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Instruction & Response to Intervention (RTI)
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Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for
the 21st Century, Revised Edition. Rishard Cash, $57.99 (Grades K-12)
Advancing Differentiation will lead you through
the process of creating a thriving, student-centered, 21st-century classroom.
Since its initial publication, the book’s materials have undergone rigorous
testing and refinement in classrooms all over the world to deliver the best and
most effective differentiation strategies. The strategies in this book will
help you:
- Deeply engage every learner while challenging students to think
critically, self-regulate, and direct their own learning
- Set new roles for student and teacher that encourage learner
- Employ cutting-edge techniques for designing rigorous E4
curriculum (effective, engaging, enriching, and exciting)
- A primer on differentiation, which answers the crucial question,
Why differentiate at all?
- Self-assessment surveys, observation forms, and new ideas for
increasing proficiency in classroom differentiation
- Ways to address the changing needs of the future workforce
- More articulated curriculum design defining the differences
between strategies and skills — refining the levels of conceptual knowledge
Alternative Approaches to Assessing Young Children, 2nd Edition. Angela Losardo & Angela Notari-Syverson, $55.95
In today's climate of increased accountability and diversity, alternative assessments for young children are more important than ever. That's why the timely new edition of this bestselling textbook is a must for all educators as they prepare to work with children who are culturally, linguistically, or developmentally diverse. This introductory text has been carefully updated to reflect 10 years of evolution in demographics, research, technology, and legislation. Pre- and in-service educators of children birth–8 years will:
- learn about six popular alternative assessment methods: naturalistic, focused, performance, portfolio, dynamic, and curriculum-based language
- explore the advantages and limitations of each approach
- effectively link assessment with intervention
- get clear and specific guidelines for before, during, and after assessment
- discover successful strategies for teaching in inclusive environments
- implement a transdisciplinary framework to ensure comprehensive, multidimensional assessment approaches
The included CD-ROM makes this book an invaluable resource, with more than 2 dozen printable forms for data collection, observation, progress monitoring, IEP/IFSP development, and more.
Grounded in the most current research and best practices, this essential new edition will help pre- and in-service educators capture the full picture of all young children's strengths and needs and provide them with appropriate, individualized instruction. |
Assessment for Intervention, 2nd Edition: a Problem-Solving Approach. Edited
by Rachel Brown-Chidsey & Kristina Andren, $43.50
Problem-solving assessment is an
essential component of multi-tiered systems of support such as response to intervention
(RTI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). This
authoritative work provides a complete guide to implementing a wide range of
problem-solving assessment methods: functional behavioral assessment,
interviews, classroom observations, curriculum-based measurement, rating
scales, and cognitive instruments. Prominent experts demonstrate the key role
of assessment throughout the process of supporting at-risk students, from
identifying academic and behavioral problems to planning and monitoring
interventions. Several chapters include reproducible forms that can be
downloaded and printed. |
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Assessments for Differentiated Lessons, Grades 5 and Up. Troy Strayer & Beverly Strayer,
engaging activities that help you find out what students know at the beginning
and end of your lessons, so you can plan your next instructional steps. |
Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using
Universal Design for Learning. Loui Lord Nelson, $45.50
Universal Design for Learning is the best way to teach
all students effectively . but how can a busy teacher get started with UDL
right now? Answers are in this vibrant, research-based guidebook, created by
seasoned teacher and former UDL Coordinator Loui Lord Nelson. K-12 educators
will learn how to use the three key principles of UDL-Engagement,
Representation, and Action & Expression-to present information in multiple
ways and meet the needs of diverse learners. Written in first person, like a
face-to-face talk with a passionate educator, the book gives teachers a
reader-friendly UDL primer and a practical framework for implementation, with
detailed guidelines on lesson planning and checkpoints that help them stay on
- sharpen executive function skills, such as goal-setting and
strategy development
- improve comprehension and information processing
- stay engaged during lessons and overcome distractions
- communicate effectively using multiple tools, including both high
and low/no technology options
- develop self-regulation and self-assessment skills
- sustain effort and persistence
- increase autonomy
- show what they know through flexible, individualized assessment
The Differentiated Flipped Classroom: a Practical
Guide to Digital Learning. Eric Carbaugh & Kristina Doubet, $38.10
This groundbreaking guide helps you identify and address
diverse student needs within the flipped classroom environment. You will find
practical, standards-aligned solutions to help you design and implement
carefully planned at-home and at-school learning experiences, all while
checking for individual student understanding. Learn to differentiate learning
for all students with structured, research-based best practices to help you:
- Integrate Flipped Learning and Differentiated Instruction
- Use technology as a meaningful learning tool
- mplement flexible planning and grouping
- Proactively use ongoing formative assessments
- Adjust instruction to support, challenge, and motivate diverse
- Manage the Differentiated Flipped classroom
Includes practical examples and a resource-rich appendix.
