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Child Abuse: Resources for Clinicians, Therapists, Social Workers & Law Enforcement
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Casualties of Childhood: a Developmental Perspective
on Sexual Abuse Using Projective Drawings. Bobbie Kaufman & Agnes Wohl,
Against the backdrop of powerful case vignettes and their
accompanying House, Tree, Person and Kinetic Family Drawings, the discussion
focuses primarily on the essential link between childhood sexual abuse and
specific developmental problems. Given that sexual abuse is commonly directed
toward latency-age young people, it is imperative that this connection be given
greater emphasis in the literature. The book represents an important step in
that direction. In sum, the authors bring to life the full dimension of sexual
victimization, its meaning and consequences for the individual, the family, and
by extension, the society. For therapists of all persuasions, it is a
much-needed resource. |
Child Abuse and Culture: Working with
Diverse Families. Lisa Aronson Fontes, $41.95
This expertly written book provides an
accessible framework for culturally competent practice with children and
families in child maltreatment cases. Numerous workable strategies and concrete
examples are presented to help readers address cultural concerns at each stage
of the assessment and intervention process. Professionals and students learn
new ways of thinking about their own cultural viewpoints as they gain critical
skills for maximizing the accuracy of assessments for physical and sexual
abuse; overcoming language barriers in parent and child interviews; respecting
families' values and beliefs while ensuring children's safety; creating a
welcoming agency environment; and more. |
Child Maltreatment: an Introduction, 3rd Edition.
Cindy Miller-Perrin & Robin Perrin, $133.95
Uniquely offering both a psychological and sociological
focus, this core text helps students understand more fully the etiology,
prevalence, treatment, policy issues, and prevention of child maltreatment.
This is an ideal core text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students
studying family violence, child maltreatment, family sociology, child welfare,
and social work in the departments of Psychology, Counseling, Sociology, Social
Work, Criminology, and Education. |
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The Child Survivor: Healing
Developmental Trauma and Dissociation. Joyanna Silberg, $43.95
The Child Survivor is a clinically
rich, comprehensive overview of the treatment of children and adolescents who
have developed dissociative symptoms in response to ongoing developmental
trauma. Joyanna Silberg, a widely respected authority in the field, uses case
examples to illustrate hard-to-manage clinical dilemmas such as children
presenting with rage reactions, amnesia, and dissociative shut-down. These
behaviors are often survival strategies, and in The Child
Survivor practitioners will find practical management tools that are
backed up by recent scientific advances in neurobiology. Clinicians on the
front lines of treatment will come away from the book with an arsenal of
therapeutic techniques that they can put into practice right away, limiting the
need for restrictive hospitalizations or out-of-home placements for their young
clients. |
Children and Young People Whose Behaviour is Sexually
Concerning or Harmful. Jackie Bateman & Judith Milner, $40.95
More than any other challenging behaviour, the sexual
abuse of one child by another generates anxiety, puzzlement and confusion.
Adults confident in dealing with a defiant or delinquent child find their
confidence leaves them when confronted with sexual misbehaviour in a child who
they expect to be asexual.
In this book, Jackie Bateman and Judith Milner
provide an accessible overview of the evidence relating to such problem
behaviours, from inappropriate behaviour to sexual abuse. They go on to propose
research-based effective and creative methods that professionals can use to
develop responsibility-taking and safety in the child, and outline a
strengths-based model for practice. Using the model, the authors show how
behaviour can be managed through the development of safe care plans for the
home and/or school — addressing communication, supervision, and supportive
networks. They also provide guidance for working across a range of settings —
whether directly with families, in schools or with children with learning
This practical guide will be an essential tool for social workers, counsellors,
teachers, nurses and any professional with responsibility for child protection. |
Children's Testimony:
a Handbook of Psychological Research and Forensic Practice, 2nd
Edition. Edited by Michael Lamb, David La Rooy, Lindsay Malloy
& Carmit Katz, $63.95
The second edition of CHILDREN'S
TESTIMONY is a fully up-to-date resource for practitioners and researchers
working in forensic contexts and concerned with children's ability to provide
reliable testimony about abuse. Written for both practitioners and researchers
working in forensic contexts, including investigative interviewers, police
officers, lawyers, judges, expert witnesses, and social workers the book explores
a range of issues involved with children's testimony and their ability to
provide reliable testimony about experienced or witnessed events. |
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Disability and Child Sexual Abuse: Lessons from Survivors’ Narratives for Effective Protection, Prevention and Treatment. Martina Higgins & John Swain, $43.95
Disability and Child Sexual Abuse examines the ways in which society places disabled children in situations of unacceptable risk, and how patterns of service delivery can contribute to the problem.
