using DBT. Debbie Corso, $23.95
Treating Bipolar Disorder: a Clinician's Guide to Interpersonal
and Social Rhythm Therapy. Ellen Frank, $33.50
Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: a Guide to Evidence-Based Practice. Joel Paris, $27.95
Understanding the Borderline Mother: Helping
Her Children Transcend the Intense, Unpredictable and Volatile Relationship.
Christine Lawson, $47.50
Women Who Hurt Themselves: a Book of Hope and
Understanding. Dusty Miller, $22.50
to top
for Helping Children and Teens
The Courage to Change: a Teen Survival Guide,
by Leave Out Violence Youth. $19.95 (ages 14 and up)
Cut. Patricia McCormick, $8.99 (ages 14 and
Dissociation in Children and Adolescents: a
Developmental Perspective. Frank Putnam, $71.95
Facing Change: Falling Apart and Coming Together
Again in the Teen Years. Donna O’Toole, $10.95 (ages 13 and up)
The Weather House: Living with a Parent with
Borderline Personality Disorder. Lisa Laporte & Ronald Fraser, $22.95
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