Make your flipped classroom a true place of learning with this go-to guide! |
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The Differentiated Instruction Book
of Lists, Grades K-12. Jennifer Fox & Whitney
Hoffman, $39.95
Ready for immediate use, THE
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION BOOK OF LISTS offers over 150 up-to-date lists for
developing instructional materials, lesson planning, and assessment. Organized
into 12 convenient sections, the book is full of practical examples, teaching
ideas, and activities that can be used or adapted to meet students' diverse
needs. Coverage includes curriculum design, lesson planning, instructional
strategies, assessment, classroom management, strategies by subject area (from
Language Arts to Math to Physical Education), new media, etc. |
Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Language
Arts Teacher: Activities and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom. Joan
D’Amico & Kate Gallaway, $32.95
This valuable sourcebook offers teachers key strategies on
how to design and deliver effective instruction, measure success, and get
students to work together. Covering topics such as decoding, vocabulary,
blocking, using graphic organizers, mnemonics, literary elements, writing as a
process, and doing research, it features dozens of ready-to-use language arts
activities that are tied to core curriculum standards, and each activity has
adaptations for students with different learning needs.
Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Science Teacher: Activities and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom, Grades 5-8. Joan D'Amico & Kate Gallaway, $35.95
Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Science Teacher is a valuable resource for teachers in inclusive classrooms who are seeking new ways to reach all their students. |
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Differentiated Instruction Made Easy, Grades 2-8. Phyllis Kaplan, Virginia Rogers & Rande Webster, $26.95
Hundreds of multi-level activities for all learners. |
Differentiated Instructional
Strategies in Practice: Training, Implementation and Supervision. Gayle Gregory, $44.95
This workshop-friendly resource offers
guidelines for small study groups or larger staff development meetings and
includes research-based approaches for responding to concerns about change and
for providing individualized support and mentoring. The book also offers suggestions
for coaching, observation, supervision, and evaluation of staff members' use of
DI practices as well as implementation and evaluation tools to measure school-wide
Covering the basic elements of
differentiated instruction, this book demonstrates how administrators and staff
developers can help teachers develop the capacity for change and improve the
quality of instruction, curriculum, and assessment. Includes a CD-ROM containing
a wealth of reproducible material. |
Differentiated Math Learning Centers, Grades K-2. Deborah Wirth, $23.99
35 independent centers that keep kids learning while you teach small guided math groups. |
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Differentiated Projects for Gifted Students, Grades
3-5. Brenda Holt McGee & Debbie Triska Keiser,
150 ready-to-use independent studies
provide differentiated, interdisciplinary activities to help students explore
complex topics. The activities encourage research and investigation skills,
while requiring few additional materials and very little guidance. |
Differentiating the Curriculum for Gifted Learners. Wendy Conklin & Shelly Frei, $29.50
A great tool for new teachers and pre-service educators, this resource provides up-to-date, research-based theory and practical applications to help teachers effectively differentiate instruction with gifted students in mind. Packed with background information, underlying principles, plus extension, acceleration, and enrichment ideas, this book helps teachers to identify gifted students and their needs. |
Differentiating Instruction in the
Regular Classroom: How to Reach and Teach All Learners, Revised Edition. Diane Heacox, $43.99 (includes CD-ROM) Grades K-12
In this updated edition of the popular
and trusted guide, Diane Heacox provides a practical introduction to
differentiation and explains how differentiated instruction can work in a
wide range of settings to provide variety and challenge in how teachers teach
and in how students learn. Individual chapters focus on evaluation in a
differentiated classroom and how to manage both behavior and work tasks. The
author describes ways to get to know students and recognize that all have
strengths and limitations. Differentiated instruction lesson plans are provided
as templates and forms, with examples to illustrate differentiation in many
content areas.
The accompanying CD-ROM provides the
PowerPoint and all of the reproducible forms from the book along with further
examples of curriculum maps, workcards, and matrix plans. Teachers can print
out what they need, when they need it, and can customize forms for their own
classrooms and students. |
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Differentiating Instruction
for Students with Learning Disabilities: Best Teaching Practices
for General and Special Educators. William Bender, $51.25
Whether teaching inclusive or special education classes, instructors need effective differentiated and brain-compatible methods for learners with learning disabilities, at-risk students, or youngsters who may have learning difficulties. Demonstrating how to differentiate instruction in any classroom, this second edition of the best-selling book Differentiating Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities shows teachers how to support learners through flexible, practical lessons to help them achieve significant gains in reading comprehension, language arts, and math. |
Differentiating Instruction with Menus for the Inclusive Classroom:
Westphal, $22.95 (grades 3-5)
FOR THE INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM: SCIENCE offers teachers everything they need to
create a student-centered learning environment based on choice. This book
provides six different types of menus that students can use to select exciting
products that they will develop so teachers can assess what has been
learned—instead of using a traditional worksheet format. Topics addressed
include physical science, biological science, Earth science, and tools
scientists use.