Through case vignettes and empirical research, the authors ask practitioners to scrutinize their current professional practice, exploring participants' experiences of hospitalization, education systems and local authorities. They consider the issue of who abuses and why, and highlight issues relating to the complexities involved in revisiting past experiences and confronting unwarranted and unwanted feelings of responsibility. The difficulty of recounting the abuse narrative is also examined within the research context. |
Don’t Tell:
the Sexual Abuse of Boys. Michel Dorais, $24.95  First-hand accounts by male victims and insightful analysis and
strategies for coping with sexual abuse. |
The Emotionally Abused and Neglected
Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: a Practice Handbook,
2nd Edition. Dorota Iwaniec $78.99
Emotional abuse and neglect are at the
core of all types of child maltreatment, and have lifelong effects
on the physical and psychological development and well-being of
children. Yet they are considered to be the most difficult to deal
with by those who have the responsibility to protect and intervene
in effective ways. The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child
explores the concept of a damaged child, and looks at the different
types of injury, ranging from active to passive, physical to emotional,
that stop children from reaching their full potential psychologically
and physically. Case studies are provided to illustrate the features
of emotional abuse, and chapters are devoted to the assessment and
prediction of emotional abuse, effects of emotional abuse as the
child grows up, intervention and treatment and working with the
family as a whole. |
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Finding Sunshine
After the Storm: a Workbook That Builds Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem,
and Healthy Boundaries. Sharon McGee & Curtis Holmes,
This workbook for children who have been sexually abused offers
dozens of great activities to help counselors treat children with
this difficult issue. The activities are designed to bolster a child's
self-esteem, keep them safe, promote responsible and healthy choices,
and so much more. These activities can be an important part of every
child's recovery from abuse.
Professional Version, $28.95 - Includes workbook
and a digital copy of workbook on CD-ROM for easy printing.
Game-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Child
Sexual Abuse: an Innovative Treatment Approach. Craig Springer & Justin
Misurell, $90.50
Treating a confirmed or suspected case of childhood
sexual abuse is undoubtedly one of the most challenging situations a clinician
can face. This unique book, written by recognized experts on the evaluation and
treatment of childhood sexual abuse, is the first to disseminate a
comprehensive and integrative approach to treating child sexual abuse that
combines the power of structured play therapy with cognitive-behavioral
treatment. Created by the authors, game-based cognitive-behavioral therapy
(GB-CBT) is a complete therapeutic package containing engaging techniques and
effective strategies to treat the problems experienced by children and families
impacted by sexual abuse.
The book provides the rationale, underlying theory, and
step-by-step instructions for providing GB-CBT to families affected by child
sexual abuse. Detailed descriptions of evidence-based techniques and required
materials are included, along with reproducible game boards, and other items
needed to implement activities. These structured therapeutic games and
role-plays are enjoyable and provide multiple opportunities for children to
learn and rehearse such skills as emotional expression, anger management,
relaxation strategies, social skills, social problem solving, and cognitive
coping. A detailed session framework complete with behavioral expectations and
reward systems, along with illustrative case examples, further demonstrate how
to implement GB-CBT.
Also included are recommendations for effective and
comprehensive assessment procedures. The book describes activities for
individual, conjoint child-caregiver, and group therapy that can be used in a
multitude of therapeutic environments and can be incorporated into clinical
practice across a variety of orientations. Additionally, it includes
information about cultural considerations critical for effective delivery with
diverse populations. The book also contains strategies for training and
educating students and clinicians about GB-CBT. |
Gangs and Girls: Understanding Juvenile
Prostitution. Michel
Dorais & Patrice Corriveau, $19.95 
Gangs and Girls is the first major piece of qualitative
research specifically aimed at understanding and analyzing the
involvement of street gangs in female juvenile prostitution. Organized
around a number of direct central questions, Michel Dorais and
Patrice Corriveau document how street gangs control the lucrative
trade in underage girls.