The book provides numerous types of
leveled menus that lower and on-level elementary-aged students can use to
demonstrate learning through a method of their choice. Menus with similar
formats but geared towards varying ability levels allow teachers to
differentiate easily. Using the creative and challenging choices found in
Tic-Tac-Toe menus, List menus, 2-5-8 menus, Three Shape menus, Baseball menus,
and Game Show menus, students will look forward to sharing their newfound
knowledge throughout the year. Also included are specific guidelines for
products, rubrics for assessing student products, and teacher introduction
pages for each menu. |
Differentiation for Gifted Learners:
Going Beyond the Basics. Diane Heacox & Richard
Cash, $45.99
Differentiated instruction for gifted
and talented students significantly differs from the ways in which educators
differentiate instruction and curriculum for other students. Within a group of
advanced learners, the variety of abilities, talents, interests, and learning
styles can be formidable. Differentiated instruction for gifted and talented
students must go beyond adjusting content levels, task complexity, or product
choice. This book connects the unique learning differences among gifted
students to the specific teaching methods used to tailor their educational
Topics discussed include Common Core
State Standards, real-world problem solving, abstract thinking,
interdisciplinary concepts, authentic products, learning autonomy, accountability,
grouping practices, affective curriculum, 21st-century skills, Advanced
Placement and Honors classes, IB programs, underserved populations, and
twice-exceptional learners. Downloadable digital content includes
PowerPoint presentation for professional development and customizable
reproducible forms. |
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Differentiation Through Learning Styles and Memory, 2nd Edition. Marilee Sprenger, $47.50
In this updated edition of the bestseller, Marilee Sprenger demonstrates how to optimize learning by using brain-based strategies that address students' social/emotional, cognitive, and physical learning preferences. The author provides readers with graphic organizers, current research on memory, and new charts to help implement differentiated strategies. This comprehensive resource provides the tools you need to create a brain-friendly learning environment and to differentiate content, process, and product for your students' diverse learning needs and strengths. |
Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties: the Interactive Strategies Approach. Donna Scanlon, Kimberly Anderson & Joan Sweeney, $30.50
This book presents a research-supported framework for early literacy instruction that aligns with multi-tiered response-to-intervention (RTI) models. The book focuses on giving teachers a better understanding of literacy development and how to effectively support children as they begin to read and write. Detailed guidance is provided on ways to target these goals with K-2 students at risk for reading difficulties. Assessment and instructional strategies for whole-class, small-group, and one-to-one settings are discussed in depth. |
The Essential Guide to RTI: an Integrated, Evidence-Based Approach, Grades K-12. Silvia DeRuvo, $39.95
Filled with practical tools and step-by-step guidelines, this book shows teachers how to implement RTI effectively. This valuable resource helps teachers assess school or classroom readiness for implementing the process, and offers extensive resources to help educators identify appropriate screening and progress monitoring tools for students. DeRuvo provides dozens of effective research-based interventions and instructional strategies that teachers can implement immediately in their classrooms, and offers guidelines for selecting additional curricula and strategies to support students with diverse needs, including students with disabilities and English language learners.
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Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring
Interventions for Unique Learners. Jennifer Mascolo, Vincent Alfonso &
Dawn Flanagan, $66.00
This authoritative resource provides step-by-step
procedures for planning, selecting, and tailoring interventions for at-risk
learners with a unique focus on how to individualize interventions using actual
case examples. In addition, this book offers guidelines for gathering and interpreting
data in a manner that assists in identifying targets for intervention and rich
discussion and information relating to specific academic, cognitive, and
behavioral manifestations of students with learning difficulties in reading,
math, writing, and oral language. Practitioners will also learn how to
recognize and intervene with students from underserved and mis-served
populations who are at risk for learning failure including English-language
learners and students from impoverished environments.
Each concise chapter describes how specific difficulties
interfere with classroom tasks and explains how to select, modify, or otherwise
tailor an intervention based on that information. This volume includes callout
boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, extensive illustrative
material, and test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of
the information covered. The companion CD-ROM provides additional worksheets,
case studies, and handouts. |
Five Standards for Effective Teaching: How to Succeed
with All Learners, Grades K-8. Stephanie Stoll Dalton, $26.99
Based on a proven instructional model distilled over years
of research, this book focuses on five essential pedagogy standards for guiding
teaching practice in classrooms with diverse students, including English
learners. Providing key indicators for each standard along with the theoretical
rationale and "best practice" strategies, the book offers teachers
invaluable guidance for enhancing language, literacy, thinking, and content
learning across the curricula. It also provides advice on creating classroom
groupings for differentiating lessons and activities and includes extensive
examples of practices from real-life classrooms. |
From Text Maps to Memory Caps: 100
More Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K-12 Inclusive Classrooms. Paula Kluth & Sheila Danaher, $57.50 (K-12)
Differentiated instruction is simple and
fun with this treasure trove of ready-to-use adaptations for grades K-12. All
teachers — especially fans of Kluth & Danaher's From Tutor Scripts
to Talking Sticks — will love the 100 creative NEW ideas in this
illustrated guide, perfect for meeting the learning needs of all students in
inclusive classrooms. An effective, time-saving way to boost student skills in
key areas such as literacy, math, organization, communication, and behavior,
these research-based adaptations will strengthen and energize any curriculum.
The book offers 100 adaptations that are:
- Teacher-designed and student-tested, so
they're sure to engage students and help them learn
- Easy to use-each adaptation comes with a handy
materials list, clear directions, vendors and websites, and examples
- Cost-effective, using inexpensive materials
and resources many teachers already have
- Great for all students in K-12
classrooms, whether they're English-language learners, students with
identified disabilities, or just need extra support or reminders
- Fully illustrated with colorful photos that
show the strategies at work
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From Tutor Scripts
to Talking Sticks: 100 Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K-12
Classrooms. Paula Kluth & Sheila Danaher, $57.95
Ideal for helping students who need extra support, scaffolding, reminders, organization, or enrichment, this book gives general and special educators ready-to-use, research-based adaptations that enhance motivation and improve achievement for all children — including English-language learners and students with autism, emotional disabilities, cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities and other special needs. Everyone in the classroom will benefit from this timely, ultra-practical guidebook. This is the go-to resource for any teacher who has ever had a doubt that differentiated instruction can be simple and fun! |
Getting Beyond Bullying and Exclusion
PreK-5: Empowering Children in Inclusive Classrooms.
Ronald Mah, $19.95
Children with challenges can encounter
difficulties in navigating their journeys within inclusive classrooms. GETTING
BEYOND BULLYING AND EXCLUSION deepens teachers’ understanding of common
challenges and provides an intimate and realistic view of how children with
special needs can become easy targets for bullies. The book also shows how
adults can inadvertently facilitate the development of victim behavior in
children or contribute to the development of bully personalities. With an
abundance of tried-and-true techniques for helping children manage emotions and
build on their strengths, this book increases the sensitivity and expertise
that educators and counselors need to help children with special needs become
more resilient and experience success at school. |
Ideas: Using Service-Learning and Differentiated Instruction
to Help Your Students Succeed.
Pamela Gent, $41.95
Much more than "community service,” service-learning
activities help improve outcomes for all students when they're
carefully linked to the curriculum and IEP goals. This book
shows K-12 educators and administrators exactly how this approach
promotes inclusion and differentiated instruction for students
with and without disabilities. A fresh, hands-on guide to inclusion
that goes beyond co-teaching, collaboration, or accommodations,
this highly practical book will help educators make the most
of every student's unique abilities—and build better
communities inside and outside the classroom. |
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Helping Children Learn: Intervention Handouts for Use in Home and at School. Jack Naglieri & Eric Pickering, $43.95
In this fresh, practical approach to teaching struggling students, the authors have developed more than 75 highly effective intervention handouts — ideal for teachers to use in the classroom and share with parents for use at home.
A short questionnaire helps school psychologists pinpoint students' strengths and needs, and teachers use the handouts to address the areas that need work. Photocopiable and easy to print from the convenient new CD-ROM, the handouts in this edition fit perfectly with RTI — give teachers a clear and easy way to help struggling students and take next steps if more intervention is needed. Each intervention handout is ready to use: it clearly describes the skill involved, indicates which children should use the intervention, and suggests easy-to-implement strategies. |
Identifying Special Needs: Checklists
for Profiling Individual Differences, 2nd Edition. Glynis Hannell, $71.30
Drawing from her experience as an
educational psychologist, and special education teacher, Glynis Hannell offers
guidelines to help teachers quickly recognize and categorize the specific
characteristics of developmental disorders, autism spectrum disorders,
emotional-behavioural disorders, specific learning disorders, sensory
impairments and other forms of special need. The practical checklists and
resources in this fully revised new edition help both classroom and specialist
teachers to:
- Screen any student for possible special needs
- Understand the causes and characteristics of
various types of special needs
- Request and prepare for an intervention or IEP
team meeting
- Link classroom observations to diagnostic
criteria used by specialists
- Create accurate and comprehensive profiles for
individual students
- Record each student’s unique pattern of
development within a special needs ‘label’
- Quickly record important information and avoid
writing time-consuming reports
- Coordinate information from several teachers or
- Monitor progress and track significant changes
over time
- Involve parents in observing and discussing
their child’s pattern of strengths and challenges
- Plan effective, inclusive intervention in the
classroom setting
- Follow up with recommended further reading,
websites and professional references
Recognizing special needs and
identifying each student’s unique profile of positive attributes and
difficulties enables teachers and other educational professionals to ensure
that all their students receive the support they need to succeed. |
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Inclusion of
Exceptional Learners in Canadian Schools: a Practical Handbook for Teachers, 5th
Edition. Nancy Hutchinson, $124.00 
Now in its fifth edition, Inclusion of Exceptional
Learners in Canadian Schools is an outstanding introduction to inclusive
education in Canada. In keeping with Canada’s commitment to inclusive
education, this text examines positive ways of including children of all needs
and abilities in the regular classroom. Author and educator, Nancy Hutchinson
draws on her extensive experience educating students to help shape the skills
and strategies future teachers need to create an inclusive classroom by
individualizing learning for each student regardless of their exceptionality. Throughout
this book you will hear the voices of exceptional children, their parents, and
teachers who are working together to enhance the learning experiences of
exceptional students in regular classrooms. |
Just Give Him
the Whale! 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, and
Strengths to Support Students with Autism. Paula Kluth
& Patrick Schwarz, $27.95
When learners with autism have deep,
consuming fascinations—trains, triangles, basketballs,
whales—teachers often wonder what to do. This concise,
highly practical guidebook gives educators across grade levels
a powerful new way to think about students' obsessions: as
positive teaching tools that calm, motivate, and improve learning.