Rooted firmly in first person testimony,
this research deepens our understanding of juvenile prostitution
by identifying and exploring the types of motivations and circumstances
that lead teenagers into prostitution rings. The ultimate
focus is on prevention: the authors provide essential tools for
parents and those trying to help adolescents in peril, support
and intervention strategies for practitioners, and the tools
and information necessary for policy makers to reflect on and
design innovative social policy. |
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Growing Up with Domestic Violence. Peter Jaffe, David Wolfe & Marcie Campbell, $25.50
Intimate partner violence (IPV) can have
a profound impact on the children — this book shows to recognize these effects
and provide effective clinical interventions and preventive measures.
This compact and easy-to-read text by leading experts shows practitioners and
students how to recognize the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) on
children and youth and to provide effective clinical interventions and
school-based prevention programs.
Exposure to IPV is defined using examples from different ages and developmental
stages. The book describes the effects of exposure to IPV and reviews
epidemiology and etiology. Its main focus is on proven assessment,
intervention, and prevention strategies. Relevant and current theories
regarding the impact of exposure on children and youth are reviewed, and
illustrative real-life case studies from the clinical experiences of the
authors are described. |
Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse:
Identification, Assessment, and Treatment. Edited
by Paris Goodyear-Brown, $83.00
A comprehensive guide to the
identification, assessment, and treatment of child sexual abuse
the most current research with a wealth of clinical experience.
Offering a snapshot of the state of the
field as it stands today, the text explores a variety of issues related to
child sexual abuse, from identification, assessment, and treatment methods to
models for implementation and prevention, including:
- The impact of sexual abuse on the developing
- The potential implications of early sexual
- Navigating the complexities of multidisciplinary
- Forensic interviewing and clinical assessment
- Treatment options for children who have
traumagenic symptoms as a response to their sexual victimization
- Treating children with sexual behavior problems
and adolescents who engage in illegal sexual behavior
- Secondary trauma and vicarious traumatization
- Cultural considerations and prevention efforts
Healing the Incest
Wound, Second Edition: Adult Survivors in Therapy. Christine
Courtois, $52.50
Healing the Incest Wound was a groundbreaking book that put incest studies and treatment on the map. Now, almost 20 years later, this bestselling text is fully updated, offering the most current studies and findings on incest typologies, dynamics, and treatment strategies. Drawing on cutting-edge research on incest and other forms of child abuse, it includes attention to their neurological, attachment, affective, and dissociative sequelae. Courtois — a veteran practitioner and an expert in complex traumatic stress disorders resulting from chronic child abuse — presents a comprehensive revision to this classic treatment manual for therapists. |
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Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and
Mind Control. Alison Miller, $51.95 
task-oriented, instructional manual designed to help therapists provide
effective treatment for survivors of these most extreme forms of child abuse
and mental manipulation. |
Helping Abused and Traumatized Children:
Integrating Directive and Nondirective Approaches. Eliana
Gil, $30.50
Presenting an integrative model for
treating traumatized children, this book combines play, art, and
other expressive therapies with ideas and strategies drawn from
cognitive-behavioral and family therapy. Eliana Gil demonstrates
how to tailor treatment to the needs of each child by using both
directive and nondirective approaches. Throughout, practical clinical
examples illustrate ways to target trauma-related symptomatology
while also helping children process painful feelings and memories
that are difficult to verbalize. The book concludes with four in-depth
cases that bring to life the unique situation of each child and
family, the decision making process of the therapist, and the applications
of developmentally informed, creative, and flexible interventions. |
Helping Children to Tell about Sexual Abuse: Guidance
for Helpers. Rosaleen McElvaney, $26.95
Practical and accessible, this book offers guidance on
how professionals can identify potential abuse cases and create safe
opportunities for children to talk about sexual abuse. The book explores
challenges in facilitating and responding to disclosures of abuse, such as: how
to recognise the signs, ask the right questions and react to a disclosure. It
also draws on research carried out with children who have experienced sexual
abuse, to convey how experiences of disclosure feel to those making them and
what informs a decision to tell or not tell.