This guide is brimming with easy tips
and strategies for folding students' special interests, strengths,
and areas of expertise into classroom lessons and routines. An
enjoyable read with an eye-opening message, this short book will
have a long-lasting impact on teachers' understanding of autism—and
on their students' social and academic success. |
Making Differentiation a Habit: How to Ensure Success in
Academically Diverse Classrooms. Diane Heacox, $57.99 (Book with CD-ROM)
If you’re a teacher with an academically diverse
classroom (and what classrooms aren’t today?), you need this resource. Framed
around the critical elements for success in today’s classrooms, this book gives
educators specific, user-friendly tools — including differentiated instruction
examples — to optimize teaching, learning, and assessment for all, including
gifted students.
Providing new ideas, fresh perspectives, and additional
research-based strategies, teachers will learn to seamlessly integrate
differentiated instruction practices into their daily routines. Digital content
includes dozens of useful customizable reproducible forms and templates. |
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Managing a Differentiated Classroom, Grades K-8. Carol Ann Tomlinson & Marcia Imbeau, $21.99
A practical guide to teaching routines; assessing student’s readiness, interests and learning profiles; setting up the classroom and managing small-group instruction in the differentiated classroom. |
101 Inclusive & SEN Maths Lessons: Fun Activities
& Lesson Plans. Claire Brewer & Kate Bradley, $29.95
Create an inclusive classroom for all through engaging
maths activities such as Shape Bingo, Cake Splat! and Fruity Fractions. Each
lesson plan includes a learning objective, the resources needed, the main
activity, a plenary and a consolidation activity to help support children's
When working with children, and especially those with
SEN, lessons need to meet their interests as well as their needs by containing
visual stimulus, movement and fine and gross motor skills, and the activities
in this book have been specifically designed with this in mind. This
straightforward and practical book offers you 101 creative classroom activities
for teaching maths to pupils, as well as mapping the range of additional skills
they will acquire. |
The Promise of Response to Intervention: Evaluating Current Science and Practice. Todd Glover & Sharon Vaughn, Editors, $44.95
As response to intervention (RTI) is adopted by increasing numbers of schools and districts, knowledge about "what works" continues to grow. This much-needed book analyzes the key components of RTI service delivery and identifies the characteristics of successful implementation. Critically reviewing the available research, leading authorities describe best practices in multi-tier intervention, assessment, and data-based decision making. Clear-cut recommendations are provided for implementing evidence-based interventions to support students' needs in reading, writing, math, and behavior. A state-of-the-art resource for K-12 practitioners and administrators, the book also will fill a unique niche in graduate-level courses. |
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PUSH to Open. Lisa Combs, $28.50
A teacher's quick guide to universal design for teaching
students on the autism spectrum in the general education classroom. Simple,
straightforward solutions to a complex problem! |
Quality Literacy Instruction
for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Christina Carnahan
& Pamela Williamson, Editors, $74.95
This is a practical and invaluable text for anyone who is interested in helping emergent readers become proficient readers with a particular focus on how the unique characteristics of learners with autism spectrum disorders interact with the development of literacy. |
Race to
Equity: Disrupting Educational Inequality. Tim McCaskell,
Race to Equity is a dazzling,
detailed view of the experiments, successes, and mistakes in
the Toronto Board of Education's quest to provide truly equitable
education for a diverse student body.
"For almost three decades McCaskell
and his colleagues fought to reshape the system. Their attempts
to deliver anti-racism, anti-sexism, and anti-homophobia education
garnered national and international attention. McCaskell's astute
blend of personal reflection and political theory illuminates
a time of significant social struggle, cultural transformation,
and deep learning. Drawing on a number of sources — his
own memories, interviews with key participants, Board minutes,
academic theory on different aspects of the work, and the wealth
of documents produced along the way — McCaskell traces
narrative threads through the "booming buzzing confusion"
of institutional and social transformation. The result is a magical
blend of personal reflections and political theory." |
Redefining Fair: How to Plan, Assess and Grade for
Excellence in Mixed-Ability Classrooms. Damian
Cooper, $49.95
In REDEFINING FAIR, the author confronts
the resistance and obstacles schools experience when implementing differentiation
and shows how to overcome them. Learn how to define proficiency accurately and
differentiate to help all students achieve it. With a focus on mixed-ability
classes, the author outlines instructional practices that engage, empower, and
motivate students. Using stories, strategies, case histories, and sample
documents, he explains how to implement equitable instruction, assessment,
grading, and reporting practices for diverse 21st century learners. |
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RTI in the Classroom:
Guidelines and Recipes for Success, K-5. Rachel Brown-Chidsey,
Louise Bronaugh & Kelly McGraw, $38.95
Written expressly for teachers, this
book is jam-packed with tools and strategies for integrating
response to intervention (RTI) into everyday instruction in
grades K-5. Numerous real-world examples connect RTI concepts
to what teachers already know to help them provide effective
instruction for all students, including struggling learners.
Drawing on extensive classroom experience, the authors:
- Explain the core features of RTI
and what they look like in action
- Describe evidence-based instructional
methods for reading, writing, math, and behavior
- Show how to fit assessment and progress
monitoring into the busy school day
- Present color-coded intervention
recipes for all three tiers of RTI implementation
- Provide hands-on tools and 50 reproducibles,
with a large format and sturdy wire binding for ease of use
RTI in
Practice: a Practical Guide to Implementing Effective Evidence-Based
Interventions in Your School. James
McDougal, Suzanne Graney, James Wright & Scott Ardoin,
This comprehensive resource offers
school-based professionals a timely "how-to" guide
to implementing a quality, three-tiered response-to-intervention
(RTI) model in public school settings. It offers concrete,
balanced perspectives and directions for implementing an evidence-based
and effective RTI model in public schools. In addition, an
accompanying CD-ROM includes reproducible forms, surveys, and
screening tools. School psychologists and special education
professionals and teachers will benefit from this volume. |
The Scholastic Differentiated Instruction Plan Book.
$19.99 (Includes CD-ROM with checklists and planning forms)
This 40-week planner is chockfull of resources to help
teachers streamline and focus differentiated instruction. Designed by an
award-winning teacher whose specialty is differentiation, this essential
planner includes:
- a large planning grid with mini-planning checklists for
each week
- a differentiation planning guide and lesson plan
- quick-tip guides and checklists for:
- at-a-glance calendars and student information pages
- weekly tips for differentiating instruction,
management, and assessment
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Strategies for Differentiating Instruction: Best
Practices for the Classroom, 3rd Edition. Julia Roberts & Tracy Inman,
This updated edition of the best-selling Strategies
for Differentiating Instruction offers practical strategies that allow
all students to learn at appropriately challenging levels and make continuous
progress by focusing on their various levels of knowledge and readiness to
learn. Written in a teacher-friendly manner, the book presents strategies that
can be used in any classroom to ensure that each student's needs are met.
third edition includes strategies for Common Core State Standards alignment
plus new Developing and Assessing Products (DAP) tools for a variety of
products. Designed specifically for teachers who are new to differentiated
instruction, this book offers sound, practical advice for pre-assessing
students, implementing differentiation strategies, and managing and assessing
student learning. This book is filled with the essentials teachers need to know
in order to differentiate instruction and address all students' needs,
interests, and abilities. |
Student Diversity: Teaching Strategies to Meet the
Learning Needs of All Students In K-10 Classrooms, 3rd Edition. Faye
Brownlie, Catherine Feniak & Leyton Schnellert, $24.95
From ice-breaking activities to ways to meet specific
expectations in all areas of the curriculum, teachers will discover practical
strategies and organizational frameworks that will help them to reach all
students. Whether you're searching for new ways to inspire students with
different learning styles, celebrate the abilities of the physically
challenged, or boost the skills of those learning English for the first
time, Student Diversity has what you need to meet and defeat
the wide variety of challenges in today's classroom. Packed with examples of
student work and reproducible worksheets, this book will help to smooth the
daily path of beginning and experienced teachers alike. |
Systematic Instruction
for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. Belva Collins,
To ensure the best outcomes for students
with moderate and severe disabilities, K–12 educators need to understand what
constitutes good instructional practices and how to apply them in any
classroom, with any curriculum. All the how-to guidance they need is in this
accessible text on systematic instruction, a highly effective teaching approach
rooted in applied behavior analysis.