Helping Children to Tell About Sexual Abuse will
be suitable for any professional working with a child or young person,
including social workers, psychologists, child/family therapists, health care
workers, school nurses, school counsellors, health visitors, police and youth
workers. |
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Helping Vulnerable Children and Adolescents to Stay
Safe: Creative Ideas and Activities for Building Protective Behaviours. Katie
Wrench, $26.95
Helping vulnerable children and young people to build
protective behaviours is the key to keeping them safe. Full of creative ideas
and activities, this guide provides the tools to help children develop these
key skills. Topics include work around: building resilience and problem solving
skills; identifying a 'safety network'; developing emotional literacy;
awareness of grooming strategies and safe/unsafe touch; and cyber safety. The
range of tried and tested techniques will be sure to engage any child in
thinking about their personal safety, allowing adult carers to have confidence
that their child will be empowered to better identify and avoid harmful
situations and behaviours. Practical and easy to use, this is a valuable
resource for professionals working with vulnerable children and young people,
such as adopted or fostered children and those in residential care, as well as
the parents and carers of these children. |
Horny and Hormonal: Young People, Sex and the
Anxieties of Sexuality. Nick Luxmoore, $29.95
Sex affects everything. It may not be the single most
important thing in a young person's life, but it's always important and a
crucial means by which young people try to understand themselves, whether
they're in sexual relationships, on the brink of sexual relationships or
watching from afar. Yet sex and sexuality are subjects that many adults
(including parents, counsellors, teachers and other professionals) are wary of
talking about with young people.
This book is about helping young people feel less anxious
about sex and sexuality. It's also about helping professionals feel more
confident. Weaving case material with theory and discussion, Nick Luxmoore
describes vividly the dilemmas faced by so many young people and suggests ways
of supporting them effectively at such a crucial and sensitive time in their
lives. |
Interviewing Children about Sexual Abuse:
Controversies and Best Practice. Kathleen Coulborn Faller,
Interviewing Children About Sexual
Abuse covers the entire interview process, showing professionals
how to structure, document, and follow up on children's responses
in interviews; work with children who are very young, have special
needs, or come from diverse backgrounds; use standardized tests
and measures; formulate conclusions about sexual abuse; and defend
those decisions in a courtroom or clinical setting.
Mental health, forensic, and child welfare
professionals will find in this volume a wealth of expert information
that will guide them through the often murky, always emotional process
of interviewing children about sexual abuse.
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Child Exploitation and Pornography: the Internet, Law and Forensic
Science. Monique Ferraro & Eoghan Casey, $99.95
Investigating Child Exploitation and Pornography provides
a history of child exploitation cases and studies, outlining the
roles of technology in this type of crime and the evidence they
can contain, and documenting new research. It details how successful
undercover Internet operations are conducted, how the associated
evidence is collected, and how to use the evidence to locate and
apprehend the offender. The heart of this work is a legal section,
detailing all of the legal issues that arise in Internet child exploitation
cases. A forensic examination section presents evidentiary issues
from a technical perspective and describes how to conduct a forensic
examination of digital evidence gathered in the investigative and
probative stages of a child exploitation case.
The Neglected Child: How to
Recognize, Respond, and Prevent. Ginger Welch,
Laura Wilhelm & Heather Johnson, $19.95
everything educators and caregivers need to know to identify and intervene in
neglectful situations, while also creating a safe, nurturing, and protective
environment for young children. From defining the different types and levels of
severity of neglect to establishing suspicion and reporting neglectful
situations, this book is filled with helpful information from expert psychologists
and educators in the field today.
Each chapter includes a brief quiz to
assess chapter learning and “Notes from the Field” that represent real-life
stories the authors have encountered in their work. The appendices at the end
of the text include reproducible handouts, sample statements for parent
handbooks, self-assessments for teachers, and important contact information to
use when reporting neglect. |
Psychological First Aid for People with Intellectual
Disabilities Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse: a Step-by-Step Programme. Asfke
Scharloo, Simone Ebbers & Martine Spijker, $70.00
People with intellectual disabilities are particularly
vulnerable to sexual abuse, and offering them psychological support at the
earliest possible moment greatly increases their ability to cope with the event
and return to daily life. This book provides a complete, structured,
evidence-based programme for providing this help to survivors of sexual abuse
with developmental disabilities, both adults and children.