This one-of-a-kind textbook fully prepares teachers to use systematic
instruction procedures to link core content with critical life skills. Future
educators will discover evidence-based methods that help them:
- collect accurate screening and baseline
data before instruction
- effectively use specific systematic
instruction procedures
- make instruction more efficient by weaving
nontargeted information into lessons
- improve students' communication
skills through naturalistic language strategies
- expertly organize and deliver small-group
systematic instruction
- enhance instruction with assistive
- plan successful instructional
schedules for students across settings and teachers
- maximize instruction time by involving
peers, paraprofessionals, and service delivery personnel
- help students maintain new skills and
generalize them to other settings
An ideal textbook, this student-friendly book includes sample lesson plans,
chapter objectives, reflection questions, and a glossary. And the practical
materials—including 20 blank data collection sheets and quick step-by-step
charts of instruction procedures—make this an invaluable resource for
in-practice educators. A comprehensive guide to the why and how of systematic
instruction, this is the accessible text teachers need to succeed in inclusive
classrooms and improve outcomes for students with moderate and severe
disabilities. |
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Teacher’s Survival Guide:
Differentiating Instruction in the Elementary Classroom, Grades K-5. Julia Link Roberts & Tracy Ford Inman, $22.95
This book answers the most common
questions about differentiation, including what it is, how teachers can set up
a classroom that promotes differentiation, which topics should be
differentiated, what strategies are most effective, and how teachers can assess
students engaged in different classroom experiences. This resource will guide
teachers of children in grades K–5 to successfully differentiate instruction
for all of their students. |
Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in the Regular Classroom: Ways to Challenge & Motivate Struggling Students to Achieve Proficiency with Required Standards. Susan Winebrenner, $47.95 (includes CD-ROM)
A gold mine of practical, easy-to-use teaching methods, strategies, and tips, Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in the Regular Classroom helps teachers differentiate the curriculum in all subject areas to meet the needs of all learners—including those labeled remedial or LD; students of poverty; English language learners; and others who struggle to learn. Full of proven ways to significantly improve learning outcomes for students who score below proficiency levels, this is an essential resource for every educator. The included CD-ROM features all of the reproducibles from the book, plus many additional content organization and vocabulary charts covering study areas from art and music to math and science. Most forms are customizable. Macintosh and Windows compatible. |
Teaching Students Thinking Skills and
Strategies: a Framework for Cognitive Education in Inclusive Settings. Dorothy Howie, $43.95
Developing the ability to think is a
major part of education, which helps students become independent learners and
participate fully in a learning environment.
This book sets out the theory and
outlines a model for implementing the teaching of thinking at whole-school,
group and individual levels in inclusive settings. The model uses a three-tier
approach to ensure that all learners are included: teaching thinking for all,
which takes into account common needs; working with small groups, for those
with exceptional needs such as learning difficulties or high ability; and
addressing individualized learning needs, including those with a complex
disability. The book also addresses the impact of different social contexts,
cultures and environmental surroundings on learning. |
Visual Tools for Differentiating Content Area Instruction, Grades 3-8. Roger Essley, $24.99
Strategies that make concepts in math, science and social studies accessible and support all learners across the curriculum. |
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Complete Booklist
Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for
the 21st Century, Revised Edition. Rishard Cash, $57.99 (Grades K-12)
Alternative Approaches to Assessing Young Children, 2nd
Edition. Angela Losardo & Angela Notari-Syverson, $55.95
Assessment for Intervention, 2nd Edition: a Problem-Solving
Approach. Edited by Rachel Brown-Chidsey & Kristina Andren,
Check-In Assessments for Differentiated Lessons, Grades 5
and Up. Troy Strayer & Beverly Strayer, $20.99
Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal
Design for Learning. Loui Lord Nelson, $47.50
The Differentiated Flipped Classroom: a Practical Guide to
Digital Learning. Eric Carbaugh & Kristina Doubet, $41.95
The Differentiated Instruction Book of Lists, Grades K-12.
Jennifer Fox & Whitney Hoffman, $39.95
Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Language
Arts Teacher: Activities and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom. Joan
D’Amico & Kate Gallaway, $32.95
Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Science
Teacher: Activities and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom, Grades 5-8. Joan
D'Amico & Kate Gallaway, $35.95
Differentiated Instruction Made Easy, Grades 2-8. Phyllis
Kaplan, Virginia Rogers & Rande Webster, $31.95
Differentiated Instructional Strategies in Practice:
Training, Implementation and Supervision. Gayle Gregory, $48.95
Differentiated Math Learning Centers, Grades K-2. Deborah
Wirth, $23.99
Differentiated Projects for Gifted Students, Grades 3-5.