Step-by-step session plans, as well as comprehensive
background information and downloadable worksheets, provide the means by which
to offer effective help to clients and recover their feelings of safety and
trust. Sessions are also included for helping parents and caregivers to cope
with their own reactions and emotions on the discovery of the abuse. Each
session is adaptable for the needs of people with severe, moderate and mild
intellectual disabilities in order to provide exceptional care to every
individual who needs it. |
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Psychotherapy of Abused and Neglected Children. 2nd Edition.
John Pearce & Terry Pezzot-Pearce, $48.95
This widely used guidebook and text combines
theory, research, and practical clinical strategies. Provided is
a thoughtful framework for understanding the developmental impact
of maltreatment; assessing the unique needs of each child and family;
building a strong therapeutic relationship; and implementing a variety
of effective interventions. Reflecting significant recent advances
that have occurred in child therapy, the second edition gives greater
emphasis to empirically supported treatments. It also features many
new clinical illustrations; the latest knowledge on attachment disorders,
posttraumatic stress disorder, and sexual behavior problems; expanded
coverage of culturally sensitive assessment, and more.
Real Life Heroes Life Storybook, 3rd Edition.
Richard Kagan, $41.90
Real Life Heroes Life Storybook, 3rd Edition is a
resourceful tool for children with traumatic stress. The resiliency-centered
format and structure of the volume is coupled with treatment and sessions
outlined in the Real Life Heroes Toolkit for Treating Traumatic Stress in
Children and Families. This updated edition uses a creative arts approach,
encouraging children to work with dependable adults to develop autobiographies
through a wide range of activities, including drawings, music, movies, and
narrative. By helping children feel protection from adversity and stressors
that exist in everyday life, this workbook gives children a sense of value that
can promote transformation of troubled children from victims into tomorrow's
heroes. |
Real Life Heroes Toolkit for Treating Traumatic Stress
in Children and Families, 2nd Edition. Richard Kagan, $89.45
Real Life Heroes: Toolkit for Treating Traumatic
Stress in Children and Families, Second Edition is an organized and
easy-to-use reference for practitioners providing therapy to children and
caregivers with traumatic stress. This step-by-step guide is an accompanying
text to the workbook Real Life Heroes: A Life Story Book for Children, Third
Edition and provides professionals with structured tools for helping
children to reintegrate painful memories and to foster healing from traumatic
experiences. The book is a go-to resource for practitioners in child and family
service agencies and treatment centers to implement trauma-informed,
resiliency-centered and evidence-supported services for children with traumatic
stress. |
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Recognizing and Helping the Neglected
Child: Evidence-Based Practice for Assessment and Intervention. Brigid Daniel, Julie Taylor & Jane Daniel, $31.95
Neglect is the most common form of child
abuse, but recognizing the signs, assessing the family's and the child's needs,
and undertaking intervention can be difficult and complicated.
This book outlines how neglect can be
recognized, examining the signs that parents give to signal their need for
help, and the signs that a child's needs are not being met. It then covers how
practitioners should respond, including assessment, planning, and appropriate
interventions. The authors examine whether practitioners are well-equipped to
recognize child neglect, and whether professional responses to help could be
swifter. Finally, the prevention of child neglect is considered, and a proposal
for a public health approach and early intervention is outlined. The book
includes case studies and makes recommendations for policy and practice.
This book will be vital for all those
likely to encounter child neglect, including child and family social workers,
health visitors, teachers with safeguarding responsibilities, nursery staff,
and educational psychologists. |
Safeguarding Children
from Emotional Maltreatment: What Works. Jane Barlow &
Anita Schrader McMillan, $33.95
Emotional maltreatment is widespread and has a profoundly harmful effect on a child's development. The effects of abuse are often carried into adulthood, and emotionally abused children are more likely to experience a range of problems as adults including depression, substance misuse and eating disorders. This book sets out to identify 'what works' in preventing emotional maltreatment from recurring.