Brenda Holt McGee & Debbie Triska Keiser, $41.95
Differentiating the Curriculum for Gifted Learners. Wendy
Conklin & Shelly Frei, $24.95
Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to
Reach and Teach All Learners, Revised Edition. Diane Heacox, $57.99 (includes
CD-ROM) Grades K-12
Differentiating Instruction for Students with Learning
Disabilities: Best Teaching Practices for General and Special Educators.
William Bender, $53.95
Differentiating Instruction with Menus for the Inclusive
Classroom: SCIENCE. Laurie Westphal, $22.95 (grades 3-5)
Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the
Basics. Diane Heacox & Richard Cash, $57.99
Differentiation Through Learning Styles and Memory, 2nd
Edition. Marilee Sprenger, $47.95
Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties: the Interactive
Strategies Approach. Donna Scanlon, Kimberly Anderson & Joan Sweeney,
The Essential Guide to RTI: an Integrated, Evidence-Based
Approach, Grades K-12. Silvia DeRuvo, $39.95
Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring
Interventions for Unique Learners. Jennifer Mascolo, Vincent Alfonso & Dawn
Flanagan, $66.00
Five Standards for Effective Teaching: How to Succeed with
All Learners, Grades K-8. Stephanie Stoll Dalton, $26.99
From Text Maps to Memory Caps: 100 More Ways to
Differentiate Instruction in K-12 Inclusive Classrooms. Paula Kluth &
Sheila Danaher, $57.50 (K-12)
From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks: 100 Ways to
Differentiate Instruction in K-12 Classrooms. Paula Kluth & Sheila Danaher,
Getting Beyond Bullying and Exclusion PreK-5: Empowering
Children in Inclusive Classrooms. Ronald Mah, $25.95
Great Ideas: Using Service-Learning and Differentiated
Instruction to Help Your Students Succeed. Pamela Gent, $41.95
Helping Children Learn: Intervention Handouts for Use in
Home and at School. Jack Naglieri & Eric Pickering, $43.95
Identifying Special Needs: Checklists for Profiling
Individual Differences, 2nd Edition. Glynis Hannell, $71.30
Inclusion of Exceptional Learners in Canadian Schools: a
Practical Handbook for Teachers, 5th Edition. Nancy Hutchinson, $124.00
Just Give Him the Whale! 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas
of Expertise and Strengths to Support Students with Autism. Paula Kluth &
Patrick Schwarz, $28.95
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Making Differentiation a Habit: How to Ensure Success in
Academically Diverse Classrooms. Diane Heacox, $57.99 (Book with CD-ROM)
Managing a Differentiated Classroom, Grades K-8. Carol Ann
Tomlinson & Marcia Imbeau, $24.99
101 Inclusive & SEN Maths Lessons: Fun Activities
& Lesson Plans. Claire Brewer & Kate Bradley, $29.95
The Promise of Response to Intervention: Evaluating Current
Science and Practice. Todd Glover & Sharon Vaughn, Editors, $44.95
PUSH to Open. Lisa Combs, $28.50
Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism
Spectrum Disorders. Christina Carnahan & Pamela Williamson, Editors, $74.95
Race to Equity: Disrupting Educational Inequality. Tim
McCaskell, $26.95
Redefining Fair: How to Plan, Assess and Grade for
Excellence in Mixed-Ability Classrooms. Damian Cooper, $49.95
RTI in the Classroom: Guidelines and Recipes for Success,
K-5. Rachel Brown-Chidsey, Louise Bronaugh & Kelly McGraw, $38.95
RTI in Practice: a Practical Guide to Implementing Effective
Evidence-Based Interventions in Your School. James McDougal, Suzanne Graney,
James Wright & Scott Ardoin, $78.00
The Scholastic Differentiated Instruction Plan Book. $19.99
(Includes CD-ROM with checklists and planning forms)
Strategies for Differentiating Instruction: Best Practices
for the Classroom, 3rd Edition. Julia Roberts & Tracy Inman, $41.95
Student Diversity: Teaching Strategies to Meet the
Learning Needs of All Students In K-10 Classrooms, 3rd Edition. Faye
Brownlie, Catherine Feniak & Leyton Schnellert, $24.95
Systematic Instruction for Students with Moderate and Severe
Disabilities. Belva Collins, $63.50
Teacher’s Survival Guide: Differentiating Instruction in the
Elementary Classroom, Grades K-5. Julia Link Roberts & Tracy Ford Inman, $27.95
Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in the Regular
Classroom: Ways to Challenge & Motivate Struggling Students to Achieve Proficiency
with Required Standards. Susan Winebrenner, $57.95 (includes CD-ROM)
Teaching Students Thinking Skills and Strategies: a
Framework for Cognitive Education in Inclusive Settings. Dorothy Howie, $43.95
Visual Tools for Differentiating Content Area Instruction,
Grades 3-8. Roger Essley, $24.99
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See also: Inclusive Classrooms

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