Since most emotional maltreatment takes place within the family home, involves the primary care-giver and reflects ongoing patterns of damaging parent-child interaction rather than isolated incidents, interventions directly targeting parent-child interactions are highlighted. The authors explore the available treatments, identifying which approaches work, who they work with and the limitations of each. Conclusions and recommendations based on the key findings are presented, including implications for practice and over-arching issues to be addressed.
Safeguarding Children from Emotional Maltreatment is essential reading for all practitioners working in the field of emotional abuse and neglect, including social workers, health visitors, community pediatricians and psychologists. |
Safeguarding Children Living with
Trauma and Family Violence. Arnon
Bentovim, Antony Cox, Liza Bingley Miller & Stephen Pizzey,
Offering a systematic approach to evidence-based assessment
and planning for children living with trauma and family violence,
this practical book shows how to assess and analyze the needs
of the child, make specialist assessments where there are continuing
safeguarding concerns and plan effective child-centered and outcome-focused
interventions. |
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The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls: a Guide to
Recovery from Sexual Assault and Abuse. Raychelle Cassada Lohmann &
Sheela Raja, $24.95
If you’ve been sexually abused or experienced sexual trauma,
you may feel confused, angry, ashamed, and unable to move forward emotionally.
You're not alone. Like many teens who’ve been abused, you may be tempted to
keep the secret locked deep inside and feel uncomfortable discussing your
struggles with others. If so, this book can help you find your voice.
This empowering workbook will help you move past your
trauma and serve as a comforting reminder that you are strong and resilient.
Healing is possible — and with healing, comes victory. In this book, you’ll find
true stories from other teen survivors, and in reading the stories you’ll find
reassurance in knowing you aren’t alone in your experiences. You’ll also find
practical and proven-effective strategies and exercises to help promote
emotional healing and reclaim your sense of self. Sexual abuse or trauma may be
a part of your past, but it doesn’t need to define who you are now. This book
will help you as you start on the path toward healing so you can move forward
with confidence. |
Shattered Lives:
Children Who Live with Courage and Dignity. Camila Batmanghelidjh,
Shattered Lives bears witness
to the lives of children who have experienced abuse and neglect,
and highlights the effects of early traumatic episodes. Chapters
take the form of letters to a child capturing their life experiences,
hugely impacted by sexual abuse, parental substance misuse and loss,
leading to feelings of shame, rejection and worthlessness. Batmanghelidjh
offers understanding for those baffled by these hard-to-reach children
and warns against stigmatizing them for their problem behaviour.
In her critique of existing structures, she exposes the plight of
children who are overlooked by the authorities and denounces those
who value bureaucracy over the welfare of the individual child.
Society’s failure to acknowledge the truth of their experiences
and act to change the environment in which such mistreatment can
flourish is, she strongly argues, leading to the death of childhood.
The book is a clarion call for change. |
Sibling Abuse Trauma: Assessment and
Intervention Strategies for Children, Families, and Adults, 2nd Edition. John Caffaro, $61.95
This book describes an integrative,
strengths-based approach to individual and family psychotherapy guided by the
effects of abuse trauma on the development of sibling relationships. It fills a
void in the training and education of family violence professionals and
validates sibling experiences as an important part of human development. The
second edition has been revised and updated to reflect more than 15 years of
advances in the child maltreatment field. Current essential information on
sibling development is provided to clarify the context in which sibling
relationships unfold, and research on sibling relationships throughout the life
course is incorporated into a clinical approach for treating victims and
This edition focuses primarily on assessment
and treatment. Rather than choosing to concentrate solely on sibling sexual
abuse or assault, the book applies a more inclusive, integrative approach to
the study of sibling abuse trauma. The clinical material and experiences
portrayed take a trauma-informed systemic orientation and represent children,
families, and adults who may not have been described adequately elsewhere.
Concrete illustrations and extended session transcripts demonstrate therapeutic
principles in action. Whether you incorporate these findings into your clinical
practice or become inspired to conduct your own research, SIBLING ABUSE
TRAUMA will improve your understanding of how to treat and evaluate
individuals and families with sibling abuse-related concerns. |
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Tell Me What
Happened: Structured Investigative Interviews of Child Victims and
Witnesses. Michael Lamb, Irit Hershkowitz, Yael Orbach
& Phillip Esplin, $81.95
Investigation of child abuse is often
hampered by doubts about the reliability of children as only sources
of information. Over the last decade, consensus has been reached
about children's limitations and competencies. This book summarizes
key research on children's memory, communicative skills and social
tendencies, describes how it can be incorporated into a specific
structured interview technique and protocol. |
The Truth is Longer Than a Lie: Children's
Experiences of Abuse and Professional Interventions. Neerosh
Mudaly & Chris Goddard, $35.95
The Truth is Longer Than a Lie reveals what young victims have to say about abuse and its effects
on their lives; their views on the reasons for abuse; their opinions
of abusers and non-offending parents; and how they felt about disclosing
their experiences. Significantly, this book provides important insights
into children’s perceptions of the professionals who intervened
— to protect them, to prosecute the abuser or to provide therapeutic
counselling. The Truth is Longer Than a Lie is invaluable
reading for social workers, child protection workers, counsellors,
legal professionals and anyone working with abused children. |
Working with Children with Sexual
Behavior Problems. Eliana Gil & Jennifer Shaw,
Based on extensive clinical experience,
this book provides authoritative guidance and practical tools in a challenging
area for child mental health professionals. The authors explain the many
possible causes of problem sexual behaviors and demonstrate assessment and
treatment procedures that have been shown to work with 4- to 11-year-olds and
their families. Four chapter-length case examples illustrate how to integrate
elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy, play and expressive therapies, and
family-based approaches. |
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The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment.
John Briere et al, editors $91.95
Casualties of Childhood: a Developmental Perspective
on Sexual Abuse Using Projective Drawings. Bobbie Kaufman & Agnes Wohl,
Child Abuse and Culture: Working with
Diverse Families. Lisa Aronson Fontes, $27.50
Child Maltreatment: an Introduction, 3rd Edition.
Cindy Miller-Perrin & Robin Perrin, $133.95
The Child Survivor: Healing Developmental
Trauma and Dissociation. Joyanna Silberg, $43.95
Childhood Victimization: Violence, Crime
and Abuse in the Lives of Young People. David Finkelhor, $38.95
Children as Victims, Witnesses and Offenders:
Psychological Science and the Law. Bette Bottoms, et al, $54.50
Children in Therapy: Using the Family as a
Resource. C. Everett Bailey, editor, $29.00
Children and Young People Whose Behaviour is Sexually
Concerning or Harmful. Jackie Bateman & Judith Milner, $40.95
Children's Testimony: a Handbook of
Psychological Research and Forensic Practice, 2nd Edition. Edited by Michael
Lamb, David La Rooy, Lindsay Malloy & Carmit Katz, $63.95
Combating Violence & Abuse of People
with Disabilities: a Call to Action. Nancy Fitzsimmons, $46.95
Creative Interventions for Troubled
Children & Youth. Liana Lowenstein, $26.95
Disability and Child Sexual Abuse: Lessons
from Survivors' Narratives for Effective Protection, Prevention and Treatment.
Martina Higgins & John Swain, $43.95
Don’t Tell: the Sexual Abuse of
Boys. Michel Dorais, $24.95
The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child:
Identification, Assessment and Intervention. Dorota Iwaniec $78.99
The Evaluation of Child Sexual Abuse
Allegations: a Comprehensive Guide to Assessment and Testimony. Kathleen
Kuehnle & Mary Connell, Editors, $116.00
Finding Sunshine After the Storm: a
Workbook That Builds Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Healthy Boundaries.
Sharon McGee & Curtis Holmes, $21.95
Game-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Child
Sexual Abuse: an Innovative Treatment Approach. Craig Springer & Justin
Misurell, $90.50
Gangs and Girls: Understanding Juvenile
Prostitution. Michel Dorais & Patrice Corriveau, $19.95
Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse:
Identification, Assessment, and Treatment. Edited by Paris Goodyear-Brown,
Healing the Incest Wound, 2nd Edition:
Adult Survivors in Therapy. Christine Courtois, $52.50
The Healing Power of Play: Working with
Abused Children. Eliana Gil, $34.50
Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual
Abuse and Mind Control. Alison Miller, $51.95
Helping Abused and Traumatized Children:
Integrating Directive and Nondirective Approaches. Eliana Gil, $30.50
Helping Children to Tell about Sexual Abuse: Guidance